Friday, October 8, 2010

what a day, what to say

haven't masturbated all day my nigs, so my mind's full of thoughts of those sexy bitches. stupid sperm, needs to just leave me alone. like last night i couldn't sleep until i shot a bit of the shit out my dick to some really sweet pics of a nice juicy ripe young female. they're like works of art, only certain kinds truly captivate your innate artistic senses.

I honestly have no problem with impregnating a female, shit, i've known them my whole life, if she wants it, i'll give it to her no problem, it's just become so confusing trying to figure out which ones are good and which ones just want to suck both your dick and your wallet dry. then there's the issue of how your life changes completely once you go down that path.

I've always figured i'd avoid that for as long as possible so i could figure out time travel or whatever... it's not impossible goddamit.

i'm tired though, such a hard fight, and life isn't completely under anyones control. we really are still the same as any animal, we just choose to ignore the truth.

and i'm sick of the lack of humility within people i keep meeting. listen, my friend, don't act like you're a big shot when you shovel shit for a living and on top of that you're just as expendable as me. it really got on my nerves how out of touch with reality some of my coworkers were, truly believing that because they were a supervisor at some low level shitty sub contractor, they were great people, deserving respect and admiration. don't even get me started on people who somehow managed to get lucky and land an office job, so they pretend they've got a phd and everyone they deal with is dumb as a brick. I just play dumb and go along with the little bullshit fascade on display, but it still bothers me they way society is. i guess bill gates was right when he told steve jobs it doesn't matter if one of them is better than the other. the whole thing is a popularity contest. quality doesn't always win.

in that same vein, there's those who are fucking, and those who are me. and they'll gladly kick me over a cliff, i know that for sure. fuck. must resist though, because i believe so much more can be done besides giving in to one's natural instincts.

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