Saturday, April 29, 2017

Plan going forward and thawtz on the Alien franchise

Been watching prettymuch the whole alien franchise in preparation for alien covenant. Despite the ticket prices these days being unbelievably expensive, I do want to experience my first alien film ever on the big screen and not just through tv as usual or in this case the computer.

Fascinating, it's truly a great bunch of movies each of them having their own interesting ideas and concepts that demand actual thought and analysis.

Can't rewatch much of them worth spit though... I have no intention on revisiting alien, alien 3, or alien 4. The most repellant one being the video game cut scene that is Alien 4. the movie once again, and here I'm going to go back in time, I saw this movie when it aired on tv back in the 90s. I loved it, thought it had amazing visuals and just awesome action, damn cool story. I watch it today and I'm like, damn is this a 90s movie. Felt like going back in time. Basketball, most popular sport at the time, check. Tons of quips and music video looking fish eye camera work, check. Awful attempts at CGI, check. Black guy with a heart of gold, check... girl power, check. It's all 90s all day. Does the movie have any redeeming value. The script actually tries to expand the mythos, the idea of ripley being cloned and because she had an alien in her, the alien trait of retaining memories is passed on, that part was brilliant. The idea of ripley dying then actually being re-awoken in a worse situation than she last was in, just genius.

They sparred no expense with the production budget, it's one of the best looking, best shot movies of its time... just floored by the amazing cinematography on display. And as much as some reviews hate on the pirates, due to the strength of acting veterans like perlman and the rest, they work for me. I ended up liking them. Can't say the same for the prometheus dipshits.

Alien 3 is like, a fan film. That's as far as I'll go. I tried desperately to make it fit with what I knew from alien and aliens. I tried, but they did it too quickly. They took characters we grew to know and tossed them aside too quick, then had a big urkel black guy screaming into our faces for damn near 2 hours. That's a bad move any way you slice it. I will not acknowledge alien 3 as existing, fuck that shit.

I don't know, I find it hard to want to revisit Resurrection cuz it's so shallow and straight forward a film, but same with prometheus, not much to chew on there either... Let's go to alien planet guys, K, lol they aliens and kill us, movie done.

Shrugs....  what movie do I think is rewatchable forever and ever. Honestly not many. I don't have much interest in watching a lot of my fav movies again anymore... But yeah, movies with depth, I find fascinating to re watch and find new angles on them. Gladiator is a damn good example. The original Alien, is up there since you can ignore the story and just bask in the amazing visuals. Same with Alien. Terminator 2, I have to give that its due as being just cinematic bliss no matter how many times you see that shit. Strangely Avatar is like Resurrection in that regard. It's flashy amazing big and beautiful and nothing else... I have no intention of watching avatar again and that's sad.  But yeah, I mean movies like Superman the movie, Hulk from Ang Lee, superman returns, unbreakable. I can watch movies with depth and layers to them again... Robocop, infintely re watchable movie, just a masterpiece, there ya go...

As for what I'm working on. Watching porn... got a reason though. I mean, I want to use the tools I have is all. I don't have the luxury of asking a girl to play my girlfriend in the static shock movie, so I'm searching the porno high ways for footage that I can use to create the illusion that I have one... It's going to be a joke more or less... that's all I'm doing. What are you doing today?

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Got new camera

The xiaomi yi joint. Very nice picture out doors as with most cameras of this type. Indoors it boosts the contrast up the ass to try to compensate for the darker environment and ruins the picture completely.

Excited I must say to try out new interesting shots with this thing that only an artist can generate... Most people don't take the time to think about what kind of visuals would be most cinematic or powerful, they just shoot documentary style. I don't. I know when something works better visually, always have, it's the demand that comes to you when you draw or paint or do art, you have to make it more funky and stylish or it's just boring.

The work will be laborious though... This will be a complicated shoot. I'll have to drop a ton of weight, get lean as fuck...

I will be performing my own stunts and acrobatics in this since I've trained myself to do it...

I'm like yunno, dreading having to struggle to get through these shoots, and don't want to do it, but not like I have a job, so as I wait to get word back from my applications, this is all I have...

We'll see... The stuff I have in mind will be kinda retardly overwhelming. Like I know I can get the hovering saucer lid part shot and done quite easily, no problem... The flying shots I want to do are where we're running into a barrier. I mean I have thoughts of green screening myself into places where it'll probably work... painting out stuff in frames as I swing into frame and land on a surface... Need to buy rope for the wire tricks I'll try to get. Thank God Static only flies with the saucer. Imagine playing a hero that could really fly. This would be impossible.

Shit, I'm just messed up, wanting to bust a nut all day... Not wanting to do the real tough part, drawing the layout sketches.... pre-visualizatin as it's kinown. I have to create a blue print for all the action scenes and actually write the damn script for this mini movie.

Not looking forward to this shit. But the ideas I have are going to be amazing and I don't plan to hold back. This will be as I see it in my head, a circus. Starts slow, normal, then escalate into bizarre shit...

stay tuned...

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Naked Girls

Let's talk about it. I don't want to think about politics right now. I'm currently re watching my porn collection and something I never really thought about came up... why do girls get naked so damn much? There's like no guys showing their butt hole and dicks to everyone, unless you're gay and like that shit. But you always will find girls putting their shit holes on display and titties etc.

All races all bitches, all of them do the same shit. Get naked and put on a show. Why? Why do they do that so much and with no shame?

Not complaining but it's just so universal. They all do it. Not a one doesn't. They all do the same thing, get flaming stark naked...

Do they like and admire their own bodies and want to see it in its peak form before it inevitably ages?

I guess so... Men do the same thing to be honest. We body build get hard and shit and take pics, but nothing like girls. They got us beat to hell in that regard. Some guys NEVER want to look at themselevs without clothes. Me being one... it just makes a dude feel gay, that's all...

And it's how they get laid. Saddest discovery of my life. That girls lied to us all about how they want to be on equal status to males. LIES.

They do not want it in that way. Money, power, of course. Having to go court a mate, no sir, not walking off that bridge...

And they could. yunno why they don't.... it hurts. To try to bone someone and they say, no not interested, sucks the life out of your dick. It's not accepted by society... It's against their programming and instincts...

Say what you want about porn, yeah it's so bad and immoral, but it's like millions of years of animal instinct at work. Females just do that shit. Get naked, show off their body. Makes me lose respect for women honestly. I was a 90s kid, women can do anything was the brainwashing of that era. Then you get older and are smacked in the face by reality, no, women must be chased and all that... Look at my booty!!!

Oh how shitty.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Bill O Reilly is Done

Thank God.

Wasn't ever against the guy, then I started watching him on youtube. Just a terrible manipulative jackass who had no common sense whatsoever... Tell him the sky is blue and grass is green, 'let me tell you where you're wrong about that!!" wash rinse repeat in all his videos.

Complete thick skulled immature dirt bag. Long overdue he's given the boot. I'm happy there's some justice in this world.

Looking forward to see how Fox spins his dismissal. It will be fun to watch. It'd be interesting as all hell if they tossed him under the bus on this.... omg.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Black guy kills 3 white people...

Aw shit... bad move. It's down to ignorance and stupidity as the reason for his crime, that's for sure. Strangely they caught the dude alive, so he'll be able to explain himself and of course get the death penalty.

Why would a black person stir the hornets nest and fuck with white people? That will get you no where. If there's any race of people on this earth who have each other's backs it's whites... They actually give a shit about each other at the end of the day, no matter what they do or say. Being white makes you immune to a lot of problems that plague everyone else of course. That goes without saying.

I can't make sense of it. We just were now starting to mend race relations a little bit after that facebook beating surfaced. Now forget it...

At least he wasn't muslim i tell myself. I mean despite pretending to be muslim... I thought this would fuel the fire for anti-muslim groups, but then I see he's black and I'm just even more disappointed in this guy... A black homeless retard pretending to be muslim going around stirring shit up with white people today... just fucked up.

The question is this.... can black people ever become ordinary citizens nobody feels threatened by? or are blacks going to accomplish shit, do good stuff, be successful and then have their entire efforts dashed by idiots going on shooting rampages.. Whites can rage shoot all day, it's just tuesday. A black guy rage shooting, it's typical negro behavior.. That's the difference.

Shit, that's the problem blacks face constantly. For ever 1 urkel black guy, there's an entire ARMY of complete douche bags. Always has been that way...

Everybody knows that, sad truth...


hmmm.... something tells me this guy didn't just randomly do this.... probably got paid to create this media blow up on race.... now it's hard to believe since we just saw a facebook retard rampaging recently, but how coincidental. Why didn't he do the killings on video... hell of a curious case going on. It's possible, have to look into previous cases of this sort of thing, but I'm leaning towards this being a set up to stir shit up between blacks and whites.

If you think homeless black guys haven't killed white people upon orders from someone else, here's a little story you should check out...

Friday, April 14, 2017

Last Jedi Up in this Bitch

new Teaser has dropped. What to say about it... Lots of interesting visuals. Truly a tease if there's any pure example of such a thing. Let's list the pros and cons of the bitch...

Got rid of that dumb kylo Ren helmet, hated it, thank god it turns into scrap.

looks like a pod race is going on? Who knows...

Rey is training with Luke, there's no doubt now. I was kinda hoping there'd be a bait and switch, maybe that was a hologram luke, android, and not real luke and we'd still be searching for him. No it's luke, moving on.

Definitely looks better than Force Awakens, that's all it needs to be. Better. More meaninful, more goddamn depth than that light beer star wars film.

I'm going to guess somebody gets something chopped off. The trailer constantly hints that Rey will get Fucked up in this movie.

Finn may be in a comma and potentially will die in this. I think Rian is bored with him and wants him out of the series. He was the least interesting character in TFA and may have little to no involvement in this movie as we clearly see him fast asleep and not doing shit.

Poe's xwing gets blown to shit. Fuck... Interesting... I mean, I do wonder where this story is going. I do care. No return of boba fett. No hint whatsoever of who the hell Benicio Del Toro is in this shit. Kylo is back. Some more flash backs to the day when Luke's Jedi Academy was destroyed...


Too colorful. It's ok to do it like ESB and not RotJ or the Prequels guys. Take and borrow from the best star wars movie of all time if you please...

not star warsy enough. That's all I have to add in the end. The trailer's so ordinary. Where's the star wars feel to it? If you didn't have Hamill in it, it'd be some other movie!!!

I hope the movie has star wars stuff in it and isn't some average every single day boring sci fi adventure flick.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Sean Spicer's Playhouse

I'm just gonna turn off the politics from here forward. It's never gonna get any better honestly. Trump trying to start WW3 on twitter. Fuck this shit. If I have to die, let that shit happen. I'm not going to waste my time listening to these dumbasses go on and on.

Oh boy if those syrian motherfuckers gas children instead of shooting them with a gun, boy I'm gonna be so mad!!

Fuck you.

Oh that Hitler wasn't that bad, not like he dropped gas bombs. He was kind enough to put jews into camps to play for a while before being gassed to death.


Impeach this shit!!!!!!!!!! What's wrong with you people! It's gonna get worse. I never payed attention to Obama's presidency, I did once in a while, but I honestly didn't have reason to be this concerned and Obama didn't do anything or say anything because if he was this way saying what these guys are saying, he'd get lynched!!!

Yet we stand here not doing shit to these idiots because their white and we feel more comfortable with white people running the show. God help us. Please.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Guy dragged off flight

Wow, how many times has this happened and not gotten exposure online I wonder.

Airline Industry is very very very numbers focused. They care about two things, Time and Money. The passengers don't matter.

Here's proof of that very concept. I hope the guy gets his due for having to put up with their incompetence as a business. That's all I really have to say on that.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

America World Police

Interesting can of worms Trump has opened for himself. Lost support of the kkK groups who love him. I saw that coming from space.... Trump cares about one person, HIMSELF. There's no loyalty to the kkk even from him. Fox news is playing with fire by sucking his dick imo. It's funny to watch them put bs stories up on air then trump tweets about it cuz he saw it while taking a shit, blames them when the backlash happens, and they have to squirm like the idiots they are, that's amazing to watch.

So the big discussion now is what next, what next, what next... The thing that strikes me is WHY is Trump interested in protecting syrians now... He literally shrugged them off during the first horrible gassing that killed MORE people. He didn't give a shit. He campaigned on the promise of not policing the world, not being like past presidents who made other people's shit their business.

So as per usual, gotta love it, the internet functions as a giant magnifying glass and making it seem like the syrian strike has sweepingly made a difference and everything's changed, hooray...

Sad truth is this. The reason trump launched the strike is because the media had the syrian gassing on tv for days. He got up in the morning, took a shit, and saw the story. Went to dinner, saw the story, went to read his phone saw the story. The media just wouldn't shut up about it and put trump in a position to show off his might or do nothing and look weak.

What about the rest of the horrible things going on the world!!! Trump doesn't go to intel briefings, the shit going on in the world, if he fucking knew about it, MAYBE he'd want to prove he's worth shit as a president and do something. That's what people don't understand. We don't have a benelovent president who's looking out for the weak and poor nations at all. He's about himself. So sad to see desperate syrians on CNN crying and saying omg thank you trump you've saved us. You'll see how much he'll save you when the next shit goes down and he wants to not escalate shit and make things worse with Russia.

So sad that people need to be reminded. Trump is a dumbass. We do not have a president in the white house who's got a brain.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Trumps Syria Strike

I'd be neglectful to not discuss this in some capacity. It is going to dominate the news for the next few days and may very well be a small but first nudge toward full scale warfare so of course it's very serious business that needs attention.

I abhor trump. He's bush 2.0 the boogaloo essentially.

Everyone who's sane is calling this what it is, a publicity stunt to gain favor. I have no doubt it will work.

Before the strikes took place I was up in the bathtub thinking about what trump would do. I reasoned he'd follow his own tweets even though most likely he didn't even remember making them. Who remembers shit they post online from years ago. Only me because I have an advanced memory and massive intellect... but I digress...

The media is being so reactive these days. It's cartoonish how they jump on the latest trump tweet or some bullshit story that doesn't have any merit and blow it up to be the new headline. Bill O Reilly hates black people, let's blow it up. On that note, will bill O Reilly get his commupance for being a sexual abuser? He deserves some punishment for being such a douche bag 24/7 so hopefully something happens. Lest we forget women are strange and complex thing and as much as they hate O Reilly, they love O Reilly, we all know that bullshit. Girls like the bad boy.... So either what he did was so bad, he's going to get something, or he'll weasel out of it due to lack of the killer instinct in females and they won't crucify him justifiably...

That's pathetic, how being white basically makes it extremely hard to get a guilty verdict. But it is what it is....

Trump wants to play with the big boys. Prove he's willing to drop as many bodies as the next president and no one should fuck with him. People will eat this up. They'll feel the American machine is indomitable because we have a hard core president yadda yadda.

Does no one remember bush did the same shit? Did we like what bush did? Did that lead to anything but more groups rising who want to destroy this country?

Trump is like goddamn Biff Tannen for real. Big douche bag surrounded by sychophants and a woman who hates his guts.... We're literally living in that alternate 2015. He has no idea what being president means, he's just wanting to run another business and play tough when he really should be waxing Marty's car...

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

just watched prometheus

Never really got into the alien movies, star wars all day, upside down, sideways backwards and forwards. in a way star wars was what influenced alien to even get made. So in that sense as a kid i watched the movie in some kind of brotherly spirit to star wars without even knowing that they had a connection... Hell, just watch the movie, obviously alien was heavily influenced by star wars in a lot of ways. one wonders what would have happened if ridley scott got his hands on an actual star wars film or james cameron. it's not too late to have one of them direct episode 9 is it?

So I've been back and forth on whether to watch prometheus or not. I tried watching it years ago and just was dying from boredom. Its truest failing as a film is that it's so dull and by the numbers modern sci-fi aesthetic to it... I mean, it's the same shit wash rinse repeat. Big fancy prequel star wars looking cgi shit we've all seen a billion times.

If Ridley showed more restraint (yeah I know, we're talking ridley scott here, doesn't know the meaning of restraint) would have been a far more effective film because the story is top notch stuff.

if you look beyond the modern age glitz and sparkles it's actually an intersting story that does have a meaning behind it, one Ridley is contemplating every day in his older years. What's going to happen when he dies.

It's an amazing film when you think about all the complex philosophical questions it posits. It gets you thinking even if it's too damn vague for its own good.

The key driving force of the film is that peter wayland doesn't want to die and in his remaining days, puts himself into cryo sleep until a mission to find alien beings finally goes forward and he plans to go get the fountain of youth. That's essentially what the film is, the search for the fountain of youth... Just it begs the audience to bend logic a lot of times and spin and twist to roll with the punches the script throws at you. So if you can't be bothered to get creative then no soup for you. But yeah it's fascinating to think about why the characters do what they do... Like the scene everyone on youtube is on about, when the guy provokes the worm to bite him instead of fleeing. In the cut I watched, the guy's fascinated by the worms he finds before they mutate and captures one.... If you twist it to mean he's thinking this bigger one is just as docile you might be able to buy it. I ultimately understand it in the same vein as those movies from the 80s where the character practically hands themself to the villain.

It's amazing to think about it... the engineer wakes up out of his cryo sleep to see this rat squeaking at him holding up a cute little puppet and claiming to be equal to him... it's the same as a lab mouse doing that to a scientist. What the fuck made Wayland think the engineer would look at him as anything more than a rodent like we do to mice. This is where you have to spin it or leave this movie behind imo. Forget all the other questions you have. Why did wayland assume the engineers would be like "ok bro. just take this immortality pill, my man. good to go."

In the deleted scene the engineer does talk to wayland and the android. Ridley cut this out to give us the sense that the engineer would not talk to mice. He'd crush them and go about his business.

But what he says is interesting. He asks wayland WHY he wants to have immortality. GBagahoujire!!! I mean I never thought about it.... that's a big damn question... why would you want to live forever, if that's even possible. I think in that moment Wayland knew he was going to die because he never really asked himself that question, why he wanted immortality. he just pursued it blindly. And that's how you understand why he would foolishly expect the engineer to care about his mission in life out of all the shit the engineer has to do today.... wayland is blindly leaping in hoping to get the answers without forethought....

I mean, but yeah that one scene takes a lot of forgiveness to help twist it to make sense. It just doesn't... it's just half of the reason there's a movie is because the characters are idiots. That's it, not that they were forced into conflict and survival... they're just dumb.

There's a superior film inside of prometheus that's for sure. One where there could have been complex interesting motives behind the actions and maybe sabotage attempts by someone in the crew etc. But no, we basically watch a movie where everything that happens is the character's own fault. It's a scooby doo episode at heart... hey gang, should we go into that haunted mansion. Sure guys, nothing gonna happen in there!!!

Let us all hope the next one is a lot better.