Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Laura with the fat ass

All day I've been thinking about two of my coworkers, gottdayum as she somethin... Shit am I glad I got this job now.

One dude says she's a mix of dominican and hatian and that's why she has a such a freakish body, like mad skinny but with a big juicy ass.

We were forced to work together one night. I didn't know what to do, yo. I was so nervous but I kept my chill ya know, and she was kind of shy I guess. I don't know... people say she's very quiet, which is weird ya know because she's gorgeous so I don't get that...

Never in my life has a good looking girl been an introverted personality.

So there's her and then there's Chao, an asian spanish girl who looks like some 17 year old at whatever age she is. Damn asian blood don't age. She's like my mirror image if I had tits personality wise. I swear. I like her loads but she's way out of my league. Not even going to try pounding that ass even though she was flirty with me.

Girls need to realize that we 20-something guys don't have shit to offer so they shouldn't waste their time... but damn I can dream...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I'm currently employed by the federal government with the TSA. It's a tough job, demands a lot of quick thinking and creativity. You're literally in the public eye on a daily basis. And every day some traveler goes crazy and you have to reason with them or tell them to go fuck off.

Do I like the job? Yes I do actually... I love making the kids smile. I enjoy helping people. I definitely love seeing girls come through with their titties on display or whatever... And I'm working less hard than I did at delta and swissport.

I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life so far I must say...

But this isn't the last thing I plan to do. I currently have intentions of becoming an FBI agent. I feel like I can do some good in there and it just seems like something I'm best suited for, or destined for...

That position demands a mind that is intensely wise rather than rash or impulsive. I felt bored by the garbage I was being sold in college. The military was interesting and their methods as barbaric as they are, quite clever, but ultimately pointless and driven by incredibly childish ideology.

I yearn for a life that allows me to be myself for once, someone who's not being treated like a little insignificant dime a dozen worker bee... In time, perhaps.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

White Power

An interesting topic, very intriguing. What is it about white people that is so much better than all the rest of the races? Is it my white side that gives me any kind of special abilities?

Race has always been irrelevant to me. I looked in the mirror and saw a person of multiple origins, so I didn't feel loyal to anyone....

Now though, it's so much more clear how the world is. White people have a deeply ingrained hatred of lower races. I know I'm generalizing, but fuck that shit, it's just true.

Does that matter to me? Yes, it does... I wonder if I'm supposed to bust my ass to disprove stereotypes or just be my dumbass self and not worry about it.

Then there's fags who make racism seem retarded. But it'll never die. Was online playing call of duty and some jackass kkk guy comes in talking about hating niggers this and hating niggers that, I felt angry and wanted to say something, but I know it wouldn't make a difference. He's not going to give a shit. And funnily enough the more I hear from him about his life on there, he's a cool guy, works on cars or whatever, gives advice to his buddies on fixing them, even saved my ass in battle. Wtf with the racism. I don't know...

People are complicated. It's interesting. I work around a shit ton of white people. More than I ever went to school with, that's for sure. I do feel like I'm walking on egg shells with them, man. Might just piss them off and disappear the next day, who's gonna care. No, I mean I check out the white girls who come through the check point wearing next to nothing and they be mad flirty and shit, and I like it. This then leads to the question of whether there could be more than that between me and some white girl. I guess so...

I dunno what it is, but we get along really fine. I'm not an alien to them. Although they appear as goddesses from the stars in my eyes. Stunning bitches. I suppose the fact that they're waiting on some alpha male to snatch them up is a factor in them not thinking they're all that. And perhaps the prevalence of interracial porn has made people of various races more comforatable with each other. the internet truly is a powerful uniter in that regard.

Although it's not all good. I got shoved not once but twice by white women back when I was working at JFK. Treated me like a dog. I find this odd because something tells me I'll probably end up with a white girl. I don't know what it is, but I can't see myself doing anything less. It just makes sense to me genetically to diversify as much as possible rather than be stagnated as the same old shit again and again.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

John Avatarter

Saw John Carter.

Took me back to when I saw The Time Machine back in the day.

It's not bad, your kids will enjoy it. But it's not that interesting, nor gives the characters time to develop much depth. It plays out like a number of hollow saturday morning cartoons that are interesting for what they are but not meant to really be thought about much afterwards. I grew bored with the other characters besides Carter himself who was very interesting, but the movie DOESN'T DO ANYTHING WITH HIM or his tragic backstory. He seems to not have any real issues because of it. So weird.

Flash Gordon with a 250 million dollar budget. And no queen song. I kept thinking, this motherfucker would be so much better with some FLASH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH. instead of the Lost Soundtrack it has for a score. Shit was good when it tried to sound like a weird bizarre scifi adventure then it went back to being Lost episode. Gayness.

But it doesn't deserve to bomb like it did. It's not a dumb movie. Nor is it as bad as most of the crap we get these days. It just doesn't quite peak as well as it should have.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Just at work

I feel like i've earned it, this job. I've struggled so hard. Some of these guys here act like this job's the shit though, true success, to them it is I suppose... Not to me. Shit, this racism thing's so annoying. I'm certainly glad to making a whole wonderful 15 buckaroos an hour at this job, but it's not real serious money and this isn't a great career, I'm still lifting luggage. Wow, how awesome I am. But because I'm a black guy, I should be greatful for what little I'm given and not complain. Suck my dick.

strange, bitches with bachelors and one girl working on her masters, taking this piece of shit job, really...

Good for you. You'll be back in the kitchen by 30. So shut the fuck up already about how smart you are.

I could have a bachelors. I chose not to get one. It would have been too easy.

Especially at that diploma mil, used to pump out affirmative action hires for corporate. You think I'm stupid? I'd rather die than be some pawn in that scheme.

Naw, just going to work on my pilots license, soon enough get back to working for Delta again this time laughing at all the shitheads lifting luggage all day. Sorry for being concieted but if half of them didn't treat me like crap, I wouldn't feel this way. So have fun shoveling tons of shit ya retards.

John Carter bizzzzzzombed. Shit... that's nuts man. I thought it'd do alright. Looked really boring though and by the numbers action adventure movie. I guess that didn't help it. I mean really, what stood out about it?? Looked like every other fantasy adventure movie we've been getting for years now. Having the main hero be so bland didn't help it either. He's what we call a cookie cutter character. You just need to cut out a new one every time you want to use him, wash rinse repeat.

I'm still going to go see it though. It's awful lame though just going to the movies by myself. I can't stand it. I can see pretty young girls every day but I can't jus grab their titties or anything even though I want to.

FUCK MY LIFE... no, I mean it's just sucky a bit. I'm grateful to be healthy and employed... but damn...

I'm getting sick of this

There's a new problem cropping up constantly in the work place that I've read about on several male-oriented sites, the issue being that girls, young ones anyway, flopping around at work being flirty and cute and bitchy at the same time resulting in tons of confusion. On top of that, as I've experienced several times, when a girl screws up on the job, she just plays cute about it and tries to get away with it, whereas if a man does something stupid the girl bitches about it like it's super serious.

It's crazy.

They go to college or wherever and they learn there to be corporate assholes to everybody, so when they get to work, they constantly nag your ass as if they're going to get an A+ for it. First of all, no you're not. Second, I don't care about you or your cries for attention. I'm just looking for some quick easy money, which is all this job is. Third, you don't even know what working hard is or what being a man is, so don't even begin to talk down to me as if I'm your bitch.

But it's not going to make a difference. They'll keep pushing your buttons until you snap and toss them into traffic and then they'll finally wake up.

What can a nigga do when face with a crazy psycho bitch at work? I try to ignore them, but then she used that against me, oh hey I'm talking to you etc... what the fuck.

I honestly don't know. All i do know is that I'm not going to play games. I'm just going to do the job and get the fuck out of there and go home. Simple as that.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Go to college or die Nigga

So I'm sitting on the train going to work and these fucking high school fucks come in and sit down and start eating their vending machine shit and talking about some stupid crap. One of them some nerdy steve urkel nigga was like "I'm taking college courses already, blarp blarp trigonometry bloop bloop." Faggot.

I then started thinking about how utterly brainwashed the school system's made these guys. They were completely blindly trusting the system to give them what they wanted as long as they played along like good obedient soldiers. Let me tell you guys the truth if any of you are reading this shit. You are being lied to. The system exists to keep you out of the way so that when the time comes, you'll be nothing more than a wage-slave working extremely hard for next to nothing in return. Your boss won't care about how smart you are. And most likely neither will any girl you try to show off your big bucks to because all these american girls care about is your money.

I'm not your dad or anything but I am one of the few black males in this world who cares about young black boys. And I'm here to help.

If you're being told shut up and go to college or die, don't go. You're just going to be fucked over by a bunch of femnazi women in high level positions in those shit holes. Do what you feel is right.

Right now I'm on my way to owning a condo. I'm thinking about what kind of girl I want. How we're going to take care of my stupid ass daughter. Because I decided to teach myself how to survive. How the world is for men, which is pretty fucking bad honestly but it's about balancing the good and bad aspects of it. Sure you're nothing more than meat to these jobs, but they still need you, so use that...

I say get a job. Fact is, yes a degree is a quicker way to earning more money than the next to zero dollars you get with your hs diploma, but these jobs will go for a guy who's got the experience of working FIRST because he's not new to the flow of the shitty work world. Work isn't like school at all, and that's a big reason they review your work history at almost every job. Like, they simply want to know if you've got experience doing the job at all so that they don't have to put too much effort into training you.

Work. Work. And Work some more. Get to know how to deal with crunch time, various types of people, working cashiers, dealing with money, understanding the seriousness of a job, the responsibility... work... learn to save money, pay bills, live, get pussy. Then if you want to, go to college. It's that simple kids.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

my new shit

Did this at work while bored for a friend I work with. It's the story of the sword of athena, powerful magic sword used by my character ronda in the end of her series. I developed a whole back story to the origin of the sword itself which was wielded by a character named Baxter descendant of the Baxter Warrior Clan in the magical world of TZone X where he encountered all kinds of shit.

Here's Ronda as I recently have drawn her in my reboot of her whole story which I'm slowly getting around to completing. Really x-rated shit son.


Something I'm thinking about now. I'm much wiser now after experiencing the superman war... Firstly that spending years on something as insignificant as a comic book movie is stupid, but also that there are people in this world who will stop at nothing to win a petty argument over said insignificant topics.

It was like this... one side argued singer's movie would be fantastic, no problems, bestest supey eva and they'd insult and belittle you if you said otherwise... yeah real superman-like... the other side actually started off pretty level headed and just claimed to be open to it not living up their expectations to stay true to the comics or whatever the fuck. So this dude named Buggs or whatever was one of the latter, saying it was being made wrong. But the singer supporters slammed his views left and right. So when the movie came out, and it was obviously not all that, the dude shitted all over the movie for YEARS.

I'm still in awe of how incredibly psychotic that action was. I know when I was like 14 I kinda got too into bashing the star wars prequels, but as of now I totally get that a kid doesn't care about what I care about. And it's because I have that child-like appreciation for comics and shit that I don't care about forcing my opinion down other's throats. So sad really but a good lesson learned ya know...

And it's why I don't get hung up on anything anymore. I'm above that mentality and that shit is just childish garbage. Let children lose their goddamn minds over the slightest change in superman's underwear. I want to slip off a girl's underwear, that's what I want to damn do... fuck.

Kirk Hates Fags

Some new pointless fluff piece on Cnn about Kirk Cameron's religious views. Bottom line he's an actor, trained to put on a show and it looks like he's doing just that with all this holy holy stuff. Or he's being honest, I can't be sure. I'd prefer he believe in God through his actions more than going tv or wherever and looking like an asshat. Plenty of people are saving lives and shit and showing God's infinite love through that and you're seeking media attention like a dick. Make a goddamn movie or something if you're going to be in the spotlight or shut up.

fucking embarrassing for people who don't where their cross all day.

What do I think of gay people? I think they're retarded. I like girls, boobs, pussy, can't see what's up with that cock smoking shit. That doesn't mean I'm thinking my shit don't stink like a lot of heteros do. Look, you're an average person because you have a normal sex drive, not super special. But as people do in every level of life, they think because they're better than some group, they're all that and some pringles.

NO YOU'RE NOT. Heteros and Gays are both fags. Make just as many stupid ass decisions and beliefs on life.

You know who's ultimately the best kind of person on this earth? The nigga who IS'NT preoccupied with trying to impress everyone? Lives a decent life and if you fuck with him, he'll beat you to shit. That's who...that's a fact. I'm not saying I'm that guy but I'm trying to be.