Thursday, January 9, 2020

state of black tv

what state, am I right? It's kinda non existant... I came across some tweet by tyler perry about how he writes all his shows by himself. Let's talk about that I think that's important.

I mean I have sat amongst big top black celebs at the action expo and been amongst them and what they talk about so I've glanced what the current atmosphere or vibe is in that world.

Lots of comments about how tyler should be hiring more black writers and his shows will have a better more wider perspective to them than just his own.

Let me set the stage though. I'm not a fan of his stuff and believe me I'm one of the few in this life of ours that will take the time to check out black movies and tv shows because I'm from that universe and enjoy watching black shows and stuff because it reminds me of my life, so yeah there ya go.

I just don't get the appeal of the Madea stuff. It's coonery or something right? Am I missing the point of that whole thing?

I tried man. Waay back, I was binging on bunch of movies from reddit where they put up a ton of christmas movies. I love christmas stuff so I said alright watch this madea christmas movie... brain damn exploded from how awful it was... goddamn...

I'm not even a prude and recognize that it's just kinda a natural part of the black world view to be sort of weird or off-norm, fine, but that wasn't really even so bad its good kinda thing, just bad it's bad...

I've glanced meet the browns while at work and yanno that's why he's succeeding I think. He's making shows to casually kinda snooze watch during a rough day or something not quality. I didn't even give a hoot about the episode but it was what it was, a mediocre crap sitcom to watch between flights...

Meet the browns, Meet the Negros, what is with that... yanno what, guess that's Tyler, casual coonery boy?

But I say this in a more serious light, the black voice in the media world is needing a heavy super duper overhaul and needs to be steered further away from this 1950s coonery crap, goddamn... It's like, the future now, come on...

I'm not going to name names. I grew up with and have a lot of deep love for a lot of black actors and actresses so I've deleted what I wrote about that. No I'm not going to say that... I know she's not anywhere close to perry's level of foolishness. I step back away from that thought...

It's a chess game, what it is. Maybe Perry's playing the only game he knows how to play to make enough money to truly put his talent towards other more respectable things, I don't got a clue... But I don't necessarily blame a lot of blacks in hollywood for taking the paths they do until they can find more meaningful better work. It's a rougher path for them in the end.

Yeah i guess Don Cheadle's a great example. Dude's been in a lot of garbage then started doing movies that matter to him. It's what it is, he's never had a choice in his career but to be the black friend in a ton of movies and tolken it up until he could build clout enough to become a box office draw, smart sob...

I'm studying these guys more now yanno, black celebs so I can figure out what their career plans were.

They all seem to have found success in a more affirmative action way, then used that as a spring board for independent success and coast on their name recognition. Kinda brilliant when you think about it... But I wish it wasn't about abusing the AA system until it benefits you, just idealy be the best and get recognition in that way.

Anyway I'm just putting this out there because I grew up seeing black shows non-stop and today yeah it's just kinda weird to basically see a string of shows on tv etc. featuring one tolken tossed black guy or girl just like a lot of shows used to do and I'm just personally baffled by that.

Race is a thing I never cared about when it comes to shows, if it's good I enjoy it... but yeah it's more to do with culture. I don't think black/africanamerican culture is being represented at all or in a way that's reflecting the reality. Having some tolken black on your show doesn't cut it. Having black shows all be coonery tyler perry nonsense ain't it. And wow I can't even think of many black shows at all, that's strange. Man there really is a giant gaping hole there isn't it. Jesus christ...

Let's steer this towards the why though. Why does it matter to make a black show or black movie or black blackity black brown nappy negro anything...

It's not our world. We're the ones that have always had to fight to be given a damn anything. What's making a show or movie about blacks going to matter in a world where blacks don't have any power.

Yikes, tough ass question to answer. It's an art thing, that's all. Forget race, forget political power dynamics, forget money, forget all that.

Sit and listen to me. Art is not meant to be limited. By cutting blacks short, that's merely limiting potential for new more interesting stories to be told that you simply won't get from only one culture's perspective. AH. ya see?

Ya see that shit? I mean there it is, the biggest argument for diversity ever. You want that inclusiveness and variety and new ideas to ferment, grow, proliferate.

Being black isn't special I'll tell you that. It's not. All that hip hop shit is a smokescreen. Blacks eat sleep shit and fuck same as everybody else.

But yeah there's something meritous to having the black viewpoint represented rather than not. Check this. I've already postulated this in some vid I made. But yeah, if there's any race that can represent an underdog story it's the black race and I talked about this, how so many movies struggle with making the white protagonist seem to have problems. It wasn't until I binge watched a bunch of Denzel movies that I felt like I was watching a protagonist who ACTUALLY had an uphill battle in life and deserved sympathy. Ah ya see?

I mean blacks are good for those stories, if it's a story about a character that's got to go up against the world that's keeping him down... Well shit, there it is.

Only movies like unbreakable have like tried to subvert the trend, make the black person have the power and interestingly the white dude is made out to be a pawn in his complex plans, never saw that before in my life as a film watcher, never seen that. That's why M. Night got it, he took that risk, we need more directors like him.

And before the trigger happy sensitive racist bullcrap starts, I'm not championing or trying to say I want to flip it and make everything about blacks over whites. I'm pointing out how like Mr. Glass eventually transcended race. I doubt anyone really cared about him being black although that informed a lot about him. His disease and massive intelligence was what defined him.

That's where we could be making shows and stuff where the characters are so colorful they transcend race and make that part irrelevant really.... I'd be down for that.

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