Friday, March 9, 2018

Saw Black Panther

How refreshing... felt like a movie that was made on planet earth where yunno, there's quite a few black people knocking around on it..

Besides breaking open that barrier that's still a prominent issue, it was actually damn good. I mean reviews for it online don't really do the movie justice. It's f'n actually seat gripping fun fantastic film, better than all those little other marvel films that have come and gone. I actually was grooving to this movie. Needed more actually. You can tell they cut tons of stuff for time so the movie just bull dozes through its story, but what we have isn't just a rushed crappy typical super hero movie and that's really what's remarkable. For such a massive film it keeps a stern focus on the core story and doesn't waver, doesn't go into bs we don't need, just stays focused and keeps us going till we get to its end which is not a happy ending for either hero or villain... nice start to the black panther series, here's hoping for more.

Does this mean we'll get actual focus on pushing black characters into cinemas now instead of the billionth white guy with problems movie? Tough to say...

Black Panther's a movie that I've seen before, it didn't feel like oh so damn new and different to me, I've seen City of God, seen He got Game, Boys N the Hood, hell... Friday, I mean I've watched black movies all my childhood, I suppose people are finally discovering black movies are kinda actually an interesting little genre of films because they're not about the typical cookie cut out copy paste white kid hero journey harry potter story. They're about black people and our bizarre ass view of the world instead... and that actually lends itself to the fantasy genre very well. Black life is like a damn fantasy or so most of us wish it was anyway...

Very big ass damn question mark right now about whether this movie changed the game or just kinda made a small insignificant dent in it. I can see people wanting to see more sexy black girls on the big screen now though, that was some good stuff.

Anyway, whatever happens next happens. But good job, wonderful and powerful film that made me want to go to Africa for once and actually BE a black person not just this mulatto hispanic looking black guy. That's truly something I never got from black films much, it's there but it's not in your face really... just kinda on the edges..., that sense of black heritage. It's kinda been recaptured with this movie to some degree and that's something noteworthy.

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