Tuesday, October 5, 2010

random thoughts

fixed my phone. i spent 100 bucks on a g1 phone on ebay and it worked fine until i got it wet and the touch screen no longer functioned, so i figured i'd fix it myself and took it apart in order to replace the touch screen. oops though since i accidentally ripped the fragile connection to the lcd. so i decided to abandon it and get a better phone, possibly the g2... long story short, after looking at phone prices, i couldn't afford those fancy new ones, so i took a risk and bought a broken g1 for parts and after days of trying to figure out what goes where and how to connect everything, i rebuilt the g1 from scratch. it's a simple design that's very fragile due to the placement of components in relation to each other. but if i need a new part, i can put it in pretty fast now. works. i initially just replaced the screen, but then the keyboard malfunctioned and i had to replace that too. so overall i've invested about 175 in a g1 phone, about twice as much as i'd spend on a used one on ebay. I guess if this keeps working, it was worth it since the great thing about this phone is i can charge it through usb and customize the hell out of it.

it's not too bad at delta. they give me a sheet every day with the number of flights i do, except when they decide to randomly change where i'm stationed. that sucks because then they like to put the new guys on heavy flights with lots of luggage. rough job... need time to heal afterwards but it'll be great to travel for nothing. and hopefully i can move up to a better job there, who knows.

contemplating returning to school to get that degree thing people keep talking about. having been in college, i can say that basic military training and in a lot of ways the rigorous course work i've endured in high school make it look like kindergarten. it's just way too expensive. i can't understand why anyone would want to pay so much for so little gain in the end. LEARN BY DOING. Leave the house and whatever it is you want to do, go after it, i say.

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