Sunday, February 13, 2011

Put it in her butt

So some jackass made me late for work by stabbing some innocent motherfucker on the subway causing my train to not go all the way to 34th street and make me go to the c train instead, some ol' bullshit. I don't know what to think, maybe he's crazy, maybe not, just another guy who's been pissed on in life and blew up because of it... we live in bad times to be a young male. Instantaneously society despises you without question, you're either fodder for war, drone at some company, or prisoner #194.

I'm honestly terrified to tackle the injustices on the streets. People will look at your black ass and assume you're out to start trouble, simple as that. You can have a harvard education, be doing a good job, don't matter worth shit. If some white guy can't get a break, who can?

Anyway, about the title, boy do I find that line interesting. It's from a porn film. There's a fuck party going on and some girl's getting slammed right, and then this guy in the background cheerfully exclaims, "put it in her butt" and I think, ya know, that's all you need to know about life right there.

Put it in her butt... Nevermind what she thinks, nor the pointlessness of anal sex, slide it right on in the booty hole, such a convenient and easy alternative to the vagina. I mean, that's what everyone wants, to fuck, and why not in the butt, no kids coming out of there. And she'd love it. Damn right she would. Girls like it rough and hard and in the wrong hole, and involuntarily, surprise butt sex.

sadly, women don't want to be respected. Fuck that shit. Put it in her butt, it's ok. Break the law. It's ok. Cheat to get ahead, it's ok. Nothing is off limits.

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