Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Geezuz Christmas

So flaming tired of reading about race this race that. Yeah, Taimak is right, it is boring, wise words.

Stephen King all getting into the race dumpster fire debate himself and getting tarred and feathered by the justice mob on twitter for it. That's the internet dude, people don't care what your words mean, they make up their own and twist it until it turns into something they don't like etc... beyond asinine but that's how this thing works.

Childish kindergarten foolishness and I'm hoping to get grown up enough to be beyond it but it's apparent to me that nobody's grown up, people are just big dumb kids forever.

Well what do I think about the yet again, complaints and such about awards being given only to certain films or whatever based on race.

Yes there is a big honking shadow of racism covering all of everything in american society, films too. Yeah, it's there, it's been there for a billion years. But why do we still care about it? It's clown town nonsense don't worry about those people and the strings they're pulling. Stop promoting this boogeyman evil big bad out there idea and just do what you want to do and be the best you can be at it... Fuck that cartoonish racist hollywood crap and buck the system, make your own movies, do it for yourself and don't blame anyone else... I'm not going to sugar coat it. Stephen King is right. I'd say today's probably a lot easier time to be able to get your foot in the door in the art world and the better you are the more you'll get famous hopefully (whole nother story about the way that works). It's better now not saying it's flawless and there aren't biases, but it's indeed better... I hate that there's tribalism at the root of why people attack or put down anyone's art. Oh I don't like whites so I hate that they're making this, oh I hate those blacks so I'll do my best to put down their stuff, on and on.

Only difference is one side will get what they want truth be told. If a bunch of KKK fags want to go around belittling everything black, they'll make an actual impact sad to say. That's the only contention I have with what Stephen King's saying to be honest. He's right, art should be about just quality, nothing else, fuck any other criteria. It's not about quotas, none of that, just pursuing something extraordinary and amazing, right... all of us in the art world understand this and know what he's saying. Art is a struggle, it's like a real soul crushing struggle that is about much more than any quantifiable stuff. You can't claim art for "your people" it's about the individual person making it really... which is what people don't get and feel there's been some link between race and quality of one's art... jeez grow up already.

Yes, if the day comes, it'd be fantastic for ANY rapper of any race to be given awards on BET. I think BET needs to go in my mind. It's a tribalistic backwards regression into jim crow more than anything, oh here's a channel just for ya darkies... hardy har har, now stay off our regular nice and pristine Happy Days Leave it to Beaver stations since you got your own now... I guess that's what's happening, they gave blacks a channel to get them to stop complaining about the lack of blacks on tv. Bounce too. We're seeing segregation still going on right the hell now in 2020, this is just retarded.

We're retarded, bro. This whole thing has me just like losing my mind yanno. Seeing the wage gap, seeing blacks still all crusty and homeless and crap, seeing the foolish whining back and forth all the time about not liking a whole f'n race of people because of the actions of a small group. We're retarded or what... Seeing the thought policing going on too. You can't talk about certain things because you'll get public shame and this goes on both sides, justice mob and maga fags. BOTH are retarded and think they'll change the world from their toilet while on their laptops.

Awww man, just all of yall just stop trying to sound like you know anything. you don't... You're children on the playground called the internet running around pretending to be someone of significance when it's all make believe.

Final thoughts though, if a blackity black person wants to get up there and get the big awards, can it be done, can he just make something excellent and super great and get rewarded for it. YES*

The Asterisk being that he's got to f'n fight and claw through A LOT more than the non-black person does, but still that's a yes. But yanno, are we wanting to make life seem like it's fucking utopia. Yes Black people have to bust their ass a shit ton harder than whites to get anywhere... women have to push out kids. We all will grow old and be drooling and wrinkly as we slowly die. Sad to say but life's a bitch people... I'm not going to jump on the "extreme" bandwagon and look at this as a black and white issue which is what so many like to do now, it simply is not....

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