Tuesday, August 23, 2011

tsa time

So me and garcia had a long chat all day on saturday, which I instigated to hopefully get into her head a little. She's extremely bright. I knew she was smart, but not only does she have an associates degree, but she's part of a band, and has an interest in the arts etc... strange the people you find doing these jobs. She's only doing it for the reason she accused me of, to fly... whatever. I honestly didn't think I had a chance with her because she's so beatuful, now I really don't think I have a chance because she's lightyears beyond me intellectually.

But she knows I'm no slouch in the brains department either, and I think she's sympathetic towards my situation, being young guy with no real experience with girls, so she's really not going to be a hardass to me anymore I hope...

Nevermind that, I've set my backup plan in motion. Ace in the hole as I said long ago. The tsa called me and now I'm going to pursue employment with them, and hopefully keep up at delta too although if i have to choose one over the other it'll be tsa. They're not fucking around with this 'no benefits' position like delta does... at least i can go to the doctor or whatever and they pay for it and the money's better and im doing far less work. it'd be stupid not to do it.

which is why i kind of went nuts in front of that girl i must admit. considering that i may never see her again EVAR, i decided to leave a big impression and really that's why i kept asking her stuff, but she was very open to me to my surprise, i can only guess it's because we have a subtle bond over our experiences working together that she's willing to tell me so much about her personal life, or maybe she's just being a stupid girl who never knows when to keep things to herself... i don't know... but i'm more than sure she's not gay now. just the way she looks at me she had this i'll suck your dick look and she does that thing girls do when they're thinking about touching a man, she's so straight yet puts on this lesbo facade, it's so stupid.

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