Saturday, May 30, 2015


Now that the weather is nicer here in NY, you bet your ass, you're going to get ass. Ass aplenty out there on the streets. It's very distracting to me sadly. I mean I'd love to just check out all the wonderful ass but I have to think about doing my fucking job for some stupid reason. But yeah was in the airport terminal and this spanish girl was barely wearing anything, fucking ass jiggling for everybody to see and bitch was in shape like perfect 10 bitch.

Then on the train tonight, fuck, hot little mulatto bitch just looking hot as fuck. Very nice. She looked so sexy, wanted to rip off her clothes and fuck the crap out of her ass.

Wonder where she's going tonight, who the fuck knows...

I mean it's just nice, girls are nice. I love looking at a girl's ass and legs. When it's like plump and muscular, that's that good shit.

I don't even know how to scientifically break it down why I enjoy the view so much. Maybe it's just the thought of fucking that ass that's so arousing, I don't know...

It is nice to look at, when the ass and legs is just so sculpted and nice and smooth like a hot rod.

Just saiyan...

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Independence Day 2 thoughts

just saw Jeff Goldblum on set of Independence day 2.

Fuck me is it a trip back in time. I'm 29 now, not that old or anything, but I certainly don't feel like a kid anymore. What a life I've lived. I grew up in the 90s so of course I was seeing all the space movies they made back then. Independence day was a monumental film for its innovative new fx that it created. Beyond that, I just loved watching it all the time as a kid. It was a cool goddamn movie. Now of course it's ancient stone age shit compared to the movies they're making now. Lord knows how they're going to up the ante with this new one.

I certainly don't know, and it'll be interesting as all fuck to see what the hell does indeed happen next after the first movie. I don't know. I loved the movie. You go online and you have people saying it's not that great or anything. I guess there's anti-american centement going on there. It's a unabashed american movie about american idealism at its core. That's what it's all about and something I personally really believed in, all the shit bill pullman was saying about fighting and not going out quietly in the face of adversity. Deep shit, and it's all contained in a silly blockbuster movie. That's what was great about it.

So this sequel does indeed have a lot to live up to and overcome. ID was a big ass awesome film man... no little pussy movie for kids.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Fucking about time dammit. Making Jonny Quest movie!

I'm really stupidly excited about this news I just came across today. HUGE jonny quest fan. This is great. I'm all aboard whatever ideas they got for this movie. If they want to go retro and pay homage to the original, fine. if they want to make it a full on reboot a-la Real adventures, whatever. That's cool too.

You have to recognize the fact that Jonny Quest is not some little cartoon show nobody knows about, it's a massive world wide beloved franchise that's spawned like 3 different iterations and has a huge following.

They're going to make big bank if they get it right, that's for sure.

I mean, it's a lot like making a legitimate Indian Jones movie. Spielberg tried and failed at making one, I mean it's that's HARD to get it right. It has to be done properly, not just oh whatever the fuck out your ass kind of shit, just saying...

Monday, May 25, 2015

bill and ted 3

hmmmm interesting idea. I loved bill and ted as a kid, who didn't. One of the most fucking weird yet oddly captivating films ever made of course.

Supposedly they're doing what they honestly shouldn't do and making a "last chance" sequel before the actors get way too old to make a sequel.

Right now today, both actors can sorta pull off looking like their younger selves with heavy make up so it wouldn't look ridiculous.

Definitely I'll see the fucking thing, sure. I mean but today's kids will they see it? or care? I don't fucking know...

I don't really hang with today's kids much at all and I don't want to. I hated grown ups hanging with me as a kid, leave me alone and stay out of my life was all I wanted...

I don't know. I do indeed want to grab kids I see some times and force them to watch star wars, back to the future, bill and ted, super mario bros movie, lost in space, all the shit I really liked as a kid, but that's not right, it just isn't. They have to learn about things by themselves truth be told.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Judith Hoag Returns

Ain't this a shock. Been a long time since I've seen her in anything at all. Now she's back to play I'm guessing a rival news reporter to April in the new movie. I hope they put tons of in jokes about how the new april looks way too hot or something. Just so you know I'm a TMNT NUT. I mean look at my muscles and ninja skills. You can blame Ninja Turtles for that. That movie put my ass to work doing karate all night, so yeah it's been a huge influence.

Goddamn Missed ya april. Should have brought back Ernie Reyes JR too. Is the guy dead? Fuck it, bring back everybody from the original movies, even the fucking suits cuz these CGI abominations are horrible.

But it's like fucking set in stone now. These new TMNT movies are permanently linked to the classic 90s film, forever..

Maybe just maybe this movie will be actually like, classier because of the inclusion of the original April.

Who knows, not like any kids today will give a fuck about that truth be told.

They'll just be like, who the hell is this bitch? Not me, I remember the original April. Hell I remember fucking the original 80s cartoon. Hell I remember the shitty ninja turtle concert which was my life for way too long as a kid.

Why did I like watching that shit? Why?

It was badass though, man life was wwaaaaaaaayyy funner in the 90s, retarded yes, funner hell to the yes...

Riddick VS Chronicles

I have Riddick on my computer. I love watching films from time to time, especially movies about boys being boys and killing and guns and stuff. I'm totally all about machismo, and body building, and fucking girls in their ass. Fuck that's all I care about all I want to do.

So I loved Riddick when I saw that shit, boy. And I got to say I'm kind missing not only being younger, all of us males miss that shit, yes, but seeing Riddick back in the early 2000s when that shit hit.

I saw XXX and I saw Chronicles right around that time. Best years of my fucking life. I still hit up the movies but now I feel like a 29 year old man-child doing it. I should be going to the movies grabbing my white girl friend's ass and titties.

I really should... just saying...

Got to say though as I sit and think about the movie franchise and where it's going, not a fan of the Riddick film as much as I was hoping to be.

I mean shit chronicles is through the roof son. Sure it's fucking weird ass dune rip off shit, yeah but fuck is it a lot of fun. There's so much shit going on in that movie. Riddick is just boring as shit compared to the fucking epic shit going on in Chronicles.

I mean it's almost like watching a 2 hour cutscene from the goddamn videogame it's so flat and lifeless a film.

It only gets fucking good when they go after the nodes, finally some fucking action. And it does have classic riddick lines but all that good shit is surrounded by this pile of bullshit made for TV sci-fi shit.

Just doesn't measure up to Chronicles in the end.

Will we see another riddick movie? I'm guessing not honestly. I don't think this whole "return to pitch black" format is working out. Chronicles opened a whole new ball of wax with the franchise, there's no going back to quiet subtle indie movies.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

lando returns

Not surprisingly there are confirmations from kasdan himself that lando will be in the new trilogy at some point. He better be. Would have been the shit to see lando as like the first guy in the new trailer... but i guess hes not involved with this particular starwars movie...

We'll see I mean, this is all happening so fast and so fucking rushed I can't personally keep up with the hoopla all over these new star wars films. I was more like relaxed and taking everything in more with the prequels more than these movies. I'm sure after we get over the hill of finally seeing the new star wars universe JJ is creating, then we'll all kinda know where it's going but as of now, it's like unexplored territory and it's hard to feel comfortable with what they may or may not be making.

It just looks so weird. I never thought I'd see a star wars movie like this one, just never registered as I hungrily looked for bits of news regarding the prequels as a teen.

Sadly because of the prequels everything they do with these new movies will seem kinda sullied by memories of jar jar and the whole fucking fiasco that was those films.

In a perfect world, the prequels would not exist and we'd see these movies being made back then and when all the actors were definitely better suited for the roles age wise, but it's now far too late so they're going to rush these flicks out by the seat of their pants...

I mean it's not the end of the world. Wonderfully I really enjoyed seeing the old cast from Lotr in the new Hobbit movies, that was priceless to me personally. I lived and breathed so much of Lotr when it came out, to have the cast return and they're all fucking knocking on death's door, was brilliant.

Here we are in a similar scenario and it's very strange to see and witness what does indeed happen next after RotJ. But this is going down for REAL. It's not even the fucking like 10th novel about the fucking clone of the emperor coming back out of the fucking depths of the universe, no, it's the serious real deal next chapter of star wars, potentially actually overseen by Lucas. I mean they didn't use his scripts for it, thank GOD, but maybe some of his ideas will be in it and there is a plan. Lucas did intend to make Star wars 7-9. So it did end nicely and cleanly in RotJ, but there's still a plan somewhere in lucas' attic for another trilogy and whatever it was, was probably very much legit and right on the target. I mean the prequels are a fuck up, but they did have Lucas' original vision in them and kinda almost link up with ANH etc. Almost....

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Should we Terraform Mars

Just goes to show how much of a nerd I am but I read the mars articles on ign often. Interesting new developments in the exploration of mars. I personally believe we're going there not to explore it or even achieve the goal of putting men on its surface. I think we want to find new potential elements not found on this planet. The potential profit companies can make from using martian resources is too good to pass up. And maybe it will lead to greater military power who knows...

But the question is Should we terraform Mars to make it habitable like earth. Plans are underway as I speak to use microbes to produce oxygen on mars so that when we get there people can breathe its air.

It's a cost saving measure no doubt. They want to be able to not have to carry the oxygen with them constantly. Ultimately however it will change the natural state of mars as it is today.

Shit, it's a tough question to answer and I'm certainly not super smart enough to provide an adequate solution.

But really sit and think about it. Are we HURTING mars? Recent evidence indicates that Mars was actually much similar to earth billions of years ago. By terraforming it, we're essentially putting it back the way it was more or less.

Why's that a problem?

I mean either we do this, make mars start producing oxygen, then go hang out on it and explore it without bringing air with us, or we don't and leave mars alone and explore it with robots.

It comes down to the human element. We simply want to give ourselves an easier time exploring it since the idea of sending supplies to the people on mars is a far out ridiculous kind of concept to grasp.

Btw ....i like turtles...

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Three stooges gets a sequel

Not bad, but not that good either.

Been a comedy nut all my life. One thing you'll notice about me is my sense of humor and it's all I have honestly. It's what keeps me alive to some degree looking at the lighter side to things.

So much of my life has been spent in shitty situations, I have to look at life in a more askew offbeat direction to not lose my mind personally.

So I love a good comedy. What is a good comedy? I like smart comedies myself. Ones that actually demand some kind of thought to understand the jokes. Fart gags only last so long yaknow...

Which is why I wasn't much of a fan of the first stooges movie. I grew up on seriously better films than that pile of hogwash. First or second draft material at best, can't believe it was so light a film. This is the stooges, the fucking stooges, and the movie's so SAFE. No attempts to completely distort and change our perception of the stooges or do anything interesting with them. It's just hey, these guys look and act like the stooges, there ya go, enjoy...

NO, this is fucking the year 2010+ why is ace ventura a more fucking stooge-ish movie than the actual three stooges movie? Explain yourself big guy...

Like I make YTMND jokes from time to time. Half of the time I make a joke that's a play on words. Alizee sings, and the ytmnd has her farting etc.

If my stupid internet gags are smarter than the shit in the stooges movie, that's truly pathetic.

I would not have made the movie the way they made it, hell no. I didn't know what I was watching. It's half a documentary, half a stooges sketch show at the same time. PICK ONE ya maroons.

I would have made it a fucking documentary. Calling it the three stooges movie makes you think it's about the fucking stooges themselves. Notice that the stooge shorts were about the characters and the situation they were in, not about the actors or their lives off set.

So don't call it the three stooges movie. Call it, the Great Orphanage Movie since that's what it ended up being about.

You watch the movie hoping to get clued in on the stooges and their plight in life, but no the movie's more about the fucking kids in the orphanage and their life than it is the stooges and the movie just is all over the place and has no idea what it is in the end.

I just kept hoping for a better movie while watching and that's just wrong.

How can they improve the sequel? They can't. Not really, the way they set up the universe, there's no going back, going to have to live with it.

That's life. Just hopefully the jokes in the second movie are much more intelligent and interesting than the bland thoughtless, light, fluffy material they spat in our faces. Shame on them, fucking faggots.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

new static image

contains spoilers so be aware of that before viewing it and shit...

Custom Heists

Just thinking about this. I love heists now. All things considered it was all about time. The thing is that people needed time to actualy learn how to do the heists and now that we've all pretty much done them at least once, there's a lot less fucking it up which makes it a hell of a lot more fun to play.

So yeah I like it, but what if R implimented a custom heist system. They got custom missions but wow wouldn't it be neat if we could create our own heists. This would really be badass.

I mean the insane shit that you could do in someone's custom heist would be really awesome.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

less is more principle

Something i was thinking about. I believe star wars will bennefit from this. I mean its the jaws rule of film making. Maybe things are better left to the imagination. I grew up pathetically reading books and playing shitty green gameboy. I played commodore64 not full scale open world gta. I had to do something called practice and trial and error to beat bosses in games. Times were much tougher for me so i dont understand the whole have your cake and eat it too mentality people have now. suck it up. Life is a bitch...
So abrams is making his star wars 70s style thank the maker. For fucks sake i  dont need to see the hairs on jabbas ass as h3 does a back flip and dances. Fucking overdone ass prequels. Hopefully they make this movie very much like the sfar treks. Honestly if these new star wars films are basically exactly like jjs star treks thats perfect. We all know the fucker was making his star wars movies usuing fucking star trek characters. Its clear as glass.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Terminator Genysys thoughts

Interesting times as a huge movie fan. Never thought I'd get damn near 30 now and seeing so many of my childhood heros continue to make films and sequels to their hits but it's happening and it truly is a marvel to behold.

Rumors are stirring about Star Wars Force Awakens and about what is going on in the movie. I don't know and that's exciting. It's like being back in the prequel days. None of us back then thought we'd be seeing them forge forward with a new star wars trilogy. We need it now sadly. The prequels don't cut it, we need actual GREAT star wars films again.

A movie nobody really asked for at all is coming soon too. Terminator Genysis. I have high hopes for it but without Cameron hands on it's going to obviously be lesser work than the master himself doing it. Cameron making a terminator featuring old arnold would truly be special. As it is, this movie looks ridiculous and pornographic to me. It's just a straight up stupid exploitation of arnold being back as an actor.

However if I had it my way and I was the one making it. I'd make it very different. I'd make it a true successor to Terminator 2. It'd be about Arnold terminator becoming a human being like in bicentennial man sorta. I'm hoping they approach it that way and say since this arnold has been living with humans for 20 years, he's developed a hell of a lot more humanity to him than any other terminator can possibly have and that's why he's able to defeat super robo john connor at the end because he has so much actual practical knowledge vs just being a mindless computer.

I don't know.... Fucking looks good the movies coming out these days. Going to scoop up star wars battlefront when that comes out. I was thinking about it last night, wow, so the game won't have ANY prequel stuff in it. It's basically an OT only game and of course previews the stuff from Force Awakens. That's AWESOME. Fuck the prequels. I hope that's the thinking going on in JJ's fucking head and hell, everyone involved with the new trilogy. Fuck the prequels. They never happened, moving on...

I will miss some things, Playing as Darth Maul, sweet. The weapons in prequel era were more fun to play with. Better jet pack tech. Playing as Mace windu, hell yeah. The droids with the ball shield were sweet shit, what else... basically playing as jedi from the prequels was fun since there's more of them than in the OT. I mean the prequels are garbage, yes, but they had some decent shit in them as far as the games were concerned.

We'll see won't we, how all this turns out...

Sunday, May 3, 2015

What happens next after Return of the Jedi?

I sit here thinking a lot about Force Awakens. I have to. Star Wars is my life. I mean it transcends all things in this world to me. It's like, it's THAT monumental a thing. People have no idea what kind of shit is going to be stirred up by the return of the original star wars cast. They just don't. This movie will destroy the Box Office. Everyone from EVERY generation will flock to this film, it's going to kill us all.

Problem is that it's not going to make any sense.

I've thought long and hard about this and I just don't see it, how can they continue the story now and what exactly is the new story arc going to be about.

The loop is closed. The emperor is defeated. What else is there to say about the skywalker family if indeed this movie will be about that or a continuation of the skywalker journey.

If indeed you watch the star wars movies from the first to the last, you'll see yes it's basically about Anakin's fall and rise.

Sure the story shifts focus to luke but undeniably as it exist now, star wars is primarily about Anakin's journey. His story being finished, what the fuck is the new trilogy going to be about I wonder....

I look at the trailer and the photos and sure enough I have no fucking idea what big monumental threat the new heros are facing at all and that makes all this stuff we get from these new movies feel hollow and lifeless.

There's nothing going on. Basically this is a star wars movie about Han going to the bakery and ordering up some stuff for life day festival.

This is fucking the Holiday Special 2 isn't it... Meaningless, pointless, star wars whoring at best...

Sorry to be a negative nancy but I've lived and breathed star wars all my life. I know how lame the EU was as I tried to get into it. Either they brought back the emperor in clone form to continue that story line or they basically just detailed how exactly luke rebuilt the jedi order and the republic finished off the last bits of the empire still hanging around after they got their asses kicked.

Certain things definitely kinda worry me. But ultimately I have to say whatever because the prequels suck so hard. Getting these movies made by a star wars fan no doubt will wipe the prequels clean from all of our memories.

It's not hard to make a star wars film. Basically make it fun, it's a joy ride, it's supposed to be epic, cool, and most of all fun. The prequels forgot this, offering up this dark, super duper serious story that has its head waaay too far up its own ass for us to get into it. And nobody in the movie really seems to be having fun. Watching the originals, even if you don't care for the story, everybody in the movie's having fun and making wise cracks and that's what star wars is all about. It's a fucking adventure in space and yet there's none of that HOLY SHIT WE'RE IN SPACE AND IT'S AWESOME feel to those movies. Seriously?

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Fixing Windows 7 mouse freezing problem

Just some kind of tech tip for anyone who may have been having the same issue as me. Just overclocked the fuck out of my comp to see how it would work out and it's been doing fine thus far. However, the mouse has been stuttering and ultimately dies at points. I could only plug it back in to reboot it and get it going again.

Didn't know why it was doing it and researched like a mad man to find the answer to this problem. Turns out it was the internet adapter doing it...

I noticed while browsing for porn and stuff that when the browser loaded pages the mouse starting fucking up and dying. And it hit me, yeah the reason it always stopped was because the internet was turned on.

I immediately unplugged the ethernet and voila the mouse worked fine for hours.

So I decided to change the settings for the adapter, turned off the power save feature. Turned off Green network stuff, anything really that was about the power settings being set to fluctuate I turned it off and it's back in business now.

Haven't had one hickup all day from the mouse thanks to these changes.

So there's the solution, at least so far. What can I say, this needs to be tested for at least a week to know for sure whether it works, but I can without a doubt confirm that it's been stable all day today without fucking up like it usually does...

In addition... the setting that needs to be changed is the duplex setting. I changed it to 10mbs and now im guessing its using less power now so its not too inclined to buckle as much. Played gta online and it was the smoothest its ever been. Wonderful. I suvgest chang8ng ethernt settings to optimize it for gam8ng which youll have to look up some articles on. But yeah chang8ng shit will make it run smotsmoothly  becuz toriginal seftings are full of useless shit. xo

Actually sctaych that. It was the mouse that was faulty. Got a new solar mouse and if worjs perfectly...