Saturday, May 19, 2012

Who to fuck

Thinking about it today... shit. It's crazy being black. I don't recommend it. People don't let it be known, but deep down they think you're crap. Like that old test they did in some psychology thing to see whether people are going to react a certain way to people of a certain race. And although they claim to be free of prejudices, they of course were racist anyway.

Which is why as a black person you're automatically guilty before being proven more guilty in any situation, walking on eggshells... I hate having to think about how I'm coming off to some sexy ass white girl, whether she thinks I'm going to taint her sweet vanilla ass with my chocolate bar.

It just is what it is. Not many people look at a black male and give a shit about him, whereas they see a young white guy or even asian and think he's a hotshot superstar.

It comes down to genes mostly, I'm well aware of how shitty most black males are... but who do you want to become in the next generation? Bottom of the barrel black or sleak handsome white or asian etc.  And what goes through a white girl's head when she chooses to get with a black dude? I see it pretty often these days. It's weird. I don't understand these chicks. Must have daddy issues, typically a lot of white girls get back at their parents by having black babies.

They're doing themselves no favors since this world's from my perspective no where near as awesome as the white one. I mean, look at fucking TSA, do you see the racial slant there up in that shit. And the saddest part is how the military tried to make me out to be some representative to the blacks as if to say my shortcomings represents the whole black race if I don't measure up to their white recruits or some shit. Utterly absurd, I'm not even fully black. But more than proving their attitudes towards blacks as being poor.... ya know...

well anyway there's this girl who's hot at work, name's Ashley. She got some big titties and nice plump ass. She's a goddamn beautiful black girl. I get all aroused around her and shit and she seems stupid enough to actually give a guy like me a chance. She's a little like me, sorta crazy. But I'm having trouble making sense of what it would be like to actually have a life with this kind of girl. Me if I had it my way, I'd hit up a white girl, not to piss off the KKK, but to actually try something new. My god, it'd be fascinating.

Hell though, way things are these days even black girls think they're the best catch. It's awful how there's so many fat chicks out there, ANY girl with a decent body gets held up as this unattainable greek goddess... used to not be that way. Fucking women used to think they were lucky to land a decent man, now it's all crazy...

Oh well. I ain't going to make any fuss. Just going to watch this whole world collapse in on itself.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Fool time

Shit's got real. I started full time TODAY at my job at tsa. Bad way to start being late because they didn't call me to tell me when I start, but that doesn't bother me. I'm about to be very wealthy, well at least more than I thought I'd be. I've done it... everything I planned to do after high school, got it now...

Not bad for a ding dong bell like me I'd say...

I don't even know what to do with all my money I'm about to be banking, save and save some more for now... Don't need to be worrying about my next meal...

My goals are as follows and I will aggressively pursue them:

Learn Spanish because bilingual people are doing fine in this society. Can't go wrong with a second or third language, just can't.

Body BUILD. My body type is purely mesomorph. I'm built to gain huge muscles and used to have them anyway... :?/

GET SOME PUSSY. I ain't fucking around. I see ass every day and it's just not fair to be stuck in this prison called virginity. If everyone's fucking, I should too. No need to feel guilty about something like that.

Work on becoming a pilot. That's it for me. The whole enchilada. Don't care about anything else.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Getting sick of these people. And this kinda goes for older people, but generally they're less annoying. I mean the 20something asshat who got a degree and now walks all over people to make himself look badass. I've met too many and I didn't need to have their stupid educational credentials flaunted in my face, yet like a 10 year old with a new toy that's exactly what these assholes do.

You realize that you're supposed to be above such behavior because you belong to a higher social class don't you?

I'll give you all an example. So I'm at work, I'm having a pretty shitty day and then some guy I've never met starts harassing me for his own amusement. I as usual figure he'll disappear at some point, but he doesn't. He goes on and on about how he grew up in africa and had a crazy childhood and came to america and he's so tough and badass. I of course don't give a shit, but I don't draw any conclusions either way about him either. Then he starts playing with my mind using what he learned in college. It's not what he says that infuriates me, it's the blatant misuse of his education to harass a coworker that pushes me over the edge and I tear him aapart as best as I can verbally as a man should to another man who needs an ass whooping. I knew I couldn't beat him, but I just wanted to let him know that someone will have the balls to stand up to him at some point if he goes and tries that macho bullshit all the time.

Ok, get this all you hot shot college grads. I don't give a fuck about your degree. Its purpose is to get a good job, not to go around pissing on people. And you'll learn the truth about life when you actually start living it than reading about it for 4 years while masturbating...

you think I'm stupid?

do you?

I have been studying human behavior, psychology, nutrition, BITCHES all on my own because I had no choice and I'm confident in my knowledge to such an extent that I know for certain what the future holds, hell I always knew, and that's why I don't care about a degree. What's it for anyway, to educate yourself enough to defend yourself against other degree holders? Self fullfilling prophecy?

Yeesh, its so confounding. Yeah so i write a bunch of reports and master the english language. I learn words like abnegate, remonstrance, appertain, liminal, etc etc etc, and then I STILL CAN'T GET LAID. I'm not even joking. How horrible is this world that we're dead eyed serious about teaching kids the complexities of mitochondria or some shit but won't go near the subject of sex. Its why we're all here.

So it doesn't bother me in the least that you buckled down and studied a bunch of shit and you're smarter than me. Some gay dude is smarter than me. I'm still better than him. THAT'S THE REAL WORLD.