Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Good start today

I went out to play basketball, got some sun, saw some hot girls walking around. If I had it my way I'd live on a basketball court, only thing that really matters to me anymore to be honest. I just wish my body worked better so I could play harder, but perhaps that will come in time.

Funny thing that's kind of bugging me, but I know its nothing. My sister's a trained lawyer. Lawyers are supposed to create a moral vacume, in which they can like a soldier in the battle field, go all out and kill without feeling a bit of emotion towards their enemy. So she LOVES playing with my mind like I'm someone she can easily dominate and control. I go down stairs to ask about the chinese food she came to me and teased me about like a 5 year old, saying shit like "well I guess you don't want it if you're not responding, etc." which I was responding, but she wanted me to do more than just say "what" so I thinking it's harmless, go to her room and ask wtf she was talking about, and she says the food's in the kitchen, cool, nothing going wrong yet. Then I accidentally pull off the ring to some manakin she has in there. I'm like, wow, interesting craftsmanship because the thing's more complex than it looked. She goes batshit, wacks my leg, acts like I killed someone. That's what she's trained to do as a lawyer, go crazy over NOTHING. the thing can be screwed back on. I start off by asking her to calm down, then of course as I expected she tries to intimidate me and bully me and whines about how she has to adjust the stupid thing just right. Which is retarded because she's only visiting, she doesn't even live here most of the time, so the damn thing could have dissapeared and she'd never even know, she's just looking to get a rise out of me, something she's been trained to do I suppose.

Well she got what she wanted because I had to use all my will power to not beat the shit out of her today. That's sad, truly sad. That women feel they can very much get away with harassing and in this case assaulting a male who had no ill intentions towards them. She even kind of gave me a "im sorry for hitting you." but then continues to act like i specifically came into her room to fuck with her, which wasn't my intention, not this time anyway. I laughed it off, but it does hurt a bit to realize I can't really win with females. They're the weaker sex so they can always get away with beating on a male. The hard thing is learning to tolerate that kind of shit.

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