Thursday, March 31, 2016


Just discovered this stuff.

Wow, so there's a material someone discovered merely 3 years ago that can be cheaply produced and is going to fundamentally completely revolutionize every industry across the map.

This stuff can be used as batteries, bulletproof vests, cellphone screens etc.

I can't believe the possibilities. And supposedly computers will be given a huge boost as this stuff replaces silicon.

Chips will get faster. Everything will get better.

Problem at the moment is producing it which is difficult but you can buy it on Ebay. This is what corporations need I tell you. Something that can be made cheaply and ultimately not burden them with costs of production.

Let's see if they'll make advancements in technology and make them available to all of us or keep the good stuff only to themselves as is the norm.

Thawts on the job hunt nonsense

Well as usual I'm looking for a job. I like going and making paper. One of the few things I prefer doing. I don't have a problem with getting paid. I can accomplish my projects and that makes me personally feel better about life. I can create my artistic visions thanks to my paycheck.

Shame that these jobs don't feel the need to respect their workforce.

It's utterly shocking and downright cruel the way they shove a couple of bucks in your face and maybe a free flight or two and give you a mountain of work to do and say "it's your job!!!"

No it's a scam!!!

You just HOPE the workers are not smart enough to realize you're playing games and trying to get mountains moved for pennies.

Why does this society promote "education" when once you get to the work world, none of these jobs are concerned with you being intelligent and questioning their practices.

How does this shit make sense? You don't pay the workers a living wage, one that can provide them with shelter and food, but call it a serious job?

You hire people who are over qualified and smart enough to do much better jobs for more money, then throw around threats of a write up as if this is the best these guys could do?

I mean it's just weird. The shit I went through in High School and the little bits of college I did, it's like it doesn't matter once you get to the job. Lift this and put it over there all day, don't care if you know how to do complex algebra. Fuck you, and lift this. I know you passed that hard ass high school shit, good for you, Lift this heavy shit!!!

Sad to say it's because I'm black, yall. It's just the way you're gonna get it as a black person when you get out of high school. Lift this heavy shit.

I was just thinking about and sure enough not no overwhelming white presence at these shit jobs. Too busy riding jet skis, and fucking their girlfriend, and having some kind of party.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

ronda rousy is black?

Holy shit, no wonder she kicks ass at sports...

She's all casual about it too, like it's no big deal. Yeah it's a big deal bitch. You part of the under-class now. Don't be telling the world you got black genes...

White people, man. Can't make sense of those guys....

I like her more now though got to say. It's like, I was always attracted to her and didn't know why, but oh, she's a really bright as hell black girl basically. Make sense...

My thoughts on Batman V superman

Earnest but Forgettable... Not much more than what we got with Man of Steel in this one either.

Though the fanboy in me was thinking it was prettycool. It is, yeah, the action scenes are great. Transformers got those right too. Again does anyone remember the story? Was there one?

Sad to say but the criticism of Lex Jr. is spot on. He's horrible. Worst Lex Luther EVER. He's like Jim Carrey Lite. HOw the hell did Zach approve that performance?

Cavil does his best with a bad fuck you script he got.

I think Affleck is overrated myself. He's still Affleck, still kinda can't act really, don't know why he's getting tons of praise. I guess when you're surrounded by shit, you stand out as a diamond in the rough?

It's not a terrible film. It's just your Zack Snyder Clusterfuck as usual, take it or leave it. Much more powerful "death of superman" story in Superman Returns than this bitch of a movie.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Deepest bluest Static hattest

Here she is, the static shock hat I finally got. Yep. I never understood the x on his hat in the comics and of course he never wore one in the toon, so I've changed it, forgive me.

Fitted hat, which I hate to death, but I'll make the most of it. 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Harry's massive backpeddling review on Batman V superman

Wow poor bastard even though he's got more money than I'll probably ever see, but yeah can't win in his case. Should have kept that review to himself. Putting out a retraction review takes a bite out of your credibility in my opinion. From here forward none of his initial reaction reviews will be trusted anymore since he can always say, yeah I had a spec of dust in my eye on that first screening, totally got better the second time...

I've known harry ALL of my childhood. I will NEVER look down on him. He's NOT a bad person or a studio shill. I know him since the days when he was just this nobody. He's still a nobody to me. All this GEEK GOD bullshit is a joke. Harry's just harry. That crazy guy I saw on tv one day and thought was awesome for being himself and not trying to bend his opinion to suit anyone.

This second review is exactly the harry I grew up with. A human, flawed, geeky, comicbook and super hero movie nut and if he says he liked the movie more after digesting it, I can definitely see that being true.

It's what we movie geeks do, as pathetic and virginish as it is. We don't look at these geek movies in black and white terms. If you've ever been a fan of comics as a kid, you know how awful most of them are, but you learn to deal with that and find those bits that do work about the hero or just pull something out your ass to make it work, whatever. It's called imagination. There's no one size fits all with these things. Your imagination is as much a part of why it's great as the stuff it's made of.

Yeah I liked the whole rocky series as a kid. I liked all the ninja turtles movies as a kid. I liked all the batman and superman movies as a kid. I was thrown off by the drop in quality from the first film, but I made up for that with my imagination and continued to just live in the universe the movie created and rolled with it. I still do that. Like, If I feel the need I'll actually kinda try to make superman returns fit in with the original superman movies as a true next chapter. It's all about granting these things some kind of leniency and space in the end. A kid will watch all the superman movies from start to finish and not give a damn a bout all the details being perfect. It's about just having fun in that universe.

There are exceptions to this. Michael bay's transformers which is what in my mind I think I'll look at Snyder's whole super hero movie series as. Those movies can not be forgiven. At least if the first movie was decent and the sequels were ass, ok I'd do what I usually do and show mercy on the sequels because they stuck the landing with the first one. But there's nothing that can save transformers. Like nothing. It's like if the first power rangers movie was Turbo and then each sequels was like just MORE of Turbo and no attempt was made to at least get it right like the first power rangers movie.

First time I've ever seen Harry take back a review, like this is a new frontier. The reactions to it are as expected. No, he's not trying to save the movie. He's probably broken bread between what he expected and what the movie actually is... Something a lot of people apparently can't do.

Man arrested for old tom green rental

All I got to say is I watched Freddy Got Fingered for FREE on cable back in the day and even then it wasn't worth seeing.

I think the man suffered enough sitting through that shitfest. case closed!!!

Friday, March 25, 2016

What else is there now that batman vs superman kinda sucked

Like others, probably just see Deadpool again. Not at all interested in seeing Civil War although I really liked Winter Soldier. Evans cap sucks. Not a huge fan of Downey's Iron man. Age of Ultron was a clusterfuck. This looks like the same damn movie to me. If it's not, then ok, but all signs... I will NOT be seeing Ghostboobsters. Definitely will be there as is TRADITION for another great Bryan Singer x-men movie. That's about it...

I'm a movie nut. I have to come to terms with that now I think. I loved cinema all my life. Thing is I never thought about it as something unique. It' s just something I did as a kid, watch all the movies that I could find that were half way worth my time.

I'll probably personally not be too offended by Batman Vs Superman. People bag on that movie left and right, but I know personally how full of shit internet fandom is so yeah, it's a zach snyder movie. If you dared to think it'd be this amazing complex movie at all, that's your fault.

I loved Superman and batman movies as a kid. That's the thing... I never said, oh this movie's no good cuz it's got nipples on the bat suit. That's like HARDLY the problem with schumacer's batman. I think the giant ass shots and horrible villains were far more offensive, but as soon as I started discussing comic book movies on forums, FORGET IT, this little thing called "common sense" is not welcome here.

Thing is, I grew up on superfriends!!! Yeah, I'll always love superfriends and I still watch that pile of shit even now. It's liberating really. It just reminds of what the fuck comics were all about before the 90s made them all into the same todd mcfarlane ripoff shit that we got. LOVE you todd, but you came in and made comics go crazy with the darkness and gore, it's your fault.

So in that light, I can say I don't have a problem with super hero movies doing things "their way" and not meeting expectations. That's all I ever saw as a kid, superhero cartoons and movies doing their own thing with the characters as awful as it was. It just felt organic. Like, yeah ya got a bunch of dudes with outrageous wacky powers, of course they're going to be hamming it up and being dorky. It's a lost art, man. The time when cartoons were really light and fluffy and comic booky. Dare I say the idea of comic books being "comical" is perhaps the right way to do it?

Anyway just an observation. I don't believe there's any particular one way to do comic book super heros. And ultimately the soulless, bland, Nolan batman movies prettymuch prove that taking the "comic" out of the book, makes it a BOOK.

If Snyder's movie is a giant pile of ass, understandable. But if it's his "own" version of the comic characters and it's "comical" and entertaining, that's not a problem. Shame on you Internet.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Static Shock beta costume testing commences..

Cool isn't it. I think this will work as the costume he acquirres after the inital tshirt and cruid drawing he throws together. Then we'll see his final finished cosume at the end of the trailer but typically he'll sport this version for most of the trailer.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

batman vs superman vs wondertwins, vs predator vs aliens

Yeah saw this coming waaaay off in the other galaxies, pal. Wow, shit. I'm kinda lost on what could or should be done with superman after this movie sputters out...

Man of Steel wasn't all that, no reason under the blue sky to assume this movie would be great or better. Snyder's not about making intelligent movies as far as I can tell. It's big, loud, macho, and dumb. So that's what he delivered again. Oh wow.

I'm going to guess no one's going to want to touch superman for a long while after this thing nose dives....

Monday, March 21, 2016

thawts on the shutdown of Danger Room Protocols

so that fan cartoon some guy was making got axed by Disney. Shame, would have been a great homage to classic xmen of yesteryear which we've recently not seen in a very long while. Even the films have forgotten xmen's colorful roots.

It's pretty cut and dry. Which makes this case so confounding to me. The guy is obviously extremely smart. What made him think he could do this and not get on Disney's Radar?

It's no one's fault but his and that's just stupid. I've bore witness to countless fan projects on the web since the good ol days of phantom menace and matrix etc. These gave way to thousands of fan projects that none of the studios gave a shit about. It was just fanboys being fan boys. They could. As people are arguing in the comments. There are millions of youtube vidoes making fanboys and girls money and the content they contain is owned by someone else. Technically the studios should be on a feeding frenzy.

In this case, it was this guy's own hubris that defeated him. He put his work out there for EVERYBODY to see, even sold posters. He hoped because nobody knew him or cared about him for so long, he'd make his show and like others online like newsgrounds wouldn't get sued. NOPE!!!! Because you put your show out for everybody to see, guess what, guy.

It's like the hacking scene. Time and time again, it's just like clockwork. A new hack is discovered and some retard hackers think it's a good idea to blatantly scream about its existence on the magical giant microphone that is the internet. Of course the company patches it the next day...

Of course Disney shut you down. You should have made the series quietly behind doors and then released it like a mother fucker and we'd all be better off for it, and you would have probably gotten some really interested investors in your talent. No doubt he has. And maybe that was the point all along. Get the attention of the big dogs so you can get work in the big leagues. Already the actual director of the 90s xmen toon has taken an interest in him. No doubt there will be some hand shaking and deals being made with him because of his exposure, so maybe this all worked out....

I don't know, but the way he tried to get it done was insultingly idiotic.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Planning shit

I got to lose this weight. Never been able to dramatically lose weight, but it's important to now. I believe I'll get the role of Lando, it's God's will I think. It's not a choice anymore. I wasn't born the reincarnation of Billy Dee for nothing. Problem is I'm basically pudgy fat billy dee at this point. Yikes, gotta fix that.

What will I do with all the money Disney will pay me. Feel at ease for once. I can't stand the job hunt nonsense. I can't stand it at all. It's like, so depressing and dehumanizing to go begging for pennies from these terrible companies out there. And it's so horrible the way they treat their work force, but welcome to the real world, every man for himself out there.

You literally are just a dime a dozen bag of bones to throw at some shit that needs to get done. Didn't see that coming, I must say. I thought society cared about black people, oops, fucking dumbass of course not.

Still working on the static shock movie thing... I'll put it out there and it'll be finished. I just want to get it done now as later it'll look way off with me in my f'n 30s.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

So we're gonna get Indiana Jones 5...

A lot of people saying they should just leave it alone, not bury indy further into the dirt.

I definitely see their point, but this will be an Indy without Lucas meddling with it and it'll be purely spielberg and Ford making a definitive final Indy movie. What could possibly go wrong?

I don't even want it to be about indiana jones. I just want it to be about other things and Jones comes into the story to help or whatever it is he can do, or similarly to force awakens. It's about the search for a lost Indiana Jones and they find him in the end....

works fo me...

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Just got a great camera

I've been an artist a long time, what can I say. The thing is that I've never had the tools!!!!

Now I do. This camera is so cool. I've owned tons of cameras over my time, but never this bitch. And it's not even the best camera on the market, but what it can do... oh yeah.

This is just a test video I did...

Unbelievable quality. So far I've shot tons of static shock footage on my s4 phone. Never did I hope to do the trailer at 60fps so I'm gonna have to release 2 versions. One at 30fps and the other at a mixture of 30 and 60fps, cuz I'm sure as fuck not gonna reshoot those shots I got and all the edited stuff. It's motivated me to finish the trailer though, seeing how great the quality is on this camera. It's the sony wx-350. I know yall white people have the latest shit and don't care about my discovery of this thing, but I never owned a decent camera in my life so to finally get one is blowing my mind. 

I mean shit, the quality boy plus 60fps it's like live video but it's not. I'm gonna get some amazing visuals now. Moreso than I ever hoped to get initially. 

Friday, March 11, 2016

Thoughts on Spiderman's eye tech

Never thought I'd see this shit on screen. Of all the things to attempt to maintain and keep accurate in translation to live action, the last thing I thought about was them keeping the awkward way artist draw spiderman's eye expressions. It's poetic license more or less. It's not literal, just artistic liberty that comics afford, never thought they'd attempt to explain it in live action.

It's egregious to me. Spiderman's got bigger things to worry about than whether he can squint with his fake eyes. I don't like it at all. It's like if he's so anal about his eyes being expressive, why's he not built better web shooters or something more important to fight crime. That's spiderman. He's not about excess like stark or batman. He's not going to take the time to create something for "cool" factor like them. He's going to build tech that helps him in battle, nothing more. So I don't like the eye shit.

Also don't like Tom Holland's spidey voice. Is he like 13? Wow, it was just awkward hearing that tiny voice come out of a full grown man's body. Hope he drops that shit real quick, it's not going to fly.

Spidey doesn't have to sound like a kid. He just have to have a kid's spirit. That's what the spidey cartoon got on point. Spidey was at least in his mid 20s or early 30s in that show, but he had such a childlike enthusiasm and smartass spirit that he captures that tone of a punk teenager without having to be one. Seems to me they're thinking that spidey has to sound like a punk teen to capture the smartass attitude he has. Not at all, but apparently they're going to screw it up.

The costume is good though. No more 3d or ingraved webs. Just classic stitched in webs like the days of old. How hard was that to do, and it simply makes the suits easier to make, cost savings. Weird as amazing spiderman awkward redesign on the suit though. Is the classic suit not good enough? Ya gotta add nonsense lines everywhere to make it look like its bastard cousin? Jesus...

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Just saw Deadpool

Took me back to being a teenager rather than a horny almost 30 guy that I am now. But yeah, just like the old days, especially all the winks and nods to Hugh Jackman in the movie. I'm guessing there's some heat between those two. Love to see Jackman cameo in DP2.

Definitely a great comic book movie worthy of all the praise it's gotten.

Imagine that, actually NOT fucking up the character and letting him work his magic on screen. Why is that so hard for studios? I've seen nothing but them taking characters and changing them for years now. Just actually be faithful to the source and leave it at that.

So it's a lot like a mash up of darkman, hellboy, the matrix, blade, dredd movie, sin city and above all else it's sorta like the punisher all in one. Revenge story sort of thing. I absolutely loved it, but one weakness is its lack of depth. It's not at all trying to be a realistic movie. It's a cartoon parading as a movie. That kinda limits it and undercuts its attempts at seriousness when you're constantly feeling like you're on set as they film it.

Well done though. My favorite parts were the skewering of deadpool from Origins. I was hoping for more than a few references and maybe a full explanation for why there was a deadpool in that movie at all. Maybe say there's an alternate universe. It wasn't really him, it was some other guy, something...

Monday, March 7, 2016

Hellboy 3 not gonna happen

Shit, I guess so. Perlman's just being realistic about it. He's not going to live forever and no way he's gonna physically be able to play Hellboy by the time he's way up there in age, so he's basically made it clear he's lost hope on the project moving forward.

Shame. He deserves it. I mean it's just a good thing to do, Give them the right to finish their trilogy.

I went to all the hellboys growing up. Wouldn't mind seeing them finish the damn thing...

Sunday, March 6, 2016

What's going to happen for GB now...

Heh, kinda not surprised by the shit the trailer's taking. Never thought I'd get to the point where the gb fans I knew all my childhood on proton charging and some other sites are so desperate to see gb get back into the mainstream as a franchise that they'll side with this obvious soulless blatant cashgrab of a film. But hey, if this movie does well, that means we'll get new toys, new videogames, new cartoon perhaps. So in the end, I'm totally understanding why they're trying to desperately do contortions and shit to make this new take on gb seem good in the least.

I'll say this and it'll be the final word from me regarding this movie. I'll not be wasting my time or money on it as I've seen this film before way too many times and know what it's going to be, don't need to sit and waste my life on it as much as I have no life really. Just, I'm not going to waste the little scant bits of life I do have...

The movie will bomb. GB will have to go away for maybe 5 years and then they'll do something with it, a new movie, maybe just more videogames. I don't know. But they blew it, sad to say. This will not reinvigorate the franchise. We waited a long loooooooooooong time, just to have a standard by the book wacky movie as the return to form for ghostbusters... It's going to die real fast at the theaters and sony will blame it on gb not being popular anymore. Far from it, but you bet your ass this one flick is going to destroy GB more than we ever thought it could.

Well at least we got ecto cooler back. I have to say, that's the only good that came of this. Sadly though don't look forward to it sticking around long term. After the movie dies so will ecto cooler and hi-c won't be pumping it out anymore. We'll have to grab it all up and freeze it or something once it gets out on the shelves.

What do I hope for honestly? That it does ok. Then we will get new toys, ecto cooler may become standard hi-c flavor for many many years. We'll see RGB make a comeback or something. That would be like heaven to me, to relive my childhood. Fruit loops and an episode of RGB? Hell yeah. But no, not with this thing they're trying to shove on us. No way...

It's just a shock to me. I was against this movie so HARD. I was thinking as I clicked the trailer, FINALLY we'll get a sign that this will beat expectations. This won't seem like a mistake. And it just kept sucking. It JUST. KEPT. SUCKING... Yep, see ya on the other side!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

GhostBoobsters is a tragedy

I knew it was going to be a train wreck but this is unbelievable. Sony is trying and failing miserably to delete bad comments on the trailer. Yeah, probably should have re-thought releasing that particular trailer. It's supposed to make people want to see the movie, not prettymuch confirm our suspicion that the movie was shit.

Feel sorry for ghostbusters right now. There's nothing wrong with ghostbusters. But when you take it and shit on it in front of the fans, you're gonna get it....

I mean. this is supposed to be for us fans who grew up on it and perhaps have kids. Now you're going to make a bunch of parents bring their kids to this.

I don't want to believe it but yeah it's as if batman fans were being blasted with batman and robin and tried to remain loyal and figure out ways to defend the batlynching that took place.

same shit different decade... fuck.

New ghostbusters trailer thawts

No, waiting for digital download on this one baby.

I was going to make my final decision based on the trailer and so I have. It looks like ass. Everything I thought would go wrong, definitely seems to have gone wrong.

Just cringing watching the shitty trailer. Can't imagine what watching the movie would be like. So you decided to make GB 3 afterall, but not have it literally be GB 3? What the fuck. So this movie takes place in the original GB universe? What the fuck? This is essentially Extreme Ghostbusters the movie? Why didn't they just say that?

Anyway, see it for yourself. It sucks. The ecto 1 is still shitty and nothing like the original. The trailer's a CGI mess which is indicative of what we'll be getting a CGI Ghostbuster fest more or less.

It's basically a very piss poor and reprehensible attempt at ripping off someone elses far superior movie. And it doesn't even look funny, the few jokes they put in the trailer all sucked.

I LOVE ghostbusters. I can take it. Hell I watched extreme ghostbusters warts and all and struggled to like that shit as much as I could. So this is nothing new. But the original cast is NOT dead. And THIS is the best they could come up with for a GB 3 which is what this movie essentially is. THIS is GB 3. There's no getting around it. The trailer basically makes it clear that these new gbs are basically some how taking over the franchise after the originals have left it behind... Why didn't Fieg just ask the OG busters to play their old roles and pass the torch? What the hell? Confused by this shit...


In addition. Now I think I understand the whole seemingly tacked on half assed bit about this being a sequel to GB 1 and 2...

The studio knows it has a giant pile of shit on its hands and wants to somehow salvage the film by connecting it to the originals. Uh, wouldn't it have been better to just have Billy Murray, Akroyd, and Hudson play their characters again and recruit new GBs and call it a day? Would have made this crap far less offensive. Anyway, it's just like shooting fish in a barrel now. Not even worth it to slam this movie. It was always going to be shitty. Just the photos proved that. The trailer is everything from the photos made abundantly more clear to us... Sadly this movie will set GB back for decades after it flops. At least we got Ecto Cooler back, good god.

My proposal to Lucasfilm... I'm gonna email them, fuck it...

I'm tired of this. Mark Hamill has contacted me DIRECTLY. I should just walk up to Lucasfilm's door and demand the part of Lando. So sick of this. THey owe me. I bought so much star wars shit in my time, they owe my black ass.

Alright. Anyway, What I was thinking about was if the Han solo spinoff does alright. We could possibly make a Lando Calrissian series of films, featuring him and only him, maybe Han stopping by every so often. But I'm totally up for a Lando spinoff with just him and I'd LOVE to play him in more than just one movie... possibly a tv show. Imagine a Lando star wars show, I'd kill that son of a bitch.

So I'm gonna email Lucasfilm and see if they give a shit or not. Just saying. I've already gotten the cold shoulder from Phil and Chris and I'm not going to harass them about the part. I'm too old to be acting like that, but yeah, I'm standing here. What more can you ask for, fellas...

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Knight rider heros thawts

wow, ya live and go along. I was there when they made the knight rider show they made. What a piece of garbage. I grew up on Knight Rider, pal. You do not change the car, do not change kitt, do not make it about some new calvin klein bitch who doesn't have shit on the Hoff. What a horrible attempt at a show that was. Apperently Hoff is taking it into his own hands now and making his own knight rider sequel which is long overdue. Here we go again with the old "last chance" sequel phenomenon were in nowadays.

Not gonna complain. He's doing it properly. The car is iconic. Changing it to a mustang or whatever is essentially making it into the viper show or that other knight rider knockoff show they made. It's a tough thing to top knight rider, just ask all the knock offs from the 90s.

what the hell is this new shit going to be, a movie or a new series? gotta do more research, but yeah. I mean nothing more awesome than knight rider. If they had actually done that show they made properlly it would have been a huge hit, but they decided to make a glorified car commercial instead. Knight rider isn't actually about the action scenes. It really isn't. It's about Hoff and Kitt. It's a buddy cop show when you get down to it.

Why they missed that in the new show, is beyond me.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Getting old

Sad to say. I mean, the thing I never thought about is taking shape I guess. I'm gonna get old.

Whatever right, Just like to me. I never appreciated youth. Always in too much pain and constant school drama.

I'm a don't give a fuck kinda guy till I die. When you go through nothing but drama as a kid, you don't want more for the rest of your fucking life, that's the damn truth.

I don't even have it in me to give a shit about shit. I've struggled and fought so hard as a kid, I got nothing left, I'm so done with drama.

Gonna put my body in a state of deep ketosis to slim down before auditioning for Lando. The reason I'm doing this is simple. I want to give Phil and Chris a quality goddamn actor, plain and simple. I just want them to not have to go crazy looking for someone who's standing right the fuck in front of them. They couldn't have gotten an easier movie to make for the love of God. Casting han will be no big deal. They can shoot me an email any day of the week for the lando gig, pay my ass a shit ton of money or whatever they want. Then just make the movie they make, and watch the money rain, it couldn't be easier.

That message from MH gave me hope. Maybe it's a fool's hope, but nonetheless. All it took was a quick little tweet to Mark FUCKING Hamill and he in the midst of shooting a star wars movie took the time to message me, I think he's well aware I worship his ass.

Really that blew my mind and I'm thinking if that could happen, MAYBE it's not far fetched to get Phil and Chris to take a look at my facebook and see what they potentially could have.

Problem is, I'm not an actor. I'm like if a porn star wanted a hit movie role. Like really? It's tough for porn stars to shake their roots as porn stars, it really is. Despite the fact that if you have eyes you watch porn, people still like to act like porn is the end of the world and forever shame a person for it.

But yeah, just saying. I was like always standing around when they were making the prequels hoping lucasfilm knew I was around somehow and would come to me and say can you play Lando for us as we are looking for a young Lando. LITERALLY I was thinking about that as I stood waiting for the bus outside of AotC. Boy was I just insane to be thinking that, but apparently not. The reality is actually very much different than I forsaw. I was gonna do it too. Didn't care what anybody thought. I'd have packed up jumped on a plane to lucasfilm and rocked out a young Lando in Revenge of the Sith if they needed it. Didn't fucking happen!!!!

But here we stand. This time they WILL be casting Lando. There's no getting around it. I am Lando, there's no getting around it. So yeah this is it, man... this is it, DO OR DIE.