Saturday, April 22, 2017

Naked Girls

Let's talk about it. I don't want to think about politics right now. I'm currently re watching my porn collection and something I never really thought about came up... why do girls get naked so damn much? There's like no guys showing their butt hole and dicks to everyone, unless you're gay and like that shit. But you always will find girls putting their shit holes on display and titties etc.

All races all bitches, all of them do the same shit. Get naked and put on a show. Why? Why do they do that so much and with no shame?

Not complaining but it's just so universal. They all do it. Not a one doesn't. They all do the same thing, get flaming stark naked...

Do they like and admire their own bodies and want to see it in its peak form before it inevitably ages?

I guess so... Men do the same thing to be honest. We body build get hard and shit and take pics, but nothing like girls. They got us beat to hell in that regard. Some guys NEVER want to look at themselevs without clothes. Me being one... it just makes a dude feel gay, that's all...

And it's how they get laid. Saddest discovery of my life. That girls lied to us all about how they want to be on equal status to males. LIES.

They do not want it in that way. Money, power, of course. Having to go court a mate, no sir, not walking off that bridge...

And they could. yunno why they don't.... it hurts. To try to bone someone and they say, no not interested, sucks the life out of your dick. It's not accepted by society... It's against their programming and instincts...

Say what you want about porn, yeah it's so bad and immoral, but it's like millions of years of animal instinct at work. Females just do that shit. Get naked, show off their body. Makes me lose respect for women honestly. I was a 90s kid, women can do anything was the brainwashing of that era. Then you get older and are smacked in the face by reality, no, women must be chased and all that... Look at my booty!!!

Oh how shitty.

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