Monday, July 12, 2010

Times get tough

can't quit masterbating no matter how hard i try. its like even if i stay off it for a week, i might wake up and be so horny that i get going and just cant stop myself since it feels so good, like you don't even fear death... speaking of which, i got my hand briefly caught in a belt loader at my job the other day, my last day of work for the week, now of course i pulled it out quickly thank God, but what if i didn't, shit was moving fast, it would have definitely taken my arm off or broke it before i could stop the belt myself. that's the problem with being so sexually frustrated, you don't have all your head on straight to be totally alert. shit, though, thats life. one minute you're here, next, you're not. seize the day and all that.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

the last airbender

downloaded it since everyone online says its crap. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU IDIOTS SMOKING. get your heads out of your asses. kids will eat this up, and if you're like me and watched the show religiously back in the good ol days and saw every episode warts and all, ycou'll love it for its breezy reverence of the source material but not anally pounding it from frame to frame because guess what, the original toon wasn't perfect either.

b- all around, solid first effort, looking forward to book two. bunch of dipshits online, fuck em.

Monday, July 5, 2010

bought a car

honda civic 89 for 700 bucks, probably worth 300 considering all its its problems needing repair, but I don't care. I have a car now and i'll use my earnings from this job to fix it up, need to go to home depot to get some stuff for the interior, maybe tomorrow, then when i get a better job get it insured and drive it to work or whatever. it's a first step into a larger world as obiwan would say... saw this cute indian girl at the bank today, massive tits, i couldn't stop thinking about touching them while she was saying some words about credit cards or whatever... wow, you really think i give a damn about credit cards bitch? god damn, bunch of bank drones looking to get young guys signed up for shit these days.

well whatever. the mission is completed... good piece of machine i think, just needs to be fixed up some and it'll run well enough. i'll use it to begin studying cars and how they work since that's like a life long necessity these days. guy that sold it to me, seemed very honest, and was kind enough to help me drive it back to my house today taking time away from his adorable son. bah, kids, i don't even want to think about that right now. I don't want no daughter, EVER. a boy i can raise for sure, a girl would scare the living hell out of me.

never mind that. gotta get the ball rolling on making money... the thing is, that i work at jfk, so i see tsa agents everywhere. their job is a simple one, check bags to make sure they're within tsa regulations, scan them, that's it, they don't have to do anything more than security stuff like that, no guns, no heavy lifting... and on the website they got openings, so there's a little door open there. granted, i already have a job, and i make at least 200 a week, 800 a month so getting the car insured now isn't impossible, it's just i don't have the money for such a thing as yet. that's my whole check really... all to pay for some insurance. it's a gamble. i get it insured, sure, then i can drive instead of take the bus to work, which would be great for me, but then i have no money anyway for anything else.

tough decisions to make here, no matter though, I'll have to build a thicker hide here and try to find a better job while still working at shitport.