Sunday, June 15, 2014

further thoughts on gta v

Been getting further into the game lately. Gotta say some more thoughts on it. I didn't even begin to see the full scope of what kind of game this is in my initial play through, but it's much much WAY much more than the single player stuff.

This game has to go down in history as one of the most goddamn well made fucking games in history.  It has to. Lord knows the infinite possibilities with the online gta portion of the game. I dare say don't even buy it for the single player at all, just get it and jump into the online stuff because that completely OVERWHELMS the honestly mediocre story in the game. The online stuff is beyond anything I've ever seen before in a GTA. You basically are playing a massive fucking game of monopoly.

I wish they made it more like monopoly so that you had to be worried about people stealing your property or some shit and it made it more of a serious game, and of course more money you have more defenses you can afford to protect your property and you can have mini-wars between players in the online world.

As of now, it's just basically a rush to get as much cool toys as possible online, and everybody is playing the highest paying missions over and over again. I wish Rockstar would create a lottery or some kind of massive pay-out to the winner of a boxing or golf game or some shit. Make the min-games actually pay out the ass so that you want to play them.

I didn't care for the golf until I gave it a shot, and it's actually pretty neat to play golf in gta. But it doesn't pay much and if it actually meant a damn and you won the golf tournament and it payed like half a million dollars people would be far more interested in the game. As of now everybody is playing coveted, roof top rumble, and I'm personally working on trying to get the wet work mission which pays 21,000 dollars.

But this is truly going to hopefully lead to more online games like this. It's not particularly new. We've been seeing tons of massive online games over the years anyway, besides what gta's doing. But the whole GTA-ishness to it is what makes this unique. You can participate in missions and games and get involved with the kids and people generally fucking around online or just sit back and not give a shit about it and chill in your apartment all day in the game.

I'm about to get back into it after taking a break. This shit wears you out after a long while. You gotta get a breather from it...

Still working on my CBP application and shit. Don't know what I'll do once I get into that shit, just don't. Maybe it'll be awesome and I'll never regret joining or shit will get stupid like it seems to continually be getting for me personally, lord knows.

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