Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Thawtz on All the protest stuff.

What a mess...

I mean yeah, if you actually sit and read all the comments and posts online about the current conflict between people and protesting and as usual, blacks trying to figure out where they can stand in this country without being totally rejected, yeah you'll go nuts.

It's obvious to me what's going on. We have a dangerous trend bubbling up. It's not just this oh, there was a small scuffle between nazis and common folk in some town no one knows. There's a movement stirring within the nazis today. There's something big they want to goddamn do...

I'm personally learnnig about the shitpile that is politics and yeah it's a mountain of shit.

Who'd want to deal with that...

Only people who have something to gain apparently...

I just don't get it. Nothing's going to change. Nobody's sweepingly supporting blacks getting good jobs, having high class life styles, none of that shit. What are white people scared shitless of? Why do they become so defensive if you take a "libtard" stance on American rights and freedoms and feel so threatened?

You're still white. You'll be fine...

Say whatever you want, and yes it's awful that Antifa stuff and how they're giving fuel to the nazis by behaving like nazis themselves, but... they're an ant fighting a giant that is the white establishment in this world... they're nothing.

It's laughable to see commentors and even Lump himself whining about the antifa guys, when yeah.... at what point did some punks with sticks bake millions of people?


When did we get to this point where we're going to defend them at all?


In my opinion, Antifa should get bigger bats!

But yeah, they should stop, it's just making things worse. You're giving the Nazis exactly what they want, that's all it's going to do... It's a double edged sword....

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