Wednesday, January 28, 2015

How to Improve GTA V

I'm on a teeter totter right now in regards to what I think will happen with the future of GTA.

All I do know is that GTA V is a true masterpiece of gaming. There is nothing that can possibly top what they've done with GTA V. It's a jack of all trades and that's what is monumental about it. There's no limit to the type of game this GTA can transform into in the future. I mean once you get through the single player aspect, the Online portion has unlimited potential. Right now today, R could change the online game into whatever comes out their ass and that's awesome as fuck. I mean I always played GTA and wished I could change things or make things my way and maybe some day that will happen. Mabye in GTA 6 they'll give the game to the player and say do whatever YOU want with it. And I think that's going to really be the future for GTA. Removing the game from the hands of the maker and giving it to the users, so they can then transform it into their own GTA. I know that's what tony hawk was attempting to do as I played the second game and created my own skate parks. I knew they were attempting to give the game to the player to mold their own making.

What it is now is a preview of the future of gaming. No longer will we be limited to single player gaming. It's going to be a massive online multiplayer action fest with full scale warfare between teams and clans online.

What I'm envisioning right now is something even more in depth. I mean have us able to increase muscle and get hungry and buy food to build up our strength and muscle mass. Bring back the Gym from GTA SA. There's gyms on the beach but you can't use it to increase your strength and stamina. WTF. That would be a huge aspect of the game if they included real useable gyms, but they said, just run around all day and get stronger doing that...

Also bring in one of the GTA IV mods, the fuel mod. I'm serious. It's long overdue. I used to play games on PS1 that had cars that you had to refuel from time to time to keep them going. Why they haven't included this in GTA by now makes no sense. Apparently these cars are nuclear powered?

That'd be fucked up if you had to watch your fuel gage during game play, just saying. It'd add another element of challenge.

Lastly bring in MOTHERFUCKING BASKETBALL. Why the hell did they include basketball in GTA SA and never bring it back for the more black-oriented GTA V which is the second time R has catered to its majority black audience by making the game all hoodish etc.

Just saying. basically put in basketball mini-games and maybe full online basketball matches and you'd see some serious shit, son...

That's all I can think about them improving. I know they have Heists coming out soon which will be badass. I'm all about that. What I'm hoping for is that they give us a REASON to do the heists, like give us new stuff to buy which costs 5 mil or something and the only way to get it is to win heists. 

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