Wednesday, December 9, 2015

star wars ideas

I had a dream last night that I haven't had in decades, decades, but it was born I think from the now approaching release of Star Wars 7...

It's a dream about my weird idea I had as a kid for a star wars videogame. It was going to be like a really gritty realistic space ship battle game with cut scenes on the ships and it takes place during some point in the star wars story line.

I finally came up for a name for it: Mid Towers Revenge...

I know how awkward that sounds, but I just wanted something that sounded like a shitty 80s action game title, so there ya go.

It's basically a lot like the stuff you see in anime space operas like gundam or that galaxy something one. But my shit would be on a much much much more epic scope than that, ridiculous levels of epic like we've never seen before. It'd create such an austhetic of trippy 80s scifi to it, and feel so star wars. Like dru struzian's art come to life.

Besides that I came up with a new movie idea that Lucasfilm might take into account. Let's do Episode 0!!! I say we go waaaaaaaaaaay the fuck back and explore YODA's origin or something similar.

The shitty thing about the prequels is that so much stuff is left un explained. The OT never treated us so poorly. They introduced ideas and surprise explained what they were to us. So might as well create a movie that actually lays the ground base for the whole star wars saga so that we're just not caught with out pants down watching episode 1.

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