Tuesday, August 27, 2019

New star wars Hoopla

Gonna say some stuff on it, where I'm at on the franchise as it exists now, yanno...

First though, I don't think they'll ever read this but whatever, if you have a son named Zander born in 24/07 in Victoria, Australia I am in posession of his 2ds XL. Apparently it was lost or stolen and the police here in the USA got it and have sold it on auction. I have looked into the system and found videos and pics etc of your family. I too have lost things as a kid and know the pain it can cause emotionally. So get in contact and I'll help return it... But I'm well aware it's near impossible especially with them being way over in australia, crickey...

Yeah man, that horrible truth when you realize you left your thing on the train or whatever, and you will never get it back. Oh man, how I've been there too many times. Shocked to discover this is actually a common occurence. Most likely left it at a TSA checkpoint on a visit to California to see family... yeah, either that or it was stolen, who knows... but I've seen people leave laptops at train stations my dudes. It's like, wow, you dun did it... Out of all the new stuff we have going on tech wise, anti-theft and anti-lost stuff NEEDS to be included in them to hopefully make it possible to get this stuff back...

Sooooo new star wars cash grab on the horizon. Ooooh harsh words, how dare I say that. well it's kinda what they're doing to my movies isn't it?

Am I still bitter over the lando thing? Ya think?

I don't honestly care and this one looks worse than the force awakens to be frank. It's like I kinda have no hope left and yeah I'll finish what I began but this is a failure and has culminated as such, nothing but a very interesting failure to frankenstein together a new star wars trilogy some how without Lucas' solid if misguided visions to draw upon.

Oh hell yes I could have made better stuff out of what they ultimately decided to do. I don't give a shit about whining crying emo Kylo ren. Don't care about Finn or Rey. They bombed at creating characters we would find captivating, it's just a slow slog until we finally end this non-story that's taking place. Like wow there was no story in TLJ. It's just well, kylo kills pseudo emperor palps, but he's still evil cuz he's just still a big whiny bitch. F's sake. I mean I enjoy the film but it's sadly being held back by the terrible characters JJ created... the piss poor decisions disney's been making with star wars...

I'm much more looking forward to and truly have a blast watching Guardians than star wars movies and that's absolutely insane... but I watch the teaser and I know.. I just know it's going to be JJ's typical Mcdonalds fast food mindless big dumb star wars movie nothing... He sucks... I've never been truly blown away by his films and I don't think he can do that, he's just not much more than your solid workman director, get it done, go home. He's not going to give us greatness...

I'd have it be like a goddamn I'd have muppets everywhere, old 70s fx, real other worldy looking stuff just to cap off and pay respect to star wars as we knew it... not this meh big cgi circus pirates cararibean fight in the ocean bull crap... good lord now that I think of it pirates trilogy is way more star wars than actual star wars, what are you doing disney?

As for Mandalorian, again, who the hell is this guy? I just don't care right now. Is that frozen Han solo? What are they trying to do, is it going to be about something that matters or is it another useless cash grab they've proven to be about?

Obiwan show. A prequel show that we know the ending to... gonna be rough to make sense of... I don't know, if I had to do it, I'd make a show you could watch instead of being forced to endure the prequels as they exist, I don't know. Will be interesting to see Ewan again and all that... yeah, but what's it going to be about? We know he won't die, just gonna be another prequel like solo I guess that has no stakes. And on that point apparently it'll take place during that time period so they might have Alden and Donald show up... eh, I'm hanging out Disney, I still look ok. if you want a guy for Lando I'm around, but nah, not gonna hope for much and I know Donald will not turn down a tasty check if offered to play him... so maybe I best give up that dream for good.

What would have been better to do? Yeah, I mean it's tough to say. Star wars is intimidating to people working on it I'm sure... you want to make it great, but greatness is tough to achieve... I personally can't understand why Gendy Tartakovsky who worked on star wars while Lucas signed off on everything wasn't given a massive call to come in and produce stuff.... he's the one person you can trust above all others to do it right and he worked with Lucas before he even finished the PT, so there's a solid actual connection to the God himself... Having some nobody film maker artists taking the reigns of Frapping star wars is dangerous territory... I like and respect JJ's fandom of star wars but he's just missing the target and not using the force... what's wrong with you man? Rian Johnson, again, skilled filmmaker but does he know he's dealing with star wars and not stinking Oceans 11 with all his casino love he's got? What are you people doing?

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Matrix 4.0

Well this is some good news... I can't resist posting about this though I feel who cares what I think. 

Well it's interesting lots of kids were not alive when I randomly movie hopped in 1999 to some weird flick called the matrix. I was just trying to pass the time before going home that day, don't remember what movie I was there for whether it was star wars or something else, long time ago 20 years, I was 13 years old and hanging out at New Roc doing my thang... 

Let me just say that day was glorious... 

Couldn't be happier they're going to finally give us Matrix 4 and not bullshit around with whether to do it or not do it... 

Matrix revolutionized cinema... what it did, how it re-charged the film going experience is still to this day completely undervalued... Movies were never EVER the same again after the Matrix came out. It wrecked people's minds and visually pushed films to a new level. 

Still enjoy just the feel and flow of the first film and the wacky ridiculousness of the sequels. 

Are there better films about similar subject matter that I've seen since the last matrix movie came out waaaay the hell back? Yeah, I mean I've been watching quite a bit of sci-fi that's about rogue AI like 2001 and 2010 and the Alien series now is apparently about that subject if you want to look at recent films... We do indeed have a new terminator movie too which was essentially the father of the matrix movies, so yeah it's interesting what's going on seeing the sci-fi worlds kinda existing side by side now adays... I forgot to mention blade runner 2049, great little exploration of similar matrix concepts.

I think I know what's going to happen in the new movie, so if you don't want spoilers, bounce.

Neo and Trinity are pure digital beings now... It's the only thing that makes sense at all... Some how Trinity and Neo's peronalities are still inside the matrix even though their physical real world bodies are no more... Only way this can work at all...

I guess it's going ot be about them dealing with new threats to the peaceful co-existence between man and machines, or even a new One.... lots of possibilities. 

What I want for f's sake is there to finally be a more matrix stuff... tv show, cartoon, games... It's been probably the most over-looked gold mine in the history of popcorn cinema. I know I know, the matrix did get games, but to not do another better MMO for the matrix which is literally about humans living in a digital world, wtf. Seriously every matrix game is ps2 leWvel graphics nonsense... how does that happen to one of the most revolutionary franchises of cinema history? Explain that... should have gotten a matrix game to just give us something to chew on a decade ago to celebrate the 10th anniversy, we got a fart. 

Well I'm kinda pinching myself about this. I've wanted it for so long, I don't think this moment is real. We've gotten so many matrix clones and wannabes for so long. I've become used to going and seeing yet more matrix-lite, not really used to feeling like oh wow new matrix movie coming... wow, to get back into that state of mind, it's wild stuff...

Thursday, August 8, 2019


The art of deception.

Been to my own begrudgment too obsessed with the elementary school playground antics of twitter.

I come from the dial up internet, for starters. There was no twitter, no youtube, you dealt with it. Whatever political grappling was going on was not easy as hell to vomit out onto millions of people's computers... It's fascinating to some extent to end up 33 years old and be kinda looking back on a generation that knows nothing of the slower more tougher internet era. The hyper sensitive, superficial over happy youtuber gen crap going on now is quite sickening to me someone who grew up generally accepting slow boring internet existence and limited interaction with the billions of people on it...

Only thing I like is it's a lot easier to get dat porn, and potentially get some booty, but that's a slippery concept at this point though seems to have worked out for someone in my family...

Kinda my point of posting... seems to me, I mean, I used the internet to talk star wars all day first and occasionally get some sweet pornos, but the way some numb nuts have decided to swing things is make it seem like 24/7 you have to be some kinda politically minded internet badass with his views on things, and it has escalated to levels of violence and I mean isn't it what it is now, killers go on sprees because they have an audience who will watch and listen to them. Couldn't hope to do that in the 56k world I grew up in...

So some kkk people made a blog and posted they hate niggers night and day. It was small, outlier little thing no one cared... today? Big ass in your face KKK guy's on youtube blatantly making vids all day, it's like wow, didn't hope to see that become a thing...

I mean it's kinda a computer virus that keeps spreading... every site every comment section simply transforms into a political catfight between two keyboard prophets to their causes, it's like they're deciding anything at all... like anyone's going to give a shit, and from a comment section they're going to change the world. It's amazing the delusions people seem to have now that they have the ability to produce content that may be seen by the masses. It only makes me want that innocent era of just being a f'n 14 year old saying something stupid online vs the jackass trying to play political expert all day cuz he thinks he's important. No you're not. You will be forgotten and have meant nothing.... In fact because there's so many people making dumb pointless videos, they're all becoming less powerful and simply routine and ordinary.

And no one cares what you did today, honestly I'm that tired of it. There's no need to give a damn about what you did today. you're boring... I don't care about your political views. No one does... how the hell do these people have nothing else but to make videos about their views for years? Get a life, it's short, not gonna have time for much if you spend it online so damn much am I right?

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Well People die all the time so get over it you babies - Neil Degrass Tyson


I've thought deeply enough on this fumble by this point. And the saddest thing is that I've been binge watching tons of his videos for days and days and enjoying his humor and intellect and all that shit. Then he puts his ass in his mouth like a damn amature just learning what you say has power sometimes... You'd think by now he'd be a little more careful with his actions after having women take aim at him, but wow, blatantly exploiting deaths of innocent people for a laugh. That's outrageous.

I'm personally disgusted by him. I don't want to watch his stuff anymore after realizing maybe I was into the wrong dude all along... maybe... I've read his apology thing, and no, not strong enough. You crossed the line you DON'T cross. Just as you'd be offended if someone accused you of sexually assaulting them, Yeah, kinda crossed a lot of people's lines with your bullshit... I'm not a parent, but I have been in a position of caring for kids and, yeah the thought crosses, some shit you don't say to kids and he has kids in his audience, dude didn't think about that... head firmly in ass...

I don't know, bro, this stuff is getting way too common place... shootings... It didn't have to be this shooting you commented on, maybe a lesser one down the road, say oh if these shootings bother you, this should bother you more, I mean any way you slice it, it was a fucktard thing to put out and tweet.

So sick of twitter but I did indeed decide to check it out to kinda get a feel for the current atmosphere... of course people are picking sides and pointing fingers as usual.

What do I think?

Yeah, it's the most obvious issue America's facing more than other nations, some crazy asshole with easy access to guns... And I do agree with the argument that it's hypocritical that we're more concerned with being over run by immigrants and stuff and are willing to spend gazillions to stop that, but fiddle our thumbs and whistle about the trend of sick assholes who want to massacre people.

No, don't be shamed into shutting up. It's got to change. Something has to be done... Forget party affiliation, that's a smoke screen. What can we do to help keep these jerks from getting a gun that powerful easily. Make it tougher, shit. That's basically what people are wanting, prob is, the people in power are resisting it and may very well continue to, cuz life is cheap, right... as neil so eloquently put it... fucking douche bag.