Saturday, November 17, 2012

A final word on Superman Returns

We're definitely moving forward now, which is a good thing. Very good. Bryan Singer is directing xmen again... Snyder hopefully isn't going to mess up superman, he's not much better than Michael Bay to me, so it's my fault if I set my expectations too high... I can't "let it go" so easily. Things went where they shouldn't have gone and if we don't remember why it went the way it did, then it'll happen again as George Santayana would say, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

I bootleged the movie. But don't hiss at me for it. I bought the dvd legit, so technically I own it, but I can't find the thing anywhere.

I go to AICN every day. They seem ok with me hanging out there. I've been going there since I was 12, it's my home. Always liked the underground boys club quality to it... Well it's funny, I post "superman returns is a masterpiece" and some douche replies "of shit" What the fuck? People still hate the movie that much? Get over it.... I am. I'm done with this movie.

But what a movie it is... It's a grand triumph in american cinema that a film like that which plays out as a more subtle work of art can still exist. The film's about something more than the big explosions. What kind of movies do people want? I'm an advocate for intelligent cinema. And we should stand behind films that don't merely insult us as an audience. So I don't find it funny that there's still such a disdain for what Singer had the balls to put out there. And as was already made clear in the film itself, the people crucified it.

That's the genius of the film. And now 6 years later, I notice that maybe Superrman's a ghost in the end of the film. You can take it that way, and view it as all very ambiguous.

All I want to say is that I'm incredibly sorry for having lashed out wildly at the movie because a few jackasses hurt my feelings. I was not raised that way. I don't believe in betraying your true feelings and seeking revenge against some bastards who want to start a ruckus. I failed at everything I trained myself all my life to do which is to stand for what's right... I hate myself for that.

For that reason, I'll take this movie with me to my grave as a symbol of what kind of person I aspire to be.

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