Wednesday, January 15, 2020

so far so good

Getting to the end of this book I'm reading. I stole the book, my apologies, stole knowledge that will make me improve myself. Lock my ass up.

Kinda a therapy I'm doing for myself so I look at it that way, rather spend my days trying to get smarter about things than be resigned to this state of nothingness and irrelevancy.

trying to fix this tv and sad to report it's a fail or is failing. Some vid claims tvs like this can have heat issues and cause sound problems so I stuck a fan near the vent holes where the main chips are and I'm hoping it'll have an impact. Longest I've ever really got it to keep the sound going so I'd consider that a win. Problem is it's starting to short out and stutter out a bit...

I mainly want to post about this to tell my experience when I opened the tv up one day. Found a bunch of spider webs inside of it. They were probably causing whatever heat dissapation that was meant to happen to be blocked and make the chips get excessively hot causing sound cut outs.

As I type this right now it's failed. The sound has finally cut off completely and that's what I wanted to see if the thing would finally over heat and fail after a while of being on and it did.

So I'm forced to go further and actually open the tv and clean it of dust then maybe mod it with a fan built in some how see if that works to keep the chips from auto shutting down when temps go crazy... sucks, this old beat up piece of crap, yeah gonna have to upgrade...

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