Monday, February 24, 2020

Basketball Life

Of course today is Kobe Bryant's memorial so I'm going to talk about it, and discuss my connection to him and basketball.

No sport has captivated me more and I've been introduced to several, baseball, tennis, hockey, volleyball, track, soccer but when I finally landed on basketball during the golden era of 90s, it was a wrap. I knew which sport was going to be it for me.

It's really an incredible experience, such a fully realized, complex yet simplistic experience to learn and master basketball skills. I mean it's essentially a combo of darts and soccer I suppose. You can master shooting and focus on that, or get damn good at forcing the ball to the hoop and get good at driving and dribbling, there's a whole universe of possibilities and always new methods to discover. And it's fast paced unlike many sports, which is where you're going to be tested most, running back and forth again and again, not easy stuff but that's like more or less where my leg strength comes from over the years getting used to the hustle of basketball.

So where does Kobe come in. I was more an Iverson fan than Kobe but I noted his excellence as a player growing up. I liked what he could do more than I liked him personally. Only just recently did I discover he's truly more than I thought he was back in the day. He was destined for basketball. He knew he was destined for basketball and he embraced it. Looking back I regret not paying more attention to his rise. I was there just casually watching a kobe game or something. But yeah I was always interested in seeing what kind of win he could sqeeze out last second or most memorable for me was his battles with Iverson which I watched and cemented his greatness in my mind with how he understood basketball so well and played smartly.

He was a smart player, knew what he could do, and did everything he could to win even if it lead to losing. His tenacity energized the sport that had very few great star personalities left in it after the old titans in the league started to retire. We still had him, he wasn't going anywhere. And he was a good dude. So beyond sad that we lose decent stars with passion for what they do and we get left with this current NBA which in my opinion is a shadow of the former tougher epic stuff it once was. I don't truly feel like I'm watching the nba I used to know anymore. It's like some are saying way too friendly. Used to be a warzone to be frank and let me get to that.

I love basketball but if you play basketball in my hood, you're going to come away hating it. Dudes you meet on the court are jerks and turn my sport that  I love and spent so much of my time getting better at into a big immature mean spirited negative ego fest. That's the negative side of basketball the immaturity it generates in some fools. But that's part of it, what can you do.

Those of us who love and understand what basketball's about, working with each other and self improvement, yeah we don't let it devolve into that kinda nonsense.

Kobe didn't and that's why I have so much respect for him, he did bring a lot of dignity to it. And passion, we need those passion players.

Feels like I'm in a damn nightmare to be honest. Gonna wake up soon, right... Never thought it'd be over, the Kobe legacy just ended and yeah he truly was a legendary player, dude scared entire teams he was that elite. I don't know what else to say. It's not easy to move on and yeah we need to learn from him, what did Kobe teach us in the end with his life.

Do what matters to you with everything everyday, I'm going to say.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Not much else to say...

Gone way too soon.  It was always debatable who was better or who would beat who in their prime ages jordan or kobe. There was no hypobole or falseness to claiming he was a great player and game elevating player maybe even a true jordan successor but he was way more than that and only recently was I watching kobe vids and learning about just how much deeper a person he was. I only ever knew he was a basketball prodigy who skipped college. Never knew he was born to play.. None of that stuff... No words indeed shaq. Shit hurts. All the stuff about him being churned up now about his legal troubles... I dont give a damn. No one cared when he was alive. Apparently its only important when it gets you attention on your meaningless tweets. So stupidly obvious why people are bringing up his dirty laundry as if hes been doing such evils recently. Such sad nobodies doing nobody things. Its just fucked up. No reason to that madness. Insane day this is. I wish nobody fucking got on that busted piece of shit budget helicopter. Piece of tin not worthy of having kobes ass sit in it...  Dumb ass weak ass unfair end to the man and his kid's life. Numb. Never going to feel justice in this.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Fixed it

Things like this are always such a simple solution at times. Much like microsoft gamebar being the sole reason why my pc froze while playing any game, here was the simplest solution that only got solved today after years of giving up on it. The contacts to the speakers are merely some kind of conductive thread. What that means is that any dust or rust build up would eventually prevent contact between the thread and the contact points. Used an aluminum brush to scrape the contacts and thread wire and put some bit of foam padding to hopefully prevent any more movement of the threads since speakers vibrate and cause mini movement and it's now working like its supposed to, no cut off of sound at all. Nothing to do with over heating...

It's now possible to sell this tv off as fully functional or give it away or whatever, it's 100% normal now, jesus, why'd it take me this long to figure out the problem.

Might do just that, get a beasty nice 4k top of the line tv and get rid of this and sell it to whoever for a decent price. I bought it for like goddamn, can't remember but it was my first ever flat screen tv that I purchased for myself. I think it was around 80 dollars on black friday sale, or something like that so I bought it, had no idea about 1080p vs 720p, completely clueless so I didn't know this thing was basically just adequate not the best of its kind, no idea. But it's been with me for a good number of years. So sad when the sound went on it, and no one had any solution to it. Well if you own one of these DX-32L200A12 Dynex SetsThere ya go, I think I solved the problem permanently and you can too!

so far so good

Getting to the end of this book I'm reading. I stole the book, my apologies, stole knowledge that will make me improve myself. Lock my ass up.

Kinda a therapy I'm doing for myself so I look at it that way, rather spend my days trying to get smarter about things than be resigned to this state of nothingness and irrelevancy.

trying to fix this tv and sad to report it's a fail or is failing. Some vid claims tvs like this can have heat issues and cause sound problems so I stuck a fan near the vent holes where the main chips are and I'm hoping it'll have an impact. Longest I've ever really got it to keep the sound going so I'd consider that a win. Problem is it's starting to short out and stutter out a bit...

I mainly want to post about this to tell my experience when I opened the tv up one day. Found a bunch of spider webs inside of it. They were probably causing whatever heat dissapation that was meant to happen to be blocked and make the chips get excessively hot causing sound cut outs.

As I type this right now it's failed. The sound has finally cut off completely and that's what I wanted to see if the thing would finally over heat and fail after a while of being on and it did.

So I'm forced to go further and actually open the tv and clean it of dust then maybe mod it with a fan built in some how see if that works to keep the chips from auto shutting down when temps go crazy... sucks, this old beat up piece of crap, yeah gonna have to upgrade...

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Geezuz Christmas

So flaming tired of reading about race this race that. Yeah, Taimak is right, it is boring, wise words.

Stephen King all getting into the race dumpster fire debate himself and getting tarred and feathered by the justice mob on twitter for it. That's the internet dude, people don't care what your words mean, they make up their own and twist it until it turns into something they don't like etc... beyond asinine but that's how this thing works.

Childish kindergarten foolishness and I'm hoping to get grown up enough to be beyond it but it's apparent to me that nobody's grown up, people are just big dumb kids forever.

Well what do I think about the yet again, complaints and such about awards being given only to certain films or whatever based on race.

Yes there is a big honking shadow of racism covering all of everything in american society, films too. Yeah, it's there, it's been there for a billion years. But why do we still care about it? It's clown town nonsense don't worry about those people and the strings they're pulling. Stop promoting this boogeyman evil big bad out there idea and just do what you want to do and be the best you can be at it... Fuck that cartoonish racist hollywood crap and buck the system, make your own movies, do it for yourself and don't blame anyone else... I'm not going to sugar coat it. Stephen King is right. I'd say today's probably a lot easier time to be able to get your foot in the door in the art world and the better you are the more you'll get famous hopefully (whole nother story about the way that works). It's better now not saying it's flawless and there aren't biases, but it's indeed better... I hate that there's tribalism at the root of why people attack or put down anyone's art. Oh I don't like whites so I hate that they're making this, oh I hate those blacks so I'll do my best to put down their stuff, on and on.

Only difference is one side will get what they want truth be told. If a bunch of KKK fags want to go around belittling everything black, they'll make an actual impact sad to say. That's the only contention I have with what Stephen King's saying to be honest. He's right, art should be about just quality, nothing else, fuck any other criteria. It's not about quotas, none of that, just pursuing something extraordinary and amazing, right... all of us in the art world understand this and know what he's saying. Art is a struggle, it's like a real soul crushing struggle that is about much more than any quantifiable stuff. You can't claim art for "your people" it's about the individual person making it really... which is what people don't get and feel there's been some link between race and quality of one's art... jeez grow up already.

Yes, if the day comes, it'd be fantastic for ANY rapper of any race to be given awards on BET. I think BET needs to go in my mind. It's a tribalistic backwards regression into jim crow more than anything, oh here's a channel just for ya darkies... hardy har har, now stay off our regular nice and pristine Happy Days Leave it to Beaver stations since you got your own now... I guess that's what's happening, they gave blacks a channel to get them to stop complaining about the lack of blacks on tv. Bounce too. We're seeing segregation still going on right the hell now in 2020, this is just retarded.

We're retarded, bro. This whole thing has me just like losing my mind yanno. Seeing the wage gap, seeing blacks still all crusty and homeless and crap, seeing the foolish whining back and forth all the time about not liking a whole f'n race of people because of the actions of a small group. We're retarded or what... Seeing the thought policing going on too. You can't talk about certain things because you'll get public shame and this goes on both sides, justice mob and maga fags. BOTH are retarded and think they'll change the world from their toilet while on their laptops.

Awww man, just all of yall just stop trying to sound like you know anything. you don't... You're children on the playground called the internet running around pretending to be someone of significance when it's all make believe.

Final thoughts though, if a blackity black person wants to get up there and get the big awards, can it be done, can he just make something excellent and super great and get rewarded for it. YES*

The Asterisk being that he's got to f'n fight and claw through A LOT more than the non-black person does, but still that's a yes. But yanno, are we wanting to make life seem like it's fucking utopia. Yes Black people have to bust their ass a shit ton harder than whites to get anywhere... women have to push out kids. We all will grow old and be drooling and wrinkly as we slowly die. Sad to say but life's a bitch people... I'm not going to jump on the "extreme" bandwagon and look at this as a black and white issue which is what so many like to do now, it simply is not....

Thursday, January 9, 2020

state of black tv

what state, am I right? It's kinda non existant... I came across some tweet by tyler perry about how he writes all his shows by himself. Let's talk about that I think that's important.

I mean I have sat amongst big top black celebs at the action expo and been amongst them and what they talk about so I've glanced what the current atmosphere or vibe is in that world.

Lots of comments about how tyler should be hiring more black writers and his shows will have a better more wider perspective to them than just his own.

Let me set the stage though. I'm not a fan of his stuff and believe me I'm one of the few in this life of ours that will take the time to check out black movies and tv shows because I'm from that universe and enjoy watching black shows and stuff because it reminds me of my life, so yeah there ya go.

I just don't get the appeal of the Madea stuff. It's coonery or something right? Am I missing the point of that whole thing?

I tried man. Waay back, I was binging on bunch of movies from reddit where they put up a ton of christmas movies. I love christmas stuff so I said alright watch this madea christmas movie... brain damn exploded from how awful it was... goddamn...

I'm not even a prude and recognize that it's just kinda a natural part of the black world view to be sort of weird or off-norm, fine, but that wasn't really even so bad its good kinda thing, just bad it's bad...

I've glanced meet the browns while at work and yanno that's why he's succeeding I think. He's making shows to casually kinda snooze watch during a rough day or something not quality. I didn't even give a hoot about the episode but it was what it was, a mediocre crap sitcom to watch between flights...

Meet the browns, Meet the Negros, what is with that... yanno what, guess that's Tyler, casual coonery boy?

But I say this in a more serious light, the black voice in the media world is needing a heavy super duper overhaul and needs to be steered further away from this 1950s coonery crap, goddamn... It's like, the future now, come on...

I'm not going to name names. I grew up with and have a lot of deep love for a lot of black actors and actresses so I've deleted what I wrote about that. No I'm not going to say that... I know she's not anywhere close to perry's level of foolishness. I step back away from that thought...

It's a chess game, what it is. Maybe Perry's playing the only game he knows how to play to make enough money to truly put his talent towards other more respectable things, I don't got a clue... But I don't necessarily blame a lot of blacks in hollywood for taking the paths they do until they can find more meaningful better work. It's a rougher path for them in the end.

Yeah i guess Don Cheadle's a great example. Dude's been in a lot of garbage then started doing movies that matter to him. It's what it is, he's never had a choice in his career but to be the black friend in a ton of movies and tolken it up until he could build clout enough to become a box office draw, smart sob...

I'm studying these guys more now yanno, black celebs so I can figure out what their career plans were.

They all seem to have found success in a more affirmative action way, then used that as a spring board for independent success and coast on their name recognition. Kinda brilliant when you think about it... But I wish it wasn't about abusing the AA system until it benefits you, just idealy be the best and get recognition in that way.

Anyway I'm just putting this out there because I grew up seeing black shows non-stop and today yeah it's just kinda weird to basically see a string of shows on tv etc. featuring one tolken tossed black guy or girl just like a lot of shows used to do and I'm just personally baffled by that.

Race is a thing I never cared about when it comes to shows, if it's good I enjoy it... but yeah it's more to do with culture. I don't think black/africanamerican culture is being represented at all or in a way that's reflecting the reality. Having some tolken black on your show doesn't cut it. Having black shows all be coonery tyler perry nonsense ain't it. And wow I can't even think of many black shows at all, that's strange. Man there really is a giant gaping hole there isn't it. Jesus christ...

Let's steer this towards the why though. Why does it matter to make a black show or black movie or black blackity black brown nappy negro anything...

It's not our world. We're the ones that have always had to fight to be given a damn anything. What's making a show or movie about blacks going to matter in a world where blacks don't have any power.

Yikes, tough ass question to answer. It's an art thing, that's all. Forget race, forget political power dynamics, forget money, forget all that.

Sit and listen to me. Art is not meant to be limited. By cutting blacks short, that's merely limiting potential for new more interesting stories to be told that you simply won't get from only one culture's perspective. AH. ya see?

Ya see that shit? I mean there it is, the biggest argument for diversity ever. You want that inclusiveness and variety and new ideas to ferment, grow, proliferate.

Being black isn't special I'll tell you that. It's not. All that hip hop shit is a smokescreen. Blacks eat sleep shit and fuck same as everybody else.

But yeah there's something meritous to having the black viewpoint represented rather than not. Check this. I've already postulated this in some vid I made. But yeah, if there's any race that can represent an underdog story it's the black race and I talked about this, how so many movies struggle with making the white protagonist seem to have problems. It wasn't until I binge watched a bunch of Denzel movies that I felt like I was watching a protagonist who ACTUALLY had an uphill battle in life and deserved sympathy. Ah ya see?

I mean blacks are good for those stories, if it's a story about a character that's got to go up against the world that's keeping him down... Well shit, there it is.

Only movies like unbreakable have like tried to subvert the trend, make the black person have the power and interestingly the white dude is made out to be a pawn in his complex plans, never saw that before in my life as a film watcher, never seen that. That's why M. Night got it, he took that risk, we need more directors like him.

And before the trigger happy sensitive racist bullcrap starts, I'm not championing or trying to say I want to flip it and make everything about blacks over whites. I'm pointing out how like Mr. Glass eventually transcended race. I doubt anyone really cared about him being black although that informed a lot about him. His disease and massive intelligence was what defined him.

That's where we could be making shows and stuff where the characters are so colorful they transcend race and make that part irrelevant really.... I'd be down for that.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Thought Police

Got thinking about this primarily because it's precisely what's going on these days though I'm old enough now to know to not give a shit about it, but it does annoy one, it does.

Yes, make no mistake there's a considerable tribalistic society and rampant paranoia permeating throughout this current at least visible level of daily existence.

Forget the Alt Right clowns or the Left Extreme SJW stuff. I find it boring to have to read nothing but extreme opinions from people trying to get a visceral response and group think session started. It's blatant mindless kindergarten level boy cried wolf garbage. It works, indeed, cry and complain enough about something people are emotionally inclinded to find detestable and you'll get the masses to gang up on anyone you want. It's easy.

Yes i'm looking at you Shaun King. To decry fox news all day then prettymuch flaunt their exact tactics, you dumb fuck.

Not just him, I'm pointing a finger at all the hypocrites who bitch about fox news' propoganda then engage in their own. If you don't like propoganda, don't do it. Don't pretend to not like it then put biased shit on your youtube pages and other media platforms. You suck.

Fox News exists because of the way some lard ass will sit at his computer all day and try to mold people's thoughts like clay. So they try to subvert that and go to again "extremes" to get an upperhand in people's minds and they're very good at it unfortunately... somewhat admirable the spin machine they've created.

The "left" has no equivalent. Similarly to how there really isn't a Black Panther party that's as powerful as the KKK.

Was reading a thread and one little whiny bitch decides to chime in that the justice mob loves to target white males. It's true, yes, I'll agree. Shaun King's a moron who does indeed seem to target any white people he discovers showcasing racism, guilty or not. Point taken. But the thing that pushes me over the edge with rage is this same fuckwit will NEVER stand up and whine about the thousandth innocent black person killed by a cop or put in jail over nothing but eating a sandwich in the wrong place. so shut up. You have nothing to whine about. I'm personally tired of the childish social justice mob stuff and its unbalanced disproportioned extreme outrage stuff too, but blacks get it far and away worse and have for a long time. so, pfft, yeah guess it's been a rough ride for whites or something?


Wow the stuff people complain about in front of black people sometimes. I mean if you've been there you know...

War brewing, people dying, all cuz some black guy was pres for a while and scared the crap out of the KKK that things were changing or something.

Yeah I said it... the sad thing about being black to me, the worst part is waking up one day to see that there's like this power dynamic that's being kept in check and those in power are scared shitless of losing it... And maybe they should be, I don't know... I don't like most black people either to be frank, but I sure as hell don't think that should mean there's no standards and any dumbass person of the right color deserves to run the country or get the top job.

I'm learning... the internet is not the place to learn about the manipulation tactics people employ, there's people on here who are psychotic and will go crazy on you, so this is certainly not the best place to figure out who's full of shit and who isn't. It's just an observation and a few thoughts on it... will this go anywhere? Does it matter that there's a bunch of keyboard warriors fighting a futile war over 'info'

It kinda does? I don't know. we all know the media is full of shit especially fox news. We all know the politicians are lying assholes. The thing that's most damning though is the justice mob online. I have to side with thouse saying they're getting too big, too powerful for their own good and have already gotten people killed as is evidence by the whole online swatting thing. This is wrong. No one entity should be judge jury and executioner on anyone. period. It has to be kept in check.

Sad to see people at forums supporting this 1984 conform and stay in line evil empire that's forming. Oh fuck off with that NAZI shit please. I mean that's what they're basically supporting a dictatorship. Dangerous sick people out there.

I'm american, and I love this country and fuck nazis and fuck monarchys and fuck any of that twitter justice mob shit.