Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Little words of wisdom

Lost my debit card recently... heh no biggie right... huge biggie. Lost everything. Couldn't do shit y'all... had to starve until I got it back. Now that we have phone cams take pics of your important cards for backups all I'm gonna say. Wish I did. So I'm gonna tell ya hoping I save someone from my fate... lotta you leave cards in the bin at the airport. Take a picture of it so if you lose it you won't be fucked guys...

Friday, November 18, 2016

Back in the mix

Kinda feel like a fish out of water, here at my new airport... Only saving grace about it is there's tons of pretty good looking girls up here showing off the milk balls if you know what I mean...

It's going to hopefully go forward without issue. I'm just your average every day nobody tsa officer dude. I don't have any problems getting gov money poured on me. Sadly that's the reality we live in. Nothing in this country is free. Either I get a job or go on welfare or something to get by basically. I'd prefer to get a job and be a part of the work force honestly, who wouldn't... I know...

Lucky me, I got this job. It's like being in heaven honestly. You get paid a lot to do very very little all day. Shrugs, come at me bro, give it to me.

I do want to get my pilot license and become a pilot, hell pilots will give you their full support in joining the club, they want to see that, young males interested in the gig... I just wish the requirements weren't so out of this universe.... 4 years of college, then flight training etc... it's not THAT bone crushing a job, guys. They probably will dial it back down in the future, I don't know.

I hate how the public looks down on TSA. I don't, and can't. We've found things, that part works. A tso got shot for no reason, etc... There is a threat to air travel and somebody's got to be there standing there to prevent it, that's the bottom line. And it's an organization that's giving young black males opportunities to be productive, get paid through the teeth, and seek higher levels of gov employment down the line.... It's fun, it's just a blast to come to work and know you're not going to be in pain at the end of it, pays well, you get to feel like someone who's on the right side of life and doing the right thing... Hate it all day, it's been nothing but a positive to me and I hope to make it last maybe forever...

Yeah I said it... I do indeed like the TSA shiznit. It's awesome as hell. I mean I have a choice, go work at target making pizza, go lift luggage at delta, or sit back and look at an xray screen for a while and get a hell of a bigger pay check at the end of it. It's not even a choice, get the gig, keep the gig. Now the downsides?

You don't matter.

It's gov job. Everything's paperwork. YOU are paper work... You're a stapler to them. They honest to God don't care about you worth a spec of dust. In and out, they'll find another guy on the street and give him your job. I guess that's because it's a non-skilled kinda job. You don't really have skills that anyone else couldn't provide... Fair enough. But I wouldn't run this ship like that honestly. We're not mcdonalds. Everyone should feel like they count and are important, not just a throw away employee... It's a double edged sword, because TSA doesn't give a crap about you, you won't get the spotlight on you much if at all. But you also won't get a "thanks" or recognition from anyone either. You'll just be a little screw in a big machine.

Whatever right... just make the money and run, bro... Agreed. I want to make money, they pay. I don't know how I got here earning a ridiculous pay check. I honestly don't, but I'm not going to complain... Just need to get into a groove sort of thing, feel confident going to work every day, not feel so excluded. Definitely not feel so lost and out of place. And gotta say, I just need to get and understand how to manage money finally. It's going to be a long learning curve for me. I mean, that's natural, always have gotten places slower than others due to my living conditions... but yeah, overall I can tell you this is about learning about money and how it can be utilized right now.... Cuz I don't know anything about it, but the thing that I did learn recently is that money talks, it just does. It's more powerful than your skin, your gender, a lot of things. It's probably the most powerful sob in this society at the end of the day. Hell, I mean if I'm pushed I can FIND food, but I'll be damned, there's not a bite to eat within a fart's distance if you don't have a dime on you. Good grief. Can't even live without a penny, no shelter, nothing... so yeah, I do indeed need to learn to save up and manage money...

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Met Taimak

Who's Taimak?

Probably nobody of huge interest to the wide world of hollywood, but I've been following him since high school. Decided to jump at the chance to meet him at today's Urban Action Festival in Times Square.

It was a great experience for me. Not only to get out the house and socialize which was kinda overwhelming, I'm simply not used to being out in the world much. Especially Manhattan etc. Felt like I was just awkwardly flopping around out there today not belonging to the environment. I'm so used to being in this bed, at this computer, the world's too big, too crazy to manage for me. I'm not that kind of person to embrace crowds of people that's for sure...

But man, did seeing the last Dragon on the big screen for the first time in my life feel great. It was a totally different film on the big screen. The sound was nuts, guys. I never knew what the flying hell I was missing. And it's truly a lost relic that film, it's really never going to ever get made again a movie like that. A dark, serious, playful, black centric martial arts silly movie. You will never get that shit again.

So the whole deal with the Urban Action Festival is to showcase and highlight blacks in action films.

Holy SHIT was it educational shit. Just saying.

I mean I never cared about black culture since I grew up bathed in white culture all my life, but it's real, it's a thing. It just has an art to it, black culture, black life, black struggle. It's something that I didn't know my soul felt disconnected from until I went to this place and was surrounded by black culture and people again. You can't deny it once you feel connected to it and watch movies about black life and black complexity in white America.

It's a subject that I think would be interesting to explore, that we simply don't get many movies exploring these days. In fact, that's why this festival exist. There are no black centric films and stuff at comic con etc.

This basically makes up for that absence and it's very welcome. I met the actual stars of the movies. Goddamnit, huge millionare stars of old black films. I was like, holy crap today... You don't know these people are out there, but they are, but like you don't see them get exposure at comic cons much...

Hell, that's really sad. Blacks not getting much going in film, comics, or tv. So sad. The movies I watched today were BETTER and more interesting than the thousand film about a white person with problems. It's just the way I feel about it. I think if Hollywood dared to step a toe outside the white safety zone in film making, they'd see huge profits, just saying. I like seeing people like me on screen from time to time, just saying...

Anyway, Yeah felt like I was back at my old elementary school today surrounded by bunch of black people. But that's a good thing. I never knew I missed it honestly. Don't do that to your kids, make them be the only black person in the room, not good for them. And it's history, it's culture, you can't abandon that stuff. I sure feel more complete after what I did today.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Now the donald glover casting makes sense

I know I said I wouldn't talk about it anymore, but recent events forced my hand.

There's no lack of idiocy in this world, we all know it, we all deal with it on a daily basis, but Trump's weird out of no where victory is a sure as hell sign that dumb is winning in this nation.

I am Lando Calrissian. It was what I was born for. Why I exist.

Glover, is a good man. I will never hate him, but he's not born to play Lando like me. He's not going to work in the role. He'll try, he'll do his best, and he will flop and fail in front of everyone. It may very well kill his poor career and he'll never get work again. He has no idea at all what he's signed up for. Playing an iconic character is serious business.

Look at the star trek movies. I mean they're ok, but no star trek fan likes them. That's what you want for star wars glover? It's just  another paycheck to you right... Got a kid now, got to put him through college, I understand.

I BEG Philip Lord and Chris Miller, I BEG them. Do. The. RIGHT. Thing.

So much wrong is going on today. You guys have the chance to do one thing right to help stave off the inundation of wrong.

One thing... that's recasting Lando. Just to show you care and are not a mindless soulless corporate machine going through the motions.

One thing...

Bob Zemeckis will tell you, if he had to do it again, he would NOT have forged forward with casting Eric Stoltz for Bttf and shoot most of the film only to tell him he's being replaced by the proper choice. To this day Stoltz claims to not have watched Back to the future, it'd be too painful. I don't want Glover to have the same pain. Shoot the movie, they figure out that his casting is off, then they find a better guy and tell him get on your way son...

Make the decision NOW before you film a thing.

I mean it's not about me. It's bigger than that. It's about the legacy of the star wars brand. I want it to be great. Not mediocre garbage like what you guys are planning. I don't want it to just be about the money but that's all it is to you guys. YOU DON'T CARE. We care. Fans will get the word out on the movie in five seconds and yo won't get the box office you want.... Just a warning, do.THE.RIGHT.THING.

What I'm gonna buy

Get started working tsa on monday. Looking forward to this. They won't regret hiring me. All I want is money. All they want is a body to toss in the terminal to search bullshit hand lotions all day. I'm your guy.

Bad year. Trump, retarded, douche bag, idiot trump is president. Donald Duck, That's his name, is in star wars. Wow, didn't see any of this coming.. just didn't. Wow.

Well at least I have thousands of dollars about to rain on me.

What am I gonna buy?

Always wanted a delorean, gonna take a few fucking years but I'll save up for it at some point.

Start buying new cameras, those big time elite 4k joints.

Totally going to build an ELITE gaming rig once the money drops for that.

Of course going to get an apartment up in Canada.

And I'm going to live my life smart honestly.

Sadly you can't be a black dude and think to yourself I'm gonna go walk the streets and go where I want to go. I used to, back when I was younger. I went all over the place, but now that I'm identifiably over 18, I get shit from everybody when I go out in this world. I just get shit, it's horrible.

So I've decided to live my life this way, just never leave the house except for work.

Yep. I mean, I don't LIKE dealing with racism, people in general, cops looking at me as if I'm gonna go start shit. Yeah, mr. virgin that I am gonna go cause a ruckus better run.

I've worked jobs in the last decade, done my job well, gotten hundereds if not thousands of people through the airport without a hitch, safe, happy, smiling, women, children, little babies, EVERYBODY under my help gotten through a very complicated process that is air travel, safely without issue. Do I get a thank you for that? No of course not.

It's truly offensive to do the right thing, be a good person, and get punched in the mouth because of it.

It sucks.

Yeah, I hope I get my dick deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep in a beautiful female as a way of giving everyone who wants me dead a hell of a middle finger.

Just gonna play it cool, not get on any radar if possible. Just make a buttload of money and dunno just get laid or something here's hoping...

Trump is president

Wow, never thought I'd see the day. A simpsons parody becomes reality.

That's it for the USA, this shit's going down hill fast as fuck.

I mean, will it truly be gloom and doom. People say if we can survive Bush's incompetence, Trump shouldn't be that big a deal. And well, America's a giant corporation when you get down to it, trump knows how to run those backwards and forwards. Maybe he'll be good on the financial side of things, able to spend money wisely, who knows.

What he's not good for, the minority populations Whites want trump because obviously he's a top ranking KKK member and their interests will be thoroughly taken care of in the end.

It is what it is, the KKK running things all day. Nothing new to see here.

I'll be in canada in the coming months, not going to be having anything to do with USA anyway. Always wanted to live in Canada. Nothing happens up there, might as well.

No, I don't think shit's going to hit the fan for USA. Bush was a complete retard and yet, well, only massive war and death took place during his term...

Yep, what the fuck am I saying. Get out while you can people...

Monday, November 7, 2016

Just saw Dr. Strange

Should YOU see it?

Absolutely. It's a smart, fun, well made, no excess, straight to the point Comic book movie.

B- I'd give it. The ending is rushed like they were just ready to get it over with and get to the sequel already, but I was thoroughly engaged with the story nonetheless and left wanting more of it.

Can't wait for part 2, the ending scene was awesome. Should be a huge success since it's actually quite a good film that I haven't really seen in a while, just a light fun movie.

Sadly no sweeping Dr. Strange Theme music which would have elevated it to greatness. Can't understand why they're scared of giving super heros their own magestic operatic theme these days. It's been a tradition for eons, yet they've suddenly decided against them...

Anyway, Perfect casting is a tough thing to do in Comic Book movies, but they got it with this one. There will be no one after Cumberbatch who can ever play this character. He's too good. I forgot I was watching him. It was just Dr. Strange I was seeing just like I used to see him as a kid.

That's how it's done. Sell the illusion. Make it so the audience believes it. Bravo guys.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Dragonball Super will be dubbed

They're gonna do it..

What do I think? More power to them. I mean it's been a long relationship. I am 30 years old right now. I don't want to be, but that's where I'm at, son of a b...

I don't honesty want to watch Super. Hopefully it's good, hopefully the new generation likes it, hopefully they become as much of a db nut as I was back in the good ol days of toonami.

I mean I love dragonball, but I'm not going to be 50 and watching it with candy and popcorn. Me watching it now is going to look stupid enough.

Sadly that's how this world operates. You're influenced to be a kid and not take part in adult affairs for a very long time, then you end up knee deep in adulthood and not really having graduated beyond your childhood.

Having more stuff being produced from your childhood doesn't help in that growing pains process at all.

I mean, I gotta say DB pulling a Simpsons and forcing more bad seasons down our throats is not very good.

Yep even Simpsons refuses to die. Literally refuses to die.

It's been dead to me and even its fanbase for years now, but they keep making them. I remember losing my shit to see the new simpsons episode. It was an event week after week. You couldn't make me watch the new shit even if you offered me ass as a reward, I'm that off the simpsons. I do want it to end. It's stale, bitter, rotten garbage today.... I know the creator says he'll run the show into the ground. That's exactly what he's doing. I can only assume it's a white people thing. Abusing tons of power without regret!

I guess so... sad to see Dragonball following suit although in its defense, the original creator never did finish it and for whatever the fuck reason is doing it now. I don't honestly know why. Not like DBE was on fire and re-ignited db in all our hearts.

I mean, who's going to watch DB super? They gonna air it little by little on CN? They going to run DB from the beginning for today's kids to watch then end it with whatever the hell happens in Super Nintendo!

I mean, let me just admit this, after the frieza saga was done, watching DB struggle to make things interesting was embarrassing for me as a fan. The show was so trying to be frieza saga 2.0 but it couldn't manage it. It just was never gonna top that epic shit obviously.

Here we go again with the same lame attempt to top the frieza stuff. Although apparently frieza actually wasn't at full power during their last battle and if he truly trained frieza could be a true challenge to Goku. Don't know shit about Goku Black, looks like the most retarded concept for a villain ever. He's what, the evil clone cliche thing we get all the time. Come on...

Wow, Dragonball is back and Chris Sabat and Sean Schimmel and Co. Are going to do more new fresh episodes of Dragonball for the Love of God...

I'd rather a sequel to DBE than that shit. No offense, but I think even they are sick of doing DB dubs. This dub is coming down to merely them having bills to pay I'm more than sure. It's a quick ass paycheck.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

thawtz on current state of the Matrix

Let's be honest, the GTA Online game is basically the matrix online under a different title.

It's amazing the gaming world today. None of us forsaw this, we all hoped for it, but honestly never began to think it would eventually occur within any forseeable future. I didn't. I played all the GTA games and had an awesome time, never did I think about the potential to do it all online with real people on a daily basis.

It's daunting and exhilarating at the same time. You got tons of people of all types running amok in a digital world. There's people on there who want to start trouble all day and make everyone miserable. There's your casual regular people just playing for fun. There's the hackers who are like neo in the matrix, rebuilding the game any way they see fit. It's amazing shit.

And Some how I have access to it and am a part of this universe. It's the future of gaming, a very mixed up messy future at that. I dread playing honestly since it is filled with assholes on the daily, but those few good people you meet in gtaonline who are just on the same page, want to make money, buy nice things, that's where the good stuff is. Too bad you have to deal with a thousand assholes before you come across a friendly person. That's life...

I just discovered the pacific standard glitch too which makes this game a lot more interesting.

Gta online is coming to its end and we all sense it. Rockstar is working on GTA 6. Most likely Red Dead 2 will be the next step for massive online multiplayer games and be where R focuses the majority of their resources so kiss GTA Online goodbye as in a few years it will become a barren wasteland nobody cares about.

I would hope R decides to just triple the payout on everything to give us a ball before it's all over, but who knows. They didn't think people would actually buy digital fake ass money, turns out they were overestimating people's lack of intelligence. People have spent real money by the millions for fake money that's not REAL. so R has been trying to release overly expensive shit online that you have to either grind away at heists and stuff to get or just quickly get it with a shark card bullshit.

It's like spending real money for monopoly cash, so insane, but they've earned millions off of people's idiocy so why stop.

People have noted R nerfing the massive payouts on races etc since shark card sales have been a run away success.

Luckily we've discovered a nice little glitch in the matrix. I've been doing the Pac Standard Glitch for the last few hours. Unbelievable that I can grind this thing and in a few hours make more money than if I struggled like a dumbass with the ceo and mc missions. It's a nice fall back anyway. If you have some douche blow up your shipment and you lose money on that shit, you can join a glitched pacific a buddy has and he'll throw you a few thousand. I've made so many friends who want to help return the favor and make ME wealthy through the glitch.

How's the glitch work? Really dumbass simple.

All it takes is unplugging the ethernet a second or two after the map dissapears. Because R put in a fancy dancy cut scene of the boat driving off into the sunset, that gives the host of the game ample time to ditch before the heist is over. He doesn't get paid, but the crew does. Then he can redo the heist FOREVER, helping anyone make unlimited amounts of money.

I was scared to try the glitch at first, but then I said, go for it. I'm sick of this MC crap. I ripped the network out after the map was gone, and boom, still had the heist to play again, all my crew got paid. We did a khaled, then another Khaled, then a final Khaled, shit is so nice. Gonna make MILLIONS then never worry about money again, then never have to do these bullshit ceo shits again, then never have to feel poor, all good son, all good, feel good, wanna grab titties, wanna have a partay muffuk!!!