Saturday, March 20, 2010

I like to have it CUT

Immortal words of Doctor charles, military super spy, who i used to work with as a ramp agent. Asshole basically kept toying with my mind every single fucking time we interacted at the job. That's the REAL WORLD everyone says is so cruel and fucked up. I just call it high school personally. ONE DAY at my first high school you'll want to pop a bullet in your head. So to suddenly give me a paycheck for having to deal with less abuse is, frankly, perfectly fine. That's the funny thing about life. You do get stronger the more you persist through harder and harder times without giving up. Don't go crazy and think you don't need to be cautious about it, but yeah sometimes sticking through a rough patch yields some rewards indeed.

Anyway, got all my hair cut off today. Figured it was time to start over with growing it. I foolishly thought putting vasaline in it was a good idea, and since then it's been a mess and I couldn't bother trying to fix it so it's gone now, starting a fresh batch that will hopefully not get too crazy.

Drinking water too. My headache is still there from the masturbation craving. I'm aware of how most people are prettymuch in the same boat, got to get some sexual relief from time to time, so why the blue fuck do these guys expect me to live without a similar situation to relieve my stress. I'll say it once again, for the most part, adulthood is about having a ton of awesome sex, period. Not about doing anything of particular merit, or studying a bunch of crap, it's work, sex, work, more sex. Sex is the most powerful drug on earth, hands down.

Well I got me a method of dealing with it so I'm kinda not too put off by it anymore, so whatever. And I'm so fucking tired of thinking about dealing with people's nonsense. Whether it be the military, or those who want to see me dead. I'm not going anywhere, probably for the next 45 years, I'll be around, then I'll kill myself painlessly. I want to buy a yacht, I want to sail the oceans, see the world, then fuck off this rock without a trace.

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