Sunday, February 26, 2012

Douche Bag

I think I finally know what that word means. It's some kind of cleaning device for a woman's pussy. So it's nicer to eat out? I don't know... but this dude I work with now is absolutely embodying the words douche bag as they're most commonly used on the streets, homie.

Firstly, let me say that he just annoys me, not a deal breaker or a bad enough fucker for me to seek another job. No. I've been through worse. But I'd very much prefer not to have to live with this guy's bullshit.

He's the classic attention seeking bully, motivated purely by his emotions at the moment, doesn't have the self-awareness to see beyond his own egotistical desires for people's respect because he's a slightly higher rank at the job.

There's two ways to deal with this personality, take away what they want which is your full attention, or make it unpleasant for them to bully you in order to get it.

I'm trying to avoid the latter but if it comes down to that I'm not afraid to tell him to go fuck himself. I'm glad I'm not a super nice guy or this kind of shit would never end. The thing is though, that he wants a fight with me. It'll make him feel tough which is something he's insecure about probably because an alpha male put him in his place years ago and he yearns for someone to step on to make himself feel less asshurt. It's so unbelievably fucked up... I hope he dies in a car crash.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Goodness matters

A hopeful posting. I was thinking about work and all the shit I've been through there. It's just funny how this could be my reward for focusing on school over boobies. All I've seen since then is that the idiots rule the work world and the good guys are crapped on no matter where you go. Does being good even matter? Does staying out of trouble and playing by the rules in life actually pay off? I have to believe it does or what kind of life is this...

Friday, February 17, 2012


read an article on cnn, biased right wing garbage but that's another post, about the tsa allegedly sexually harassing women, pretty ones anyway, fuck you if you're a fatty.

Well what can I say since I work for them. TSA does have its retards but it's all pretty cut and dry process that you either do correctly or you could be fired on the spot by your manager so how any of the hound dogs working there can possibly get away with something is kinda a mystery. People have stolen money and the camera caught them and they were fired. If you ever go through a checkpoint, there's like fifty cameras in the ceiling because not only are they watching the travelers but the employees in case they do something stupid.

Much like an airline, tsa doesn't hire people unless they believe them to have enough integrity not to cause harm to a very serious business like airlines. Drugs is the number one reason people don't get through to being employed. Another is that they have to have finished high school, which isn't as easy as some think it might be. And ultimately you need a clean background with no credit problems. These criteria effectively weed out people who aren't fundamentally trustworthy to be given responsibility over the safety of the traveling public.

And for what it is, it actually works, the guys I work with are intelligent, good, honest, morally upstanding individuals who are good at what they do and pleasant to work beside, and play by the rules they are given because they're at a good place in life. Ya gotta be completely nuts to toss that down the drain.

It's only at bottom feeding jobs like ramp ops that you'll get a lot of bad behavior because those guys know nobody wants to do the job and can get away with treating people like shit. And it's mostly blacks working those jobs and typically blacks hate black people MORE than white people do, I guess because they want to feel some sense of superiority so they go nuts on other blacks. One thing I couldn't stand. If I wasn't being accused of being a fag and being harassed for that, it was because I was black and who gives a fuck if you piss on a black guy...

But back to the topic, TSA works. We are charged with searching every single bag brought onto aircraft. It's a crazy amount of work, but we have found stuff. Knives, and in one case some idiot put bleach and ammonia in their luggage and my coworker found that in their bag and had to have that bag stay behind from the flight.

I wonder if it matters to defend the tsa and what they're here to do to protect people. I honestly didn't care much for them either until I saw how effective their methods were of actually discovering potential dangers. All I do know is that we must have something in place to prevent anarchy no matter the cost and I'm glad for it...

Friday, February 10, 2012

Reviewing my life

I'm remembering something now for some reason. Over and over again I've been going over in my mind the behaviors in people I've encountered. That's the trouble with having a good memory. Sure I can almost picture situations I've been in or things I've seen, but also vividly recall all the bad moments. I can't get them out of my mind and they sting only because I can't figure out how to overcome them. I think to myself, just forget about it, but you can't. It has to end some time one way or another.

One of them is the time I was hit by the car and the way I reacted to it in view of the driver's little daughter. I've never been in such a position before, acting as a man in front of children. I was dazed and didn't know whether to get angry or beg for forgiveness, or whether she was a kkk member or whatever... it ended as good as it could have. I just got up and walked away and I'm quite sure the whole thing has been forgotten by the girl by now as life tends to take priority over minor incidents. Even after that, still I feel bitter about my status in life as a black guy always having to disprove any stereotypes placed upon me. And I have to be careful not to stir shit up with white people everywhere I go. Which is hard because I'm not perfect, and still fuck up all the time despite knowing better. sigh... it's so exausting... Most interesting woman, to be so caring for someone she doesn't know or potentially gave her daughter a fright... why... who could do that? Why can't I be that way too? Why do I still give in to my immature desires like some stupid child... I know how grown people are supposed to operate. it's hard to be a man when everyone still views you as a kid that's for sure...

Anyway one good new development is I've met a girl at work who's gorgeous, and she's cool, and I don't know... if she wanted it I'd hit it, but I'm not crazy. No way I could get a girl like her... nice to be on a pretty girl's good side though. I just know I'm not getting that pussy and I have to live with that. But can't say I'm not happy to have stayed out of serious trouble and played by the rules. Maybe it payed off... maybe i've achieved something...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I don't need to get into it having read imdb boars about chronicle. It's akira meets cloverfield. I guess some stupid kids will see it as original and that's their business or whatever so enjoy it. I kinda didn't like how utterly unoriginal the idea was. I enjoyed the fx though and it's identifiable how the nerdy kid goes berserk on everybody. that's the most interesting thing about the movie is how bleak it is about people and doesn't try to give us a disney-fication of reality. People are shit, is basically what the movie says and is why tetsuo boy goes nuts on the world with his powers. one wonders if the director was just unleashing his fury on all the assholes he's met in life. I'm not going to say tetsuo-boy was even wrong for going on a rampage. Maybe morbidly the film is justifying his actions in a not so family friendly flowers and happiness message to the world that if you get shot up in school, just maybe you shouldn't have fucked with that kid.

Can't say I disagree.

the duality of the princess mentality

Before I get to chronicle, let us discuss the complexities of the female mind shall we... I believe there are different types of girls. There's the Alpha queen, the princess, and then the regular average ones that don't make a big fuss over everything, more velma than daphne if you get me. So here we go...

As I've traveled throughout the US and generally to work and around I've met so many kinds of bitches. The princess is most interesting though. Queens are those girls who are still femine but display more masculine traits, forget about them for a minute. They're easy to spot, loud, usually pretty good looking with massive tits, one of their most defining attributes. They're very smart very tough, and think they deserve everything.

Princesses are a little less straight forward. They can go 2 ways, hence the duality. There's the pampered princess and the nice girl princess. Princess implies complete lack of masculinity. These are girls who are still actual girls and not some new modern quasi lezbo we keep getting down the pipe these days. I've met a lot of these. The second kind being better than the first. They're very demure, yet the first kind will be slicker and try to be more manipulative with her beauty to get away with things.

As girls go most seek passive means to achieve their goals. This is the princess' forte. She always falls back on her cuteness even if she's not weak in other ways.

I find that the princess is harder to deal with than regular girls. They're usually pretty, they know they have a lot of value, they're most often intelligent though they don't have to be, their looks are enough to afford them a free ride in life, but unlike the queen they're more loyal to men because they're not looking for a fight but to be taken care of and treated like a beautiful princess. So they're much more desirable than queens who generally end up with alphas who themselves are looking for a woman who's more challenging.

The hallmark of the nice or good girl princess is her humility and passion for males. Despite her beauty she's very much a woman who is appreciative of male companionship and not trying to jeopardize it like a lot of other girls would. Most girls in tv shows and movies are either pampered princesses or butch lesbo queens who try to beat down men. Girls these days are unfortunately being taught wrong about their role as supportive nurturing caring wife being against their nature when it isn't. It's perfectly acceptable and in fact best if girls be girls and boys be boys. To deny this is stupid as hell.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Shoop Da Woop

Saw redtails. Been thinking about it... it's better than I thought it was going to be. It's not a schmaltzy glossy rose tinted look at the tuskegee airmen although it does glorify them, it does so through the characters themselves rather than from a historical retrospective like the military itself does to make itself look good. I liked the scenes showcasing the racism raw and unfiltered. It's still true today, hell I lived it. Good to see they actually put it out there. The rest of the movie treats the airmen as flawed people with complex personalities who are ultimately trying to gain respect for their efforts. They get it of course, but that didn't matter in the end, they became a family that stayed together and fought together.

The military's the military and their MO is that they don't change. Change is deadly as any kind of hair out of place can mean the mission fails or whatever. So there's a point to the racism as much I wish there wasn't, it keeps things simple I suppose. There's a hint in the film that there's an understanding about it, in order for unit cohesion or whatever they don't mix, but the smarter members of the forces know how idiotic the whole thing is, just a necessary evil.

The movie's a bit sensationalized like a fantasy story, not the most gritty realistic war movie ever made. It didn't necessarily need to be imo. And I think it counters the more serious aspects of the film. It's basically the black top gun. My guess is they did it this way to make it more palatable to the majority white audience if they made the redtails a little less threatening and more cartoony.

Sitting there watching a black guy kissing and rubbing a white woman amongst a bunch of white people at my theater was strangley awkward. Needless to say this movie's going to bomb harder than anything dropped in the war. But it's good so I guess that's what the movie was trying to say. Ya can't win, but you can go out in style...

I'll discuss chronicles next.