Monday, August 28, 2017

Hellboy Loses Ed Skrein

He's decided to step down due to acknowledging the controversy surrounding him being cast as an asian character which hollywood loves to do for no particular reason I can figure out. Yeah I guess it does hurt these things. A lot of people protest these movies these days when they cast white people as every race, it will hurt box office. And I guess he sees these casting choices as wrong too.

I mean that Egypt movie with white people as the egyptians, can't remember the name, but when that came out, it was just, wtf.

What do I think about this stuff?

I'm an avid believer in the right actor makes the part his or hers, regardless of the person's ethnicity.

Guess what ethnicity this woman is:

Not Hispanic at all...

She put on makeup and acted hispanic so well she fooled many spanish people during Aliens and yet it was all acting, true pro...

One thing I was just found out on the youtube one day... So yeah, that perfectly shows how it can work. 

Other times, yes I agree it's just a racially motivated decision based not on acting skill or whatever but to change the original character for the hell of it. 

This is a dumpser fire debate. One that has no clear cut answer and will probably go on forever... Bottom line to me, if the actor is right, that's all that matters. Like, Darth Vader or something. Lucas originally intended to have the actor in the suit do the voice. He wasn't available due to schedule or something so he tapped James Earl Jones to do the dubbing, and BOOM perfection. It's like, to me I think some point we'll evolve to look beyond the skin. The great acting skill is where it all matters. Everything's going to be CGI anyway. 

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