Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Thought Police

Got thinking about this primarily because it's precisely what's going on these days though I'm old enough now to know to not give a shit about it, but it does annoy one, it does.

Yes, make no mistake there's a considerable tribalistic society and rampant paranoia permeating throughout this current at least visible level of daily existence.

Forget the Alt Right clowns or the Left Extreme SJW stuff. I find it boring to have to read nothing but extreme opinions from people trying to get a visceral response and group think session started. It's blatant mindless kindergarten level boy cried wolf garbage. It works, indeed, cry and complain enough about something people are emotionally inclinded to find detestable and you'll get the masses to gang up on anyone you want. It's easy.

Yes i'm looking at you Shaun King. To decry fox news all day then prettymuch flaunt their exact tactics, you dumb fuck.

Not just him, I'm pointing a finger at all the hypocrites who bitch about fox news' propoganda then engage in their own. If you don't like propoganda, don't do it. Don't pretend to not like it then put biased shit on your youtube pages and other media platforms. You suck.

Fox News exists because of the way some lard ass will sit at his computer all day and try to mold people's thoughts like clay. So they try to subvert that and go to again "extremes" to get an upperhand in people's minds and they're very good at it unfortunately... somewhat admirable the spin machine they've created.

The "left" has no equivalent. Similarly to how there really isn't a Black Panther party that's as powerful as the KKK.

Was reading a thread and one little whiny bitch decides to chime in that the justice mob loves to target white males. It's true, yes, I'll agree. Shaun King's a moron who does indeed seem to target any white people he discovers showcasing racism, guilty or not. Point taken. But the thing that pushes me over the edge with rage is this same fuckwit will NEVER stand up and whine about the thousandth innocent black person killed by a cop or put in jail over nothing but eating a sandwich in the wrong place. so shut up. You have nothing to whine about. I'm personally tired of the childish social justice mob stuff and its unbalanced disproportioned extreme outrage stuff too, but blacks get it far and away worse and have for a long time. so, pfft, yeah guess it's been a rough ride for whites or something?


Wow the stuff people complain about in front of black people sometimes. I mean if you've been there you know...

War brewing, people dying, all cuz some black guy was pres for a while and scared the crap out of the KKK that things were changing or something.

Yeah I said it... the sad thing about being black to me, the worst part is waking up one day to see that there's like this power dynamic that's being kept in check and those in power are scared shitless of losing it... And maybe they should be, I don't know... I don't like most black people either to be frank, but I sure as hell don't think that should mean there's no standards and any dumbass person of the right color deserves to run the country or get the top job.

I'm learning... the internet is not the place to learn about the manipulation tactics people employ, there's people on here who are psychotic and will go crazy on you, so this is certainly not the best place to figure out who's full of shit and who isn't. It's just an observation and a few thoughts on it... will this go anywhere? Does it matter that there's a bunch of keyboard warriors fighting a futile war over 'info'

It kinda does? I don't know. we all know the media is full of shit especially fox news. We all know the politicians are lying assholes. The thing that's most damning though is the justice mob online. I have to side with thouse saying they're getting too big, too powerful for their own good and have already gotten people killed as is evidence by the whole online swatting thing. This is wrong. No one entity should be judge jury and executioner on anyone. period. It has to be kept in check.

Sad to see people at forums supporting this 1984 conform and stay in line evil empire that's forming. Oh fuck off with that NAZI shit please. I mean that's what they're basically supporting a dictatorship. Dangerous sick people out there.

I'm american, and I love this country and fuck nazis and fuck monarchys and fuck any of that twitter justice mob shit.


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