Monday, March 21, 2016

thawts on the shutdown of Danger Room Protocols

so that fan cartoon some guy was making got axed by Disney. Shame, would have been a great homage to classic xmen of yesteryear which we've recently not seen in a very long while. Even the films have forgotten xmen's colorful roots.

It's pretty cut and dry. Which makes this case so confounding to me. The guy is obviously extremely smart. What made him think he could do this and not get on Disney's Radar?

It's no one's fault but his and that's just stupid. I've bore witness to countless fan projects on the web since the good ol days of phantom menace and matrix etc. These gave way to thousands of fan projects that none of the studios gave a shit about. It was just fanboys being fan boys. They could. As people are arguing in the comments. There are millions of youtube vidoes making fanboys and girls money and the content they contain is owned by someone else. Technically the studios should be on a feeding frenzy.

In this case, it was this guy's own hubris that defeated him. He put his work out there for EVERYBODY to see, even sold posters. He hoped because nobody knew him or cared about him for so long, he'd make his show and like others online like newsgrounds wouldn't get sued. NOPE!!!! Because you put your show out for everybody to see, guess what, guy.

It's like the hacking scene. Time and time again, it's just like clockwork. A new hack is discovered and some retard hackers think it's a good idea to blatantly scream about its existence on the magical giant microphone that is the internet. Of course the company patches it the next day...

Of course Disney shut you down. You should have made the series quietly behind doors and then released it like a mother fucker and we'd all be better off for it, and you would have probably gotten some really interested investors in your talent. No doubt he has. And maybe that was the point all along. Get the attention of the big dogs so you can get work in the big leagues. Already the actual director of the 90s xmen toon has taken an interest in him. No doubt there will be some hand shaking and deals being made with him because of his exposure, so maybe this all worked out....

I don't know, but the way he tried to get it done was insultingly idiotic.

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