Thursday, December 31, 2015

George Lucas vs Disney

I have to comment on this although who gives a shit what I think. All I know is that I've been a star wars nut since forever and Lucas, the empire he's built, I have some thing to say on that even though I'm nothing and mean shit to him and Disney.

But yeah, so what a strange business we're witnessing and so much bad vibes between Lucas and Disney now because he's not particularly fond of seeing his franchise taken into directions he never had planned.

I feel for him, not gonna be all kinda like not empathetic here... I feel him. If I created something, and I have, I've created 3 different comic book stories that I would like to some day get started. And someone ELSE was making that comic and taking it in their own direction. I'd be livid.

Honestly Lucas has YET to show us his true feelings on JJ's star wars. Let it out. Tell us ALL how much you wish you kept the damn license and made the movies yourself. LET IT THE FUCK OUT.

All I DO know is that if Lucas was making the new series it'd be just as muddled and boring as the prequels, so ultimately it's BETTER without him. And that's a shock. I don't understand how he made the OT what it was then gave us the lackluster prequels after the fact. It's a strange chemistry. Maybe Kasdan, Kurtz, and his Wife, plus the lightning in a bottle casting was what really made star wars work, not Lucas and Lucas alone.

He's got to step aside I have to say. Making a fool of himself now with all this "damn, wish I didn't sell the franchise" attitude he's putting on now.

But yeah, I can imagine. He was watching TFA and just thinking, not what I'd have done... not what we had in mind at the end of RotJ's production. Not enough CGI in this scene...

Now I'm not a TFA zealot, it's not ALL THAT. It's TFA. It's a definite long overdue return to the OT spirit and style for star wars. It's so hard, yunno for me. It's an emotional thing. I've been watching the prequels for YEARS and not ONCE did the millenium falcon, the one single most identifiable staple of star wars show up in those movies. It's like, Lucas went down the list of shit that has to happen and appear in every star wars movie, Threepio, R2, bad feeling, willhelm, etc. and left out the goddamn falcon cuz who cares. I CARE!!!

Here's an idea. The jedi get to some space port, find a hot shot pilot there named skywalker who owns the Millenium falcon and can help them get to their next destination and save the queen from the stuff or whatever..." Who'd have thunk Vader once owned the Millenium Falcon. He never mentions it, yeah but probably because he doesn't want to remember it, I dunno... but he built threepio, and had ownership of R2 yet NEVER mentions either so it wouldn't be too far fetched. Now that I think about it, the PT style of making the star wars universe tiny really SUCKED. No, Vader didn't own the MF, but still it'd have been interesting to see someone bring the ship into the series so there's some kind of continuity and of course it's feels more organically star wars. I haven't seen the falcon in a star wars movies for a LONG time, A LOOOOOOOONG TIME. How fucked up is that ladies and gents...

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Force Awakens makes a billion dollars

Just finished seeing the movie a 3rd time. I mean I'm a star wars fan. I have to do what I have to do, that's all that needs to be said. I want to finish it off and see it in IMAX next and then it is done.

I got to say the pressure is ON now for Phil and Chris. The han Solo spinoff IS NOT the lego movie. These guys are playing with the potential to earn billions of dollars for Lucasfilm. This is big league stuff.

If they get me on board, I'll do whatever I got to do to provide for them, for the wonderful children who will watch the movie, for the fans who love the franchise. I swear it to GOD.

I just need to lose this weight, damn, harder to lose than I first thought.

Got to somehow talk to Billy Dee, get his thoughts on how I should approach playing his character. He's quoted as saying he always plays characters larger than life as an actor. What that means I'm not sure... Be good to get his thoughts on it before cameras roll.

I just get the feeling now that this game Lucasfilm is playing at is a MAJOR one. I knew Force Awakens would do well, but it's on track to destroy every record and top all the charts like no body's business. I'm wowed by that and bravo. Even though I've seen the movie like 3 times, I still had a blast with it and just found new stuff to look for and take in. Like this viewing I really liked the part at the end where Leia tells Rey "may the force be with you." That's a great scene because it shows Leia appreciating her Jedi heritage for the first time and acknowledging her connection to it. I like the transformation of Rey's character in the end. When she becomes a Jedi, Ridley totally pulls a Hamill and begins acting more like a Jedi, all serious and more spiritual. That's something I never noticed but JJ must have told her to embrace the Jedi way more in those scenes and she embodies a jedi a lot if you look closely. She's totally acting more like a jedi at the end of the movie. Well done there the way she changes and grows throughout the movie.

I kinda do and kinda don't want Finn to return. His Arc in the film is truly a masterpiece if in the end he does die from his injuries. Most likely in the next film he will be broken mentally, physically, just a different person from the trauma he experienced. Or dead. I'd like that. If he does die and basically shows the power of the common man's spirit to act in the face of overwhelming odds. His story although rough around the edges and needing some better writing, actually would be one of the better ones if he dies to save rey and pushes her to embrace her jedi heritage. Notice how it's because he took the saber with him that she even had one to use at the end battle. Ah ha, it's a bit of a underlining subtext there. Finn's responsible for rey accepting her destiny.

And now we have to wait for the next movie to make sense of the mysterious return of the Sith in this film. It's just like that's the biggest flaw although it's not really one. At the end of Empire, you simply have no idea what happens next and have to wait to get all the answers to your questions. And here we stand waiting for Return of the Jedi, like really, the second return of the Jedi.

One thing I was thinking about as I was on the way home was, why did Luke abandon the republic and his own sister. This is totally NOT him. Luke walked into the clutches of Vader and the Emperor in RotJ and has always been a fierce combatant and willing Jedi. He says he'll "never" turn to the dark side. Fine, we are all clear on Luke being a true, shining, unmovable, heroic figure. Suddenly he's said "f-this" and decided to go to some nice quiet little hide away instead of getting involved with the efforts to rebuild the jedi and destroy the remaining Empire.

One major problem I have with TFA is that it really nullifies the ending of RotJ. Mind you, yes, they got 30 years of peace because of that ending. But apparently it didn't REALLY make the serious giant mega dent in the Dark Side and wipe out the sith. I have to say, just up and like nothing, the Sith is Back after the death of the emperor, they got to make sense out of that stuff. They really do...

We've heard nothing and seen nO One out there as big and as bad as the Emperor. I think what Kasdan's doing is going by his own notes from when he was writing empire and RotJ. There was no rule of two in his mind back then. The Sith had various sectors all over the galaxy, not just the Emperor and Vader alone. We just never saw the other members of the dark side. Now we are seeing them. The Emperor was the head, but he had others under his control besides Vader. I'm guessing Snoke is nothing more than an apprentice of Palpatine that we never saw until now and the rule of two is going to be eliminated from here forward. Most likely. I mean the rule of two was a prequel rule. These new movies are said to be following from what the OT brought forth and not including the PT's details and new info at all. It's far fetched.

Lots of speculation swirling online now about Snoke. Is he a hologram, is he a force ghost? Look at it this way. Kylo Ren is not sane. He sits talking to a crusty old burnt helmet of darth vader. He's always on a short fuse and ready to explode with rage. He's totally unstable and mentally not all together. Maybe, snoke's in his imagination. I'd like that. If there is no Snoke. Ben Solo IS Snoke. Kinda like that movie a beautiful mind where the main character finally realizes all the people bothering him are in his mind.

Problem is, that snoke talks to Hux too. So of course he's real. But if the re-imergence of the Sith was brought about by Ben and Ben alone because of his warped mentality that'd have been much better than simply having some giant mutant guy hanging out keeping the sith going after palpatine is destroyed... Maybe, Snoke manifests himself THROUGH Ben's force powers. I think that might be the answer. Ben created snoke and snoke exists as a parasite on Ben, nothing more. He's not real but Ben fractured mind created him and he has his own free will but he's linked to Ben. Oh man so much potential if they go down that road....

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

What color will Rey's lightsaber be?

I gotta go with purple or even pink. Would be nice to legitimize the purple blade in the series and not have it be this sore thumb that it is associated only with the prequels. We'll see of course, but she'd look better with purple. Lord knows, I don't understand why Lucas had Mace be the only jedi with purple. It was just strange that he's the only one with his own lightsaber color... but it's hard to argue with Sam Jackson. He wanted purple. Lucas bowed to his wishes didn't he...

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Force Awakens makes movies FUN again?

Got to say it's a breath of fresh air what JJ's brought with Force Awakens. Every single scene besides the more serious stuff has jokes and gags in it. I liked that about the movie. You can just sit and fucking not give a shit about the story if you want to, you'll just enjoy the jokes. That's where I come from, every movie in the 90s was half comedy or in Burton's Case, half weird as hell.

I got a burton Del Toro vibe from the movie. At some point, yeah Guierllmo Del Toro was slated to direct it and I can imagine it'd have been a fucking totally different movie but I think some of his touches remained. I just got some of his essence and humor in scenes. Maybe JJ took his ideas for it.

But yeah I hope we get more movies like TFA and less of the constant depressing, fuck this terrible world, movies.

TFA's like a bag of gummie bears, it took me back to that feeling as a kid watching disney movies all day. That's my childhood, I mean. I'd watch power rangers the movie all day. Watch ninja turtles, ghostbusters, and of course Star Wars totally owned my ass. It was like living a dream, cinema back then. Like when Jurassic Park came out. It was like this giant beautiful amusement park of a movie. Like full on spielberg in his prime, just making a movie that's for FUN and not much more... Don't make em like that anymore, not much.

Makes me wish like a lot of us are wishing now that we didn't get 9 years of Lucas dicking around and fucking up star wars. Why he didn't hand the reigns over to spieberg or some one who was actually a good director, fuck...

Really, I mean I watched TPM and yeah was kinda thinking something went wrong. We go from the OT which had the characters bickering and making quips every second, to the PT which is a lot more dilluted version of everything we once had in a star wars film. Little did I know as a kid that that was where the PT was heading, boredom, lackluster, and ultimately inhuman. The characters and humans were NOT what Lucas cared about in those movies. Can I create this in CGI, can I have the emperor do a backflip off of his table and shit.

Thank GOD we're done with that. All I have to say. Bring Star Wars back to where it came from, that's all that needed to be done with the PT. I don't need to know if Anakin and Obiwan can swing around lava pools and all this bullshit.

No Lava or flips or any of that bullshit in episode 8 please. Just no...

Friday, December 18, 2015

The return of Luke Skywalker...

I don't know what that means now. We shall indeed see. It's neither been an inevitability nor impossibility. Hamill has been hanging around for years teasing Luke's return in various ways. Now he's doing it, finally bringing Skywalker back from the shadows into the modern world and it is glorious.

I don't know... I sat and contemplated it as a kid, at the mall, what would it be like if Luke was with us again and not this Hayden guy or these new much lesser characters. What if we actually got to see Luke in another star wars movie.

I like TFA on its own merits and quite enjoyed the new characters and their lives and stuff. Here we stand though, about to be blasted with full on Luke Skywalker star wars movie, no more teasing. What will it be, lord knows. But I can gurantee it'll blow TFA off the earth, the sequel they're coming up with.

Kylo vs Luke Skywalker... It's going to be bombad.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Force Awakens thoughts.... spoilers ahoy

It's better than any of the prequels by miles. It's NOT as good as ANH or ESB or ROTJ.

It's a mixed bag. I abhor the stuff regarding the Death Star 3. LOVE everything else about the movie.

Unclear of the fate of the Finn Character.

So many many many questions about Kylo Ren that will nag the shit out of you after you see this. Why did he turn to the dark side? Ya serious? He wants to bring Vader back and honor his Grandfather? Why doesn't ghost Anakin tell him Vader was a mistake he made and not someone to look up to. I'm lost on his motivation and would prefer he not be linked to Vader.

This is basically Part 1 of one giant film that we got going here. Like many have said, this is NOT a stand alone self contained movie.

No return of Boba Fett, wow... All the shit about there being too much fanservice is bullshit. It's all winks and nods, nothing more. Barely a blatant in your face thing going on here.

Phasma is truly NOTHING in this movie. Might as well have been some no-name general like in every star wars movie. Should have mandated that she go toe to toe with Finn or Solo or some shit. Mind you, I think she'll be in the future movies. But her character is truly pointless.

Well, it's a fun movie, GENIUS moments mixed with Star Wars Rebels episode, very light on fleshing out the characters though. You won't get that, but at least it has a main character that we're focusing on instead of Lucas' prequel style where you don't know who's the focus. We have an established group of bad guys now although it's very unclear who the hell they are and what they want to accomplish. We know Palpatine was seeking the secret to immortality. What the fuck is these guy's ambition in life?

Solid 7/10.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Had an idea. Let's do BATMAN 3!!!

I mean I'm just like, thinking about how the star wars saga's going to go down after the dust settles and we have a total of 9 films in it of varying degrees of quality.

I personally will NOT include the prequels alongside the new saga.

I LOVED the IDEA of what a prequel trilogy might have been, but ultimately what we got fell far short of what it was supposed to be. Could have easily been better films. Didn't have to surpass the original trilogy but didn't have to insult us with its ridiculousness either.

You may like the prequels and say well they're not THAAAAAT bad, just suck it up and deal with them, nothing you can do about it.

Oh really? Do you take batman forever and batman and robin and put them alongside burton's two classic batmans and just suck them up??? Superman 3 and 4, to some extent returns? The dark Knight rises and its fubaring of the The dark knight trilogy?

I'd be down for a Tim Burton Directed Batman 3, now that the trend is coming along to actually finish old movie series properly in the wake of far lesser additions.

It's because of the prequels that this new trilogy is born, sadly. If the prequel trilogy had been an amazing resounding quality return for star wars, we'd have no thoughts of a last and final trilogy. But unfortunately we have 3 big honking stains on an otherwise masterfully crafted set of films, and so it's been decided, there needs to be a full and final "better" conclusion to the series now.

And of course make assloads of money. But yeah, I think Keaton returning as batman would actually be similarly welcomed... Everyone wanted it, but we got batman forever instead, which was the appetizer for Batman and Robin.

I say we do it. It'll make money from not only new batman fans but the original 89 lovers. It'd be like Alien 3 retcon that Blonkamp is working on. Oh my GOD would I die to see Tim Buron make HIS batman 3... But alas, Keaton really is goddamn old as fuck now. Thankfully being old won't make much difference for beatlejuice 2, but it'll be tough to sell him as Batman again... Thing is, that as much as we've moved on from his batman, he's still the best one... Makes sense to my dumb ass to put him back in the cowel and finish his story properlly. They worked so hard on those first movies only to fucking toss em out. Yeah they're dated as fuck now and batman killing left and right won't fly anymore... no way...

But still, when you make 3 batman movies and the only thing good in them was the joker who was aping burton's style for his whole performance, well it's obvious which films are superior.

making sense of the first order's existence

I'll know what the hell they're all about tomorrow, so no need to delve into it really, but whatever.

So apparently everything they did in RotJ meant shit. The empire, the sith, the whole thing is still in full effect after the fact.

That's one of the main complaints about TFA, it kinda retroactively down plays the victory on Endor at the end of RotJ.

If they fought so hard, worked so hard, sacrificed so much, for NOTHING, kinda makes the whole of RotJ like a minor event that didn't do much.

The thing that irks me and I hate that it does is that, YES the defeat of the emperor SHOULD mean the end of the Sith. It's not like they're as wide spread and all over the galaxy in hiding like the jedi.

This new concept that the Sith is just hanging out in different places no matter what you do to them is really a bad idea that Disney has just pulled out of their ass now to keep star wars going despite the rebels winning in RotJ.

The thing is RotJ TRULY is a tough film to sequel to. The EU has been trying for decades to come up with a new story, and failed every single time.

In fact from what I've read about the plot of Force Awakens, it ultimately can't figure out the next logical step after RotJ either. It's a good movie, but not one that explains itself well enough to make sense!

EU is the same. Not much in the EU ever made sense because RotJ WORKS. It really truly was designed to be the final star wars story. There really is not much to for Luke or han or Leia to struggle against after that battle and that movie. YES they have to go after the remaining Empire and wipe them out. But that's IT!!! The Emperor truly was the biggest worst threat to the heros. With him gone, and Vader. One could argue if Vader had survived RotJ, we'd have so much more shit to deal with. But no, he dies.

I was watching RotJ recently and thought ok, MAYBE while the emperor was shooting Luke with lightning he transfered some of his dark energy into Luke and MAYBE it finally voldemorts itself into Luke's mind and takes over his body or some shit...

Essentially, Star Wars is becoming harry potter now. They killed Voldemort at least fucking fifty times in those movies and only in the last two films did they figure out why he keeps coming back. He knows how to create duplicates of himself. Simple but effect way of returning a villain to the series after he gets killed.

In Star Wars it's never said, never made clear, never a thought that the emperor can voldemort himself.

So he's fucking dead, he's gone.

Why are the heros afraid of anything, even Kylo Ren, in the new movies. Ultimately even IF a new jedi apprentice of Skywalker goes to the dark side, he's fucking luke skywalker. He'll crush him like an ant.

This new star wars trilogy better make some damn sense of itself, all I have to say. I'm on its side, but it's asking me personally as a fan to stretch myself waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much here.

Of course, TFA is online now....

Not going to say where, but you CAN see the movie for free on the internet. I should have thought about it, what if one of the people who saw the movie yesterday just videoed it with their cells and uploaded it to facebook. Well, that's exactly what someone has been doing, at least they took pictures of tons of spoilers and have released them on facebook today.

WOW, what a world now, no movie is sacred.

I now know everything that happens practically within just a few minutes of casually browsing facebook. Thanks...

Still hope to enjoy the film, and not going to make the same mistake with episode 8 and 9 but damn, FUCK the internet, HARD.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

People love Force Awakens

They better love that shit. It's going to be the first step in what will be a very big revival for star wars in cinemas. It doesn't need to be godfather, just be enough to start the ball rolling, we'll see on friday. Going to dress up as Marty Mcfly and go see it. Yep, I'm a weird fuck, that's all you need to know about me...

As for the complaints that it's fan service. Did you not see the prequels? Fan Service Paloozaaa in those bitches!!! Of course it's fan service, it's a movie directed by a fanboy. If you expected it to feel like a movie directed by someone who's never gave a shit about star wars after learning of JJ's involvement, you are an idiot.

I can't wait to see this, my life has led to this moment I think. I may have had to slog through the prequels to get here and I'm older, 29 now, but I'm still me more or less. I'm still just a dude sitting at his computer looking up star wars shit.

When I was 11 I went and got a little star wars fact book. Had all the jedi in it. I took a SHIT while reading my star wars TV Guide... I remember that day, the shit and the shit I read in that tv guide...

Star Wars is my life. I feel no shame in admitting my unbridled, unrestricted love for the series. It's a masterpiece.

These new movies MUST be masterpieces. There is no FAIL equation here.

They MUST be the BEST movies ever made.

Life is good...

I just got the email for my new job as CCA for the post office. Despite the drama that they wanted to start with me at my old position, it matters not, I will fullfill my duties as CCA and earn a substantial amount of nonsensical levels of money nonetheless and forge forward with my intentions of just investing in stocks and going after a pilots license.

I must say, what a strange world this is. So very confusing to me... But now of all times, when our nation sits on the brink of "more" war with some radical islamic muslim whoevers, we're getting star wars, we're getting samurai jack, everything that made my childhood tolerable seems to be returning.

And if Lucasfilm wants it, I'm ready to do Lando for them. Got to get it done soon, I will age and grow old at some point, do it now or never.

The thing that annoys me is how like, people are such assholes in this world. What's up with that shit... You can't just chill, which is my akunamatata kinda thing. I'm a don't give a fuck kinda guy. You can do a lot of things to me, I'll not give a shit honestly. But the way some dudes want to push you and force you to go crazy, makes no sense to me. Not that I won't pull out a gun and end them, hell no, I'll kill you if that's what you want. But I see no point in it is all. I want to get laid, fuck 10 bitches, enjoy the taste of heaven that is right before our eyes every waking day. You want to start shit...

I mean I used to go to work at the post office, the fucking post office and there were bitches there wearing things and one girl was hot as shit latina and had nice titties. Why everybody going crazy and starting shit, I don't get it. I'm swimming in ass every day. All I need to do is figure out how to get my dick in it and I'm good.

We'll fuckin see brutha...

Monday, December 14, 2015

Daniel Logan confirms his interest in Going up against Solo

Come on Disney, let's do it. I'd love it if it was ME, Dan, and Ingruber going at it in the Han Solo Spinoff. I'd be down for that....

I'll fight for Dan's involvement. He LOVES Star Wars, that's why he should be involved with future projects. It's not about money to him, in fact I think he's got plenty. But the man truly is the biggest and best star wars fan in the universe. To have him on board with the Han Solo Spinoff will be a very wise decision.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Battlefront Addendum

Just more thoughts on this typical battlefront game. I will max out my stats and such and hopefully the new DLC fixes what is a very messy game, fun as hell but messy. Thankfully since we're in the online gaming era, no developer ever truly has to finish a game, just release it and patch the fuck out of it. My GTA 5 game has NO resemblance at all to the game I bought anymore, which is kinda weird but that's the name of the game these days. Buy a game at the store, then download the rest of it later!!!

Whole new world. I come from the days when you went to blockbuster and rented a game for your system and if it was shitty you got fucked, if it was great, the dev team gave a damn and created a wonderful game. Kinda sad that the companies are getting away with releasing half finished games these days since everyone who buys it can just download the updated finished stuff later, but I won't complain if EA fixes this game and makes it much better than it is right now which is basically Battlefield for KIDS!!!!!

What do I want in Battlefront 2 the inevitable better sequel? Just do everything battlefield is doing, fuck it. That's what Disney wanted, why they wanted DICE to make it, cuz battlefield really is the BEST online war game to date. They wanted DICE to just do that but with star wars shit. But no DICE had to have some kind of bravado and try to make some new type of battlefront which just ultimately feels like a crazy mashup of battlefield and the old battlefronts. The game has NO identity of its own. It's a clone of 2 better franchises put together.

They can fix this thing... Han Solo, got to talk about him. What a horrible Hero he is. I can't begin to make sense of the choices they made regarding his abilities. At least in the old battlefront they made the regular non-force-powered heros have a few tech devices to aid them, detonators and such so they can potentially stand toe to toe with a jedi, but even then playing as Han or Leia in hero battle was damn near impossible against jedi who had  a billion powers.

Same here and that's trully awful. This game is well aware of how horrible and shitty the old hero system was in battlefront 2 yet they make the same mistakes. Playing as HAN is INSTANT death for you in hero vs villains or anything. He's horrible and has NOTHING to save him in the battlefield against superior opponents. Only shit he has is the super powered hadouken gun shot thing that he's got, and it's just hard to aim that shit. If that was an ON Call shot not a power up shot, done, good shit.

But no. His little line backer rush power is just stupid as shit. It's a fucking tough power to use and when you're done using it, surprise you're right where your enemy wants you to be and you get hacked to shit.

Ultimately they should have given Han and Leia a handicap in the game since they're going up against much tougher heros, simple as that. Make their health double in the next update and you'll get praise from me DICE. Just look at the statistics and they won't lie. Hero VS Villains most of the time the villains win because they have actual good fucking powers. It's that simple. I'm always surprised when we win as the heros in that game mode, because it's just an unfair match, simple truth.

What else can they fix in this very very mixed bag of a doritoes game they made??? Heh, so much I can't even begin to name them all.

Health goes down way too fast. It's like weird. You go into a room with a probe droid, it shoots you and nearly kills you, but you escape, then you get shot from behind by some guy. I don't know if they'll give a shit since that's a shooter for you, the name of the game is avoid getting shot of course, but to me it seems like I'm made of tin foil in this game, I get shot just maybe 2 or 3 times and I'm dead.

I hope we get better more interesting new skins for the troops and heads etc. Wow what a bare bones selection they've created. I'd kill for a facial mapping and image capture feature like they do in some sports games. Playing as myself would be sweet.

What else, maybe make the ATST a vehicle accessble to both rebels and imperials in an update. That was cool in BF2, didn't matter, anybody could drive anybody's ships. As it is now. It's very lame that I play as the rebels in any match and I have to deal with a few fucking ATST's hanging out and rebels have SHIT to defend themselves with against those things. Who came up with that shit? That was a serious complaint in the beta that the rebels don't have an ATST equivalent in their arsenal so they're royally fucked in battle against a few of those. So true. Why did they not fix that issue?

Generally just fix a lot of the minor annoying things a bout the game. Getting Killed right off the bat like in one of my videos on youtube. If we didn't spawn so close to each other at the start, that wouldn't have happened. In fact, a lot of the spawn locations DICE has chosen are shitty and put you right next to the action so you get shot before you can figure out where the hell you are.

It's a super strange mess of a battlefront game and I'll personally move on to Metal Gear if DICE doesn't update and balance out the game's flaws a little more...

Friday, December 11, 2015

Title for Episode 0


That's it... I figured it out just now. Just call the Super Duper Prequel Star Wars, no titles, just pure original star wars like 4 was originally suppose to be.

I wonder if my dumbass submits this idea to Mark Hamill, it'll get heard by Lucasfilm. I'm really wanting them to make a super cheap super retro old star wars movie to precede the prequels and attempt to make those movies not seem like some ambling mess that they ended up being.

I'm serious here and this is coming from someone who paid to see episode 1, 2, 3 each one for 9 years of his life, so they have to at least kinda give a crap about what I think here. I've been all over those movies inside outside upside down afterall.

I know why they don't work in the end. I know what can possibly be done to repair the damage. Probably actually start the series off nice and with a good solid preamble before we get into the gobbly gook of the prequels. Sure nothing will save those film in terms of the ridiculous fx on display, but just the basic stuff like not explaining the force can be handled, maybe explain the force ghost thing a little, I don't know... Anything's possible. Sadly and most obvious to me now, Lucas Sold Star Wars not necessarily because he didn't want to deal with more fan backlash, but because he knew he screwed star wars up termendously with the videogames he made instead of real movies.

But it's not over yet. We can fix this thing, just need to actually make a good movie with better casting and the fun factor star wars always embodied. That's what the prequels missed, the FUN, omg, so much talk, no fun, no OMG we have space ships and lightsabers and powers, attitude, everybody's life is HAAARRRD in the prequels. Should have been whole scenes of just Anakin playing with tech he's designed since that's part of his character... like in lost in space. They made that movie more like star wars than any of the prequels and to this day it stands superior. I mean wow how's that even happen? Glad I lived long enough to see that movie come along so I know the prequels didn't cut it.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

star wars ideas

I had a dream last night that I haven't had in decades, decades, but it was born I think from the now approaching release of Star Wars 7...

It's a dream about my weird idea I had as a kid for a star wars videogame. It was going to be like a really gritty realistic space ship battle game with cut scenes on the ships and it takes place during some point in the star wars story line.

I finally came up for a name for it: Mid Towers Revenge...

I know how awkward that sounds, but I just wanted something that sounded like a shitty 80s action game title, so there ya go.

It's basically a lot like the stuff you see in anime space operas like gundam or that galaxy something one. But my shit would be on a much much much more epic scope than that, ridiculous levels of epic like we've never seen before. It'd create such an austhetic of trippy 80s scifi to it, and feel so star wars. Like dru struzian's art come to life.

Besides that I came up with a new movie idea that Lucasfilm might take into account. Let's do Episode 0!!! I say we go waaaaaaaaaaay the fuck back and explore YODA's origin or something similar.

The shitty thing about the prequels is that so much stuff is left un explained. The OT never treated us so poorly. They introduced ideas and surprise explained what they were to us. So might as well create a movie that actually lays the ground base for the whole star wars saga so that we're just not caught with out pants down watching episode 1.

Thoughts on Lando as usual

I mean I don't know if I'll get the part, I just don't... But I swear to heaven that if I do, I will not let Kasdan down or Phil or Chris. I will get in the best shape of my fucking life. Do whatever it takes to get it done properly.

I feel like it's just all supposed to go down like this... I've been a weirdo all of my life. I drew cartoon characters during class. I fell in love with Pee Wee's Big adventure as a kid. Then I got into home alone, everything that was weird and awesome in the 90s I was into it, power rangers etc. Why did I like this stuff? I just did, it felt RIGHT.

I'm just a guy who played with toys and I still do. I want to graduate to the level of having felt boobs etc. But I still love toys, nothing wrong with that.

But yeah it's a culture, nerd fanboy culture and I'm very much a part of it having been living that life since day ONE. I mean these new star wars movies are going to not only kill the box office, but be a huge nostalgia trip for everybody no doubt of that.

And if they want a person on board with them who CARES and isn't just there to make money, they got to go with me, just saying...

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

People spoiling TFA online

Yep it's going on. New toys released featuring a spoiler that reeeeeaaally should be kept secret. Wow what's wrong with the toy makers that they have to spoil the movie on the BOX...

Shit. I think TFA will be very divisive but a good solid start for the new star wars trilogy.... Just the tv spot where poe dameron quotes Han solo for the second time is really awful. I hope it makes sense in the film. JJ is NOT stupid enough to allow that, it has to have a purpose or something.

We'll see. My life is all about this movie. And if I've wasted my life on this like I did on the prequels that's really sad...

I know I can't possibly hope star wars fans online will not spoil the film, that's retarded as shit, you bet your ass the second this film drops, we'll know the entire plot sooner than a fart fills the air, so forget it and just shut down the web till you see the movie, all I have to say to yall.

Monday, December 7, 2015

So leia won't be a jedi in the new movies

JJ Abrams basically confirmed this on IGN, kinda a spoiler imo, should have kept that to himself.

Well that sucks. One thing I was looking forward to was seeing Leia actually use the force. She is exactly as powerful as Luke Skywalker, to not take advantage of that makes no sense at all.

Weird decision but he says it was Leia's. She simply decided not to become a jedi. I can see that I guess. I KNOW Leia. She's more interested in her political causes than spending time training with a light saber, makes sense but would it have been something to see Leia doing some jedi shit in our life time... dissapppooiiiinnnttteeddd!!!!!

Mark Hamill has liked 2 of my tweets to him

I couldn't be more overwhelmed... he's GOD to me.  Such an amazing career he's had, and a living legend on top of it. I don't deserve his acknowledgement in the least, but he's the most normal down to earth actor there is for all his success.

Motivates me to get off my ass and do what he did which was fight and claw his way to fame and glory truth be told.

I may WANT to play Lando, but ultimately it won't be so simple as showing off lando cosplay on the internet. I have to go to Lucasfilm and kick somebody's ass or something. It's going to be a fight, and I gotta be willing to go to town on this thing...

Such a long life I've had, my body is falling apart now, getting old and shit, not as young as I used to be brother...

But I got to do this shit, AND get laid, that too, those two things...

Friday, December 4, 2015

gonna be working big bucks at the post office now

It's a relief that's for sure. I mean financial security is the basis for everything going forward and progressing now that I think about it. I will indeed be pulling down a hefty salary at the post office in the coming weeks and that's a nice feeling. I'm going to spend out the ass and not give  a damn cuz I've got the money, why not...

So Phil Lamarr himself has basically made it clear to everyone that he's working on the new Samurai Jack season.

I sit here just in awe. I mean I honestly told myself to let it go and move on from samurai Jack a show I loved to death when it aired.

It was a painful divorce, and I'm sure it was for Phil too. So much effort into a show and then POOF it's never going to finish. Such bullshit. I'm so happy for Gendy and congrats to Cartoon Network for knowing a quality program when they see it. Now they're using their goddamn heads...

Thursday, December 3, 2015

I'll be 31 when they start shooting the Han Solo movie

Fuck... all I got to say. Was hoping it would be shot sooner so I can still pass myself off as in my 20s.

I mean spare no expense, I WILL slim down to my bones if I have to to look spot on like young billy dee.

So no big deal. Thing is that yeah, never in my wildest imagination did I think I'd reach 30 or even that I'd potentially portray Lando Calrissian in a star wars movie...

Just got to slim down. I'm WAY overweight and need to drop all this fat, that's all.

It's going to be great though. I can't wait to audition for the part. Problem is that I have NO ties to hollywood. Only thing is that yeah Lucasfilm is VERY aware I'm interested in stepping on board with them... DUH I mean, having a fuck ton of money doesn't hurt does it... But more importantly I want to do the part the way I KNOW it should be done since I'm like this super star wars nerd since childhood.


Han Solo casting underway

I'm trying to see if I can get in contact with the casting director for the Lando Role.

Amazing world we live in now. I mean the net has its bad side but the good thing about it is that yeah, you hear about stuff much much much quicker than in the past. Speedy info. So they're doggedly pursuing a Han Solo for the Stand Alone movie. I mean hell, 2000+ actors they're looking at. Sad to say Anthony Ingruber has a mountain to climb, that man... I don't envy his position, but just believe in it enough and it'll happen I'm sure...

Wakes my dumb ass up that's for sure. I don't mean SHIT to Lucasfilm in the end, now that I think about it. The Lando role will be just as wide spread just as impossible to get since he's going to be the second lead actor in the movie. I'm thoroughly fucked. Feeling like giving up on it to be honest.

But NOOOOOOOOOOO I'm The ONLY person on this fucking planet who should be considered for that role... I will not stop, not be held back, not be moved. I will get this part, or there's no justice in this world, none at all.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015



Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Gendy Tartakovsky SHOULD have directed one of these new Star Wars movies

Something I was thinking about while taking a shower yesterday. I mean JJ Abrams basically is Gendy's cousin so it's all good but yeah. When  you REALLY think about it, Gendy DESERVED for having created the only good star wars thing associated with the prequels to have a shot or even consideration for the star wars films since that's what he's doing now making movies. Still, they went with Abrams and Johnson and whoever's going to make Episode 9 because they're film makers not animators like Gendy.

Just wanted to be one of the few people in this world who took some recognition of the man's brilliance and great contribution to star wars over the years. The clone wars shorts were BETTER than all of the prequels. And I have no shred of doubt left in me that Force Awakens will stomp all over the prequels and make them look like the star wars EU comics that they truly are and nothing more.

Thank you Lucas for having the BALLS to give up star wars. It's in better hands now. You have to admit you can't do this all by yourself man... it's a team effort.

Saturday, November 28, 2015


I called the mini seg way skywalker one time and now that's it's official name pretty much.  Wow I was just kidding around... I'm a star wars nut it's in my blood but cool... I was on the way to work and some dude was like he's on a skywalker. .. wow damn that's cool.

the hero system in battlefront sucks and here's why

Got people saying it's good because EVErYBODY gets a shot at being hero, fair enough. But you'd have that shot anyway if it was based on skill level. Just get good or wait until the system randomly chooses people at the lower level like in the original game.

Here's the real reason it's garbage. I did indeed pick up the tolken. I crouched to pray to jesus to give me hero powers, some douche shot me just when it was about to go through.

FUCKED. Now the tolken is gone and has to be found again.

If that's the way it works, it's not going to last as a good idea.

It's just lame and I hope EA has the good conscience to change it back to BF2's method. Cuz it's just worse, there's no getting around it..

Now the fact that the heros aren't just losing health on the fly is great though. I like just hanging out as luke without feeling like I got to do anything... that's the good shit.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

ecto cooler is back

That's how you know there is a God. Hi-C has filed a patent renewal for Ecto cooler in september, ladies and gentlemen.

It's a done deal.

We WILL be seeing ecto cooler back on shelves most likely around the release of the new gb movie, which I'll personally love to death no matter what it is because it brought back ecto cooler.

I swear I will have an ecto cooler party mother fucker. I mean wow, I hope they get the formula right, they have to know its exact ingredients.

I mean yeah it's basically tangerine juice mixed with orange juice, that's basically it, but no, something DIFFERENT was in ecto cooler, I could taste it. something ELSE...

GOOD GOD, is this a good time to be alive, ecto cooler coming back, new star wars movies, LIFE IS GOOD.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

More or less Final Thoughts on Star Wars Battlefront

I think the biggest mistake is making the hero a tolken on the map, huge mistake. That really eliminates the desire to be the best you can be in the game since there's no reward for it. And that's a shame. I used to love being granted the hero for having kicked ass in the battlefield. Now it's just a random retard who happens to stumble onto it.

I have indeed gotten used to the flying controls so I'm not too offended by them anymore. But whoever told EA making the ships and stuff an icon on the map to get was an idiot. How badass would it be to land these ships and take a post then jump back in and fly off like the old days, how sweet. And I LOVED that I could jump into a fighter jet as Luke and fly around then jump out and whoop ass. Now that shit's gone and it's painful to live with and pilot look is sorely missed. Why they leave him as RotJ luke makes shit sense. There's plenty of room for both versions and pilot luke can have his own methods and weapons etc... would break things up. Maybe in the DLC.

All I'm going to say is I'll give this game a chance to improve. It IS massively fun and I've only gotten to the tip of the iceberg. I will buy the season pass, I hear they're going to be adding shit tons of stuff, Still tons of shit to unlock, but nothing will change the horrible hero system they've gone with. It's ASS on toast and just a really bad decision. PLEASE release a mode that lets the best player get the hero, for the love of GOD.

I mean the game is glorious fun but yeah there are some strange balancing issues. I mean I'm just a rookie prettymuch and there are people in the session with jump packs and homing launchers and all kinds of shit I can't get yet, so it's NOT easy to play on the lower level at all.

The maps are indeed as people have been saying very ho hum. Nothing terrible but not the more fun maps like BF2 or even the epic huge maps from BF1. I miss the yavin map and yeah we have close quarters weapons but not one of the maps is designed for close quarters combat so why do we have those?

Don't bother using any of the shotguns, they're not going to matter...

I would certainly hope new weapons are down the pipe and possibly customizable laser colors. No doubt there's a hex value that if changed will give you any laser beam color you want, would be nice to edit it to your preferences. Read lasers everywhere is so shitty and the PT thankfully introduced the concept of laser blasters having different colors. Gotta give it to the PT weapons they were the shit.

I do indeed want some of those back for this game. Especially the elctro gun. And I hope we get to have a real jet pack at some point down the line like Boba's. The jump pack won't cut it for long... But yeah So much potential.

I know what DICE is doing. They're holing back basically. This is the appetizer. Battlefront 2 will be the big masterpiece, not this game, I get it. But THIS could have been the masterpiece. Making us wait for Battlefront 2 to get it perfect really is very bad taste on their behalf.


also where's the weather in the game? No snow, no rain, no fog, no myst? Why can Battlefront 2 do these things yet this game fails at it? Graphics too much for it I guess.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Where should they go with Indiana Jones 5?

Well I've been reading that Ford wants to do Indy 5, probably because he's had a great experience getting back into his Han Solo shoes, so of course he's a lot more confident putting the fedora on one last time...

I kinda do and I kinda don't want Indy 5. Crystal Skull is NOT an indiana jones film. It simply is not.

Tin Tin is an indiana jones film.

I can't begin to fathom how the hell the best people in hollywood, period, got together and farted out that pile of nonsense that was Crystal Skull. It makes no sense to me at all. Such a failure of a film, it's as if indeed they decided upon makiinnng Back to the Futuure 4 and it was just a garbled mess of a film with no purpose and ultimately a giant shit on an otherwise well made set of films.

Yeah Shia admited it, Spielberg admited it, only person saying the movie's still decent is Lucas himself. NO it's not. You all got together decided to coast through an indiana jones movie and you droppedd the ball in front of everyone. Time to own up to it. Time to get it right with Indy 5, the final chapter, or whatever it's called.

I demand it honestly. I refuse to let Indy end with Crystal Skull. Ya serious? We go from Indy riding off into the sunset to him fucking around with shia labeuf, oh fuck that shit...

It's NOW or NEVER. Spielberg at the helm putting everything he has into crafting an Indiana Jones Masterpiece for the fans. Or fuck it, let JJ Abrams make it, I'm sure he's got a hard on for Indy just as much as the rest of us... I'd actually be down for a JJ Abrams Indiana Jones, why the fuck not...

Let's do it, baby, let's finish INDY off PROPERLY this time...

Thursday, November 19, 2015

New Star Wars on the Horizon and we got to worry about World War 3

That's hyperbole, yes. It's just a retarded little terrorist group that's trying to stir shit up and that's all it is, but good Lordy Lord are those fuckers picking a hell of a time to make our lives a mess.

Wow, didn't see this coming, just didn't. I mean all the excitement and fun is being sucked straight out of the premiere of star wars episode 7. None of this shit happened before the phantom menace. In fact Phantom Menace marked the LAST time we as a collective group of nerds on line could blissfully go about our lives without fear. Only 2 years later, the goddamn world was rocked by the twin towers falling... then everything became about that stuff, star wars was still going strong but of course Lucas even put the image of the towers burning in the movie for fucking sake... there was no denying the war with bin laden was more prominent in the media.

I'm royally pissed by this. I dare them to start shit with NYC. I will join in the military tomorrow and end a couple hundred of them myself before they take me down.

fuck it. I'm pissed. You want to fuck up my peaceful viewing of star wars? You gonna get it, motherfucker...

Comment on the whole driverless car tech

I'm going to assume it's very super smart people simply wanting bragging rights for having come up with the tech rather than hoping to one day put it into action.

I can't see this technology actually becoming a widely used thing at all. A billion different unpredictable variables are taking place as a person drives. Weather, animals, road conditions, whatever the case is.

Is Google serious with this stuff? Are we really going to see this become reality? When I was being taught to drive, they drilled it into our heads that there's no such thing as NON-Defensive driving. You have to be expecting the worst every single time, even if you're the bomb at driving. You have to always be prepared for some bullshit to happen.

When I was a kid, I did indeed ride my bike out into the street without thinking straight and if that guy didn't hit the brakes like crazy, I'd be dead.

So I'm definitely hoping Google's just playing around with this tech cuz no way do I think anybody is going to be safe if people put cars on autopilot out there.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Battlefront review in progress

The game is MASSIVE and just amazing. But despite all it's awesomeness it feels a lot to me like GTA 4 did, just as much of a step back as much as it was a step forward for GTA. I remember playing GTA 4 and just wondering why they took out all the good shit from GTA SA. And here I am again wondering why EA took out all the good shit from battlefront 2. Mind you, the new game modes are superior and much more interesting than the simplistic straight forward command post stuff from BF2 and capture the flag. Like I said, battlefront has NEVER been new or complex or done anything any other shooter hasn't done so don't expect that, but the new game modes are really different and totally new to battlefront which is a good step in the right direction...

Haven't found any traps you can set so far, so I'm kinda dissapointed, loved the lava trap from BF 2. That should be the name of the game, set up traps and wait to start them, not so in this game. Run gun and die a whole lot.

What sucks HARD the ships and flying. You got to be kidding me. Battlefield has it right even though the flying is tough to figure out. But yeah, the vehicles should be landable for fuck's sake.  If a game on PS2 could do it, this game has no excuse. Why did they make the ships something that can't be landed why?

You cannot flip and double jump as a jedi. Oh for fuck's sake. I mean why?

No lightsaber health bar at all. Wow, that's just stupid as hell. I guess they didn't want it to distract you while playing, but it would have been the cherry on top to get that back.

Playing as a jedi is still as clunky and awkward as it was in bf2 but now you can't even super double jump or float around. You run briskly and jump pretty high but can't flip like they do in the movies all day. Makes no sense.

I mean bf2 was on point. You jumped then flipped like a maniac in that game, this game wtf.

I'll get deeper into this shit and like IGN fully finalize my thoughts but be warned, some things, hell A LOT of things BF2 did better than this game so far as I'm playing it. And the ship controls are garbage. True utter garbage. I don't know how any review will find favor with them and I hope they update the game at some point to let us customize it totally to our preferences instead of the preset options which are garbage.

Not sure about the match balancing either. Some dude blasted me away with some super high level gun that I have no way of buying yet, so apparently I'm playing against people with mega weapons already even though I'm a noob just getting started.

oh and Vader's voice, wait till you have to play a match listening that shit... I mean I'll finalize my thoughts on this when I play every thing etc, but as of right now I'm leaning towards recommending you wait for the price to drop if you don't need it right away.

Shit just got real, Battlefront time

Been waiting a long time for this, too long. I mean shit, played battlefront since 2004 when I rented the original from blockbuster, yep, rented it, I was a kid, couldn't afford shit back in those days, I rented everything.

Now I'm finally buying all of my games and going to forge forward and build the ultimate gaming PC since I'm a virgin and that's what we fucking do...

I can't wait to play this shit. I don't understand what people wanted, ALL of the battlefront games are pretty shitty in my mind. I never truly enjoyed them as games, but as star wars games they're masterpieces. The easter eggs, the fun big star wars battles. I have to concede that battlefront will NEVER be a good game as far as shooters go, but the fun is setting traps for niggas, jet packing at the last minute before getting killed or some shit whatever YOU make of the experience, you won't be able to do this shit in COD or Battlefield. How a jet pack would change battlefield for the pure WIN in the end, but nah, never going to see that come down the pipe. Anyway bout to kick some ass and of course shoot first.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Woke me up...

I'm 29 now, life for me is a constant whirlwind of confusion I should say. Had no clue at all during my teen years and college days that one day some jack in the box would condemn my future offspring as if I have a damn clue about that stuff. All I'm hoping for is to experience sex for the first time in my life, this dude's trying to tell me my kids will be this or that and I'm better off not getting laid ever anyway. What a way to teach a young man about sex, just basically ruin it for him?

Good luck convincing me of that. You got to get laid before you leave this world, it's just written in stone...

So I'm on facebook and it's utterly depressing to post there these days. I enjoyed it at the start but now the constant state of the world has permeated it as celebs and just people from all over the world question why facebook is so shocked by the events in paris while the same thing and worse happens daily in poorer nations, yet no one ever hears about it. I have to agree with that sentiment. It's not that the events of paris weren't horrible and should be shown the highest level of just pure respect and sensitivity to all involved who watched what took place, but yeah no one cared when the kenya college shootings too place and more people died. Or the fact that most likely hundreds of innocent children were blown away in the retaliation against the paris massacre, or worse off the people getting killed in the crossfire of wars in all those poor nations.

Is it right to care about the disasters in higher class countries than in poorer lower class countries?

I mean just, didn't THOUSANDS die in Nepal from that earthquake that took place a year ago? I just saw all of it on the news and didn't really let it sink in but yeah, thousands went down in that disaster, THOUSANDS. The thing I was thinking when I heard about the paris thing was, oh well, yeah at least it was only 129 people at the end of the day. I seriously thought that because I remembered thousands died in Nepal's earthquake.

I felt horrible when I heard that, I mean I'm just this guy going to work every day and then in a flash thousands of people are gone... So I'm not like totally blown away by the paris massacre. It was horrible, I'm never going to say it' wasn't, but Nepal was something beyond that, I'd say.

I mean just saying I'm not ignorant to the world the way it is. My postings have been all about paris, but yeah, paris is light compared to other countries. It's just that, it's a bit of the real world spilling into an advanced, high class society, that's what's so shocking about it. Everybody knows there's war in africa and burma and such every day and bad crazy things going on there. You DO NOT go to paris and expect to deal with those people and their bullshit, you just don't.

James Marsters was like FUCKING hanging out in paris for a week on facebook talking about his love for the place. He's a LUCKY ass son of a bitch, that guy. I mean right after the massacre he post about how he was in paris hanging out for a while but left before the shootings... I mean wow, go check out his facebook and see it for yourself. Lucky guy.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

I sit in a corner my head hanging...

I've lived  along life, too long. I honestly should be dead. I don't know why I goddamn keep waking up every day to plod through life anymore.

Star Wars really. As pathetic as that sounds, I love star wars more than anything in the world.

It's what kept me going through high school. I mean I never cared for high school, but the prospect of finally seeing the last star wars movie meant everything to me so I suffered through that nonsense and made it to my goal of seeing episode 3. I don't care about the movie's quality, which is well I wouldn't even call it a movie, it's more of an inevitability/party on film.

Now I'm still looking at life as a journey to see more star wars films and I hope to actually claw and scratch my way into starring as Lando for Kasdan and Phil and Chris.

I'm not going to kill him, but if they do cast someone else, you'll probably hear word of him getting a beat down from someone.

It's just beyond sad and depressing. Sure I'll be sitting content and with my popcorn and my soda as usual watching a star wars movie which has been my life for the past 16 years... But hundreds of people will not and never stood a chance of seeing it.

I understand Daniel's case and indeed he DID NOT make it to the premiere. He saw it coming and therefore desereved for all his life long devotion to the franchise to see the film before he passed away.

I only sit here wishing that those in paris could have seen it before getting shot to death by ISIS terrorists.

That's just so wrong. I mean, I dare submit, put down the guns until AFTER we've all seen the movie. PLEASE. I know it's a weird request, but I don't understand the need to miss star wars in any capacity.

By all means pop my head off while I'm on my way to work, but only AFTER I've seen Force Awakens. I know, stupid, if these guys want to kill you they'll kill you, not going to take a break and think about it, of course... but just an idea...

Friday, November 13, 2015


Just stop... we have so much good things coming. Why is this happening now.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Simon Pegg HATES the prequels

I mean I've been online discussing star wars since high school just to set the stage. I've seen EVERY single debate made about the prequels as the movies came out one by one.

Listen, hear me out. They're Lucas' babies, and they have A LOT of cool good elements, but that's all they are. Golden nuggets floating in a sea of shit and that's not what star wars deserved.

Like I said on facebook and a few people agreed with me, the prequels basically are just all the crappy parts of return of the jedi for 3 movies.

Will a little kid care about that? No. Childhood is a great time where EVERYTHING is awesome. I know, I watched shit and turned it into gold through my childhood prism.

The prequels are such a missed opportunity and that's what makes them hard to sit and watch. The biggest issue besides the really terribly written scripts is the giant 10 year gap between TPM and AotC. Because of that, we have to completely re-introduce Anakin's character a second time because we have no idea who he is by the second film.. It's a waste of time for all of us. Keeping him as one guy, one personality from the first film to the second and third would have helped us in feeling sorry for his downfall.

Instead, we get used to and get to know him as a little kid, then it's a giant new different guy we're getting in the second movie to have to accept and forget the original one making his character obsolete... Of all the errors in judgement lucas made in crafting the prequels, this was the worst one. You can't do that. You can't make a giant farting huge leap of time jump like that in between films... It's like if yeah, we skip 20 years in between ANH and Empire and we see what the characters are up to as much older different personalities. For the love of jimmy Cricket.

Meanwhile everybody else we are very much still on the same page with and continue with their story without issue or any jerky nonsense.

I've tried night and day to make the prequels work as star wars films and not some weird star wars What IF stories that they truly are and Yep, they're not working as star wars films and DO NOT belong in the same league as the original 3 classic trilogy. I find it seriously offensive when I see them being forced into the same level as if the movies all sync up and fit, it's like watching a big fat ugly chick struggle to fit in with a bunch of sexy super models, no, just no...

But this is the movies and everything is subjective, maybe the prequels don't work for me, maybe they work for YOU.

I don't know... The thing about it to me is that they really are such fx-shows more than movies and that's what really sucks about them... I mean if Yoda has to have a lightsaber, wouldn't it make more sense that it comes out of his cane that he always carries? I mean it's that level of just not giving a shit that makes the prequels seem like the big slap dash 1st draft material that they are.

But what about my interest in seeing Daniel Logan return as Boba Fett. Like I said, there's some good shit in the prequels. I mean, yeah, it's hard to find the good shit but it's there somewhere. I do like the phantom Menace and how retro star wars it feels and the jedi fight on naboo was and still is the best fight of the prequels and probably whole saga until force awakens sees Luke go toe to toe with Kylo in what most likely will be the best saber duel of the series.

The Emperor's rise to power and everything Ian Mcdirmand did is what saves the PT. If they could just be about his character and his plot to take over the galaxy, they'd be wonderful star wars movies. Instead it's about a bunch of other nonsense that doesn't matter to us as we never truly get to know these characters or care about them much at all.

Star Wars got too big for itself I have to admit. When Lucas makes a star wars movie scared shitless if people will like it and care and go see it, that's when he tries harder. Obviously with nothing but a blank check and full knowledge that he could get away with making garbage and people will see it, we got star wars films that are excessive and bloated and ridiculous over the top CGI spectacles an very little else.

We'll fix that shit do.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Sunday, November 8, 2015

New Force Awakens TV Spot

Damn, that was intense. I mean that was STAR WARS right there. I can only imagine what 2 hours of that is going to be like. Already Force Awekens has crushed the prequels to pieces, already...

Saturday, November 7, 2015

We will see ecto cooler return...

I'm contemplating buying an original box of ecto cooler on ebay, which hopefully isn't fake. I mean if I had one of the last boxes ever of the stuff, I'd take the best care of it you can imagine.

Thing is, new GB movie around the corner. Most likely Hi-C will bring back Ecto Cooler to honor the new film and appease long time fans.

If that's the case, I'll just buy the new stuff and save that, instead of spending 400 dollars on an old moldy box. And I do want to drink it again. I miss it. I just remember it being this constant presence, and indeed I got sick of ecto cooler i drank so much of it. I was like, NOoooo not ecto cooler for lunch again...

Wow, hindsight baby...

If they do bring it back, they will easily see their profits soar through the roof. I'm not demanding this, just suggesting politely that if they do bring back ecto, it's going to be ridiculous the money they make off of it. Little did anyone think during the 90s that ecto would soon dissappear but honestly the drink was a tie in with the cartoon, the fact that it lasted decades after the cartoon ended its run is truly amazing. We all simply thought it would be around forever, not one moment as a kid seeing a billion boxes of ecto cooler on the shelf did I think for even a second that that stuff would be an endangered species. NONE OF US DID. That's why we didn't hold on to it. It was like water...

I don't like and I don't think this new GB movie will be any good. However it is the GB movie ressurgance. ALL of the living GBS are actually knocking around in it. To NOT bring back ecto cooler and capitalize on this shit would be retarded beyond retarded for Hi-C. Even Miley Cyrus is singing the ghost busters song on facebook for christ sake.

Yanno what I want, I want them to go for broke. Make Ecto Cooler Whine, beer, energy drinks, classic ecto cooler, ecto cooler tang, whatever they can think of. Then the mission will be accomplished. Then a jedi will you be...

Fleetwood got his wish

Have to talk about this guy. I've been a star wars nut since I was 11. I just know the feeling, here we are waiting for a new movie, a new frontier for star wars, and it's just not a joke, we're standing here today on the cusp of a new era in star wars, a whole new world ready to explode. I'm hoping to get a role in the new world of star wars as I believe it's my destiny. But more importantly, it's truly a showcase of the the infinite power of star wars to transcend everything else and unite us fans as one. It's a good thing Disney did, they should not regret it and I hope Fleetwood does NOT die, and does see the film in theaters. That should be what people should be hoping for. I mean people are saying, what if he blabs about the movie, what if he makes it and lives, GOOD, the man is NOT wanting to die, nobody does I'm sure... But he's not given a choice, as are MANY people who suffer with horrible ailments. The thing I'm discovering about life, and it's truly amazing that VERY smart men and women are working to fix and aid these people, is that millions are suffering out there. I never really was aware of it, but it's true and I wish I could help them. I'm just me, this nerdy dude, nothing more nothing less. I'm probably going to wack off after this since that's what I do all day, but yeah, just saying pray for this guy, he's one of us. He's a star wars fan. Even IF I saw the movie today, I wouldn't say one word to anyone about it, and he won't either. It's star wars, either you see it a virgin or nothing. 

Good Luck, to everyone suffering out there. I mean, sucks that like stuff like cancer and really strange diseases exist. Sucks that some lady crashed a car into a crowd of people and killed 4, sucks that two cops blasted away a 6 year old. I mean this world is bananas... I'm lucky to be alive after some guy tried to kill me and to this day many want me dead, why? It's the internet, it's a circus, accept that...

I don't know. Whatever. Just happy some good is going on in this world...

Thursday, November 5, 2015

random thoughts

I want to play lando, but I'm unfortunately getting old and will possibly be beyond the age range of the casting call... but with good dieting and make-up i should look fine...

We'll see. Let's do this shit now, I'm your guy, what's the delay for?

I wanted to get the pepsi perfect bttf 2 exclusive pepsi put out for sale on nov 3 but I missread the posting and thought it was the 9th that it was going on sale. Needless to say the shit is sold out and now those guys who bought a couple for maybe 60 bucks are selling them each for near 300 dollars.

Ludicrous but genius in the end... But still only at least 13,000 of these bottles were produced. If you dare to own one, you will see that thing increase in value in decades to come. So it is a wise investment. The people who bought it for 20 bucks are geniuses, and now own a bottle of fucking shitty pepsi that will be worth a fuck ton of money down the line, so even if it cost me 200 odd dollars, I'm getting one because that shit will blow up.

That and the usa today paper. It is now sold out on, and I got one of them for like 7 bucks off the website. If I was smart I'd have bought ten of them and sold 9 for maybe 20 bucks each. Pure profit. That's amazing what you can do with rare shit if you find it cheap.

A guy at work was telling me how he's going to buy some kanye west sneakers off of ebay from some idiot who doesn't know the true value of the sneakers and sell them back to someone else for the real price. Genius.

So I'm looking to get a bulk of those usa today bttf papers and preserve them for years and then sell them to other collectors who are looking for it.

Right now those things are easily available like toilet paper, but much like ecto cooler, there will be a very big demand for it and you can name your own price to sell it, I'm sure.

By all means steal my ideas. I see kids on the train, and they don't know shit about life yet, so I'll give you a little clue, collect collect collect. It will be valuable down the line. Don't throw anything away like I did...

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

I don't think Robin Williams is dead.

I just don't. It's like, too retarded to believe in my mind. Even if he was suffering some disease, he's got a daughter, no father would go down that road no matter how bad he was suffering, he had a daughter... and he's robin williams, julliard grad, tons of money, well beloved actor. He's alive, he's just had it with being famous. Wants to disappear no doubt. Same with Michael Jackson. I can't believe I went through my life just casually going along watching michael jackson make new music, never even beginning to think he'd ever die any time soon. I still don't think he's dead. It's just that he's tired of playing with the media bullshit and he's out, he's alive and probably still making music but we won't hear his voice on the tracks ever again, but it's the best way to fully leave behind celebrity life, just fake your death.

This stuff is real. If some high profile family is targeted by terrorist or some mafia group, the cops will actually fake their deaths to get whoever is after them off their ass.

I think Robin faked it. But why? Not feeling like he could handle fame anymore? Maybe he pissed off the wrong people? Owed them money? Wanted to end things once and for all?

I mean, damn, I'm always down for new robin williams movies. Such a huge loss, so stupid, now he's gone and the world is simply poorer for it...

Monday, November 2, 2015

Daniel Fleetwood

Star wars news just came in. A man dying of cancer is hoping to get an early screening of episode 7 before he fucking dies.

Disney if you have any heart left in your ass, DO IT. Give him the first viewing of the movie.

We are ALL going to die. This guy's going out quite faster than any of us, and there's nothing he can do about it. If he could, he'd survive to the premiere of the film, but he can't. And, that's just not right.


Sunday, November 1, 2015

review of ash vs evil dead


Now that's how you make a show.

I grew up on everything raimi on tv, it's in my DNA. I watched Xena, hercules, Jack of all trades.

Whether it was intended or not, I have some connection to bruce Campbell having stumbled upon Brisco County on Irc Chat years ago in high school. Didn't know what the show was, but I did recall I saw eps of it as a kid one night and thought it was like a back to the future tv show, which it most certainly was not.

What it was, brilliant. It was a western version of sherlock holmes meets indiana jones to some degree with some scifi elements thrown in and it was awesome. Just a great underrated gem from the 90s that you will NEVER ever see made again, EVER.

But anyway Bruce Campbell is back playing Ash to shut fans up about it pretty much. What do I think about that, Awesome!

I never understood the evil dead phenomenon as a kid. I saw the movies all over those goth stores and in those movie stores all throughout my childhood evil dead this evil dead that. Apparently it was quite popular, I didn't give a fuck about it...

If you haven't sat and watched all three of those movies, you are insane. Those are how you make movies especially Army of Darkness, it's like a master class in how to make a goddamn classic film.

Oh the stuff I've missed through sheer ignorance I gotta say, what a fucking idiot. But yeah I finally decided to run through the entire series last month and was just floored by the experience. Best movie series I've seen in a long ass time. I mean let's get into it...

I did indeed watch Evil Dead 1 while at college, I did. I got that movie to give it a whirl, whatever. Shit was intense, not bad, really fun.

Now as everyone's made it clear things take a turn for more comedic and action oriented style with the next two films. I don't have a problem with that. I'm all about movies being fun and entertaining and full of humor, joyless cinema not my cup of tea so I'm glad they decided to take the turn they did.

It's much better. My personal favorite is Army of Darkness. It reminds me of like all those weird off beat movies I watched as a kid. Mortal Kombat etc. Just such a 90s era film, reeks of it. But I grew up in that time, so I'm like totally on board with that style of film making. 90s films were mostly shot with real sets, out doors, lots of actual scenes dedicated to building characters cuz fx weren't top notch at the time... so that's what I'm used to seeing, those kinds of films.

I don't know how the series makes sense of the ending of Army of Darkness that's the thing. At the end of the movie, Ash fucked up the reading of the time travel spell and brought the dead ites with him him to the future so at the end he's having to continue his fight with them. But the series says that he's been able to avoid them for 30 years just relax until he read from the book by accident one night.

I guess he was able to escape them for a long time at the end, then, what do I know...

Good stuff, can't wait for the next episode....

The business sense behind my Lando role

I don't hope for anything hollywood-wise, I'll tell you straight up. I'm just a guy who grew up watching and falling in love with the star wars movie series, that's all I am. I'm 29, me and Anthony Ingruber 26 and Daniel Logan 28, I got to talk to these guys see if I can get a little group together and we can make a pitch to Lucasfilm about us coming together and knocking out the Han Solo film.

By God, would my life make all the sense in the world if I ever got to sit and fly the Falcon, I drew that ship all day in 3rd grade, I kid you not...

Badly drew it, since it's a tough damn ship to draw, but I tried, I tell ya...

But was just thinking about it on the long walk back from work, Bus doesn't come early on sunday, had to walk back to the metro north, longest walk of my lfie. Well I was thinking in my stupid head, who the hell else on this planet looks like Lando besides me. WHO? I mean, Lando IS basically what would happen if a black person and white person got busy and had a mixed kid. It's very very rare to find people like that, that's what makes his look so unique and his character infintely more interesting, because he's so ambiguous and handsome and other worldly.

I've pitched myself to Phil and Chris on Twitter, neither of them responded or gave a shit. I have tons of views on this blog of my constant lando positngs, one of them with over a hundred views. I think somebody up there has a clue that I'm knocking around in this world.

Now, will they be able to find other guys out there that look like billy dee in his early 20s? Of COURSE!!! But I'm a perfect match, every last inch of me. I'm like if the dude was cloned and came out of a machine fresh.

We'll see. I'm more eager to see this Han Solo stand alone than I am to see force awakens. I mean yeah I'm ridiclously excited for that film, but truly am curious as to who the hell they're going to find for Lando.

At the end of the day they have two options for Han, call up JTT see if he still wants to do movies for disney... done. Back up plan, call Anthony Ingruber, the dude is legitimately serious about wanting to play Han Solo, and I've told him to fight for it, don't back down. Because I don't think anyone gave a shit about Adeline personally. Playing Han will put his name on the map as a major star, not that movie.

As for Daniel Logan, the impressive thing to me is that he still is very actively cherishing his time playing Boba in Attack of the Clones. He's not really done anything else either, just relishes that character and experience. That's great and if there's any justice in this world he'll be allowed to play him in the Han Solo movie. He IS Boba Fett, both literally, and as a fanboy of Boba, he's the biggest one of us all. And he's actualy a great guy. Wish I knew him back when we were both kids... strangely I was just a year older than him when I went to go buy Attack of the Clones on DVD, so like we were having a fun time with that movie together, I was like WTF when he didn't show up in Revenge... made no sense to me. A lot about the prequels doesn't make sense sadly...

About the business sense. I'm looking out for lucasfilm's interests here when I say that. They are all about making the big bucks and I'm all aboard with that. I mean, let's work together on this, break bread. I'm willing to give you my mind, body, and soul, to get to the end of the line here and make a great movie, and a great big pile of money on top of it. I want kids to have a great time with this movie on the same level as the OT, that's my intention. I mean, like how when I was a kid, I went and watched ID, Lost in Space, or all this sweet 90s sci fi movies. The thing about them was how cool they were and had cool characters and cool action scenes. That's what the movie should be about, just jokes, and badass over the top star wars action, nothing more. No serious drama, this isn't going to be like the other movies. It's going to be jokes, and jokes, and gags, and fun.

At the end of the day, despite all the nonsense drama I've gotten into thanks to the microscope the internet puts on all our lives, I submit, that if they want to get paid, get paid big, let's work together and make that money. I'm all for it, plus I'm sick as hell of being poor... need to get paid, brother...

Friday, October 30, 2015

HOLY SHIT I'm a postal worker, well, a real one...

I already work the post office and I love the job, it's just not a job really, you do stupid kindergarten level stuff and get paid 13 dollars an hour, jesus that's a great life to live...

Well I'm going to be officially carrying mail now. Might as well experience it before transfering to one of the what they call "country clubs" of the post office. All those big USPS plants you see, it's like a vacation in there. I mean not to put those guys down, they work, and it's a task to stand up for hours, but I've had a REAL job, that's not a REAL job...

Despite some dickfuck stealing my scooter, I'll move on and buy a new one and work the route as a mail carrier and earn a shit load of money. See ya!!!

Nigga stole my scooter!!!

Gotta love the bronx. If you're white and you live faaaaaaaaaaaaaar away from black population, feel no shame in that, just don't.

Black people don't give a fuck, rip off everything you got and walk away smiling. Stole my scooter right from inside my front door area, wow, must have been scouting me for days seeing where I parked it before ripping it.

Fucking great, fucking beautiful world this is. DO NOT, live near black people if you're white or anything else, won't feel safe at night. Just won't... sad thing to say...

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

thoughts on new power rangers...

So here I stand. I mean, I'm excited for the new movie. I'm 29 baby. was 11 years old when I first got the power rangers movie on vhs and just had the best time of my life. I'll always love that movie unabashedly and without any feeling of shame, it's just THAT's what life was all about in the 90s. Power rangers, and just having a fun ass time at the movies, and what an experience.

And NOW I'm finally going to see the power rangers movie for REAL at the movies. I mean, just WOW, never thought I'd get to this point. Never thought they'd make a new movie. Let me just say thanks to SABAN, for all of it, even the shitty seasons of power rangers, yall were like a huge warm hug to me as a kid sitting back and watching all the saban shows back then....

New star wars, new power rangers, new independence day, GOOD GOD, what a life I've lived. I mean I was just doing nothing, just watching these movies cuz I loved movies, now they're all turning around and making sequels.

I'm like, hoping to see the original rangers make guest appearances. They Do not have to be the original characters but similar to the ghost busters reboot, it'd be very nice to get as many of them in the movie as cameos as possible.

What else, dunno, just yeah, the new actors. Again much like with the new star wars actors, I don't know these guys. They're casting uknowns so you don't go see the movie expecting anything at all. you just watch the characters being themselves and have no outside influences on it. Fine.

They say it's going to be linked to the current power rangers show which I have no clue about, but I hope they pay us long time fans some respect and base it on mighty morphin. That's what I played with after school, don't give a shit about the new team, and never will.

Mighty Morphin or nothing....

Sunday, October 25, 2015

what will I do if I get paid...

Thinking about this on the way home from work yesterday. What would I do with maybe a hundred grand salary for playing Lando in the Han Solo movie.

What would I do with real money and not the tiny pittance I get as a mail man that I am now...

Yunno, I don't have a damn clue. I'll be honest.

It's like, I look at celebrities who started out just like me then suddenly got famous and became rich and what they do and the lives they live and how much they seem to be enjoying their money it's amazing. I mean first example is Jason David Frank. He's rich, never tells anyone how rich he is, but NO the dude has money and I don't think he even has a regular job, just hangs out raising his daughter and being rich as fuck.

I suppose that'd be me too. If I had money money money money and didn't have to struggle I'd feel no fear in starting a family.

But I'm also an artist. I have these dreams and concepts and inventions that I do indeed want to get made and put together. If I had it my way I'd get into the film making business since I can actually sit for hours coming up with art and sketches and making my dreams a reality. It's like, how I think good film makers work. I can't say I'm a fan of the way hollywood has become such a machine grinding out the next big stupid money maker year after year. I mean it's business, yes, but it's also artless and means nothing.

Art has a purpose. It enriches us, makes us think, wonder, ask questions. We NEED art. Can't just be making these cash grab movies.

So yeah I'd of course start a savings account and not touch that money and just let it grow through interest. But I'd also maybe try to get my start in film making and becoming a director with the money I get. It'd be a tough journey but I know I got skills in that department... just need to actually go forward and soldier through with it in the end...

But yeah I mean, the thing I'd do with real substantial amount of money is start investing wisely with it and try to make it grow larger. I mean that's the name of the game with stocks. Find the right company and if they do great, you get paid.

I don't know. Never had real money but I hoped to one day, always hoped to... looks like I have a chance to get there. I mean I don't think they should dare make that movie without me on board, I seriously don't... I AM Lando, I was born for it, there's no question in my mind... I want to get on set and start filming this shit right the FUCK now, and stop waiting for it....

Thursday, October 22, 2015

My continued thoughts on being cast as Lando

I mean, I'm here. Phil, Chris, OBVIOUSLY people will see the movie you guys make no matter what it is, star wars is insta-money...

You WILL need a Lando, by all means check out my youtube page and see how damn freakishly close I look to Billy Dee.

I'm willing to do it, by any means necessary deliver a great performance that will be truly memorable and perhaps live up to the original Lando from ESB that Billy Dee masterfully created...

I just feel down and frustrated by the way "oh now that this dude's over 18 let's kick his ass" attitude of this world. I've ALWAYS gotten my ass kicked. I mean, say whatever you want, but going through my childhood makes my life now seem rather peaceful and quiet in comparison.

I just hope they give me an email, or at least make some kind of announcement in the press that they're looking for Lando. I will drop everything and fly out to the audition and fucking give my life to it, even if I don't get the part, I don't care, it means that much to me...

Force Awakens will be great and utterly make no sense...

There's like no story left after RotJ, there really isn't. That's what irks me about this movie. Yeah the trailers are beating us all over the head with OMG it's stuff that looks like star wars and for fuck's sake the Sith is still going strong despite them being totally raped to shreds in RotJ by Luke Skywalker and crew.

I mean of course I'm stoked for the movie, of course I am. I want to wash my ass clean of the prequels I dipped myself in for years, I want to go see a really actually well damn made star wars movie and not George Lucas not giving a shit, movie, that he gave us, that's what I want...

But I mean it's plain as paper. RotJ ended the story of Darth Vader. To see this new star wars movie pimp the fact that yeah these new characters are just ambling about in a star wars universe with no darth vader and no emperor, but hey this jackass with a hard on for vader is kinda annoying, that's all this movie is right now. To me it seems like if Luke, or even Leia for that matter just kicked Kylo Ren's Sith wannabe ass, the movie's fucking over...

Why the hell are Rey and Finn and Poe scared of this guy? He's Sith-lite-beer. Come on... The rebels ressoundingly won. There SHOULD be a new jedi order established to protect the new republic now. This kylo guy can show up and then 50 new jedi trained by Luke will erase his dumb ass in five minutes tops...

So I'm confused and just lost by this movie. If you actually sit and think about it, it really makes no fucking sense why anyone feels threatened by the re-emergence of the sith or Empire. If indeed Luke built up an army of Jedi, he's got this shit, and will wipe out the new sith in no time...

So, ok, I'll bite, you got my interest, but you got to figure out a way to make it seem like there's a goddamn reason everybody looks scared pissless of this kylo fucker. I mean all I'm getting from him is annoying ding dong vader fanboy. What is he? The clone of the emperor like in the EU? There ya go, that'll make him something to sneeze at. Is he indeed Darth Maul as people speculate? Technically Maul did return and he hasn't been heard from since the clone wars cartoon and he is the last surviving sith lord...

So they got to figure this shit out or I'll be kinda feeling confused by this sudden OMG there's a new sith threat attitude from the utterly victorious and fully in control Republic that exist now. I mean the EU's been TRYING for years to make up some bullshit that could compare to the rebels fight against the empire and they came up fucking short every single time. What the hell does this new villain have that's got anything on what the emperor brought, I really want to know...

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

What I love about my job

I'm a mail man now. I'm hoping to make that my career forever, fuck it. Why go after more dramatic big ridiculous jobs, I'm nobody special at all... Yeah I want to play Lando, I believe it's my destiny but I'm a small fish in a huge fucking pond, brother, it'd be damn miracle by GOD himself for that to happen.

So I'm good where I'm at. It's not dramatic, it's just pick this shit up and put it over there all day, but OK, that's fine with me...

And the pay is very nice. Why go crazy and try to be a big shot, when I'm at a good spot... Doesn't make sense.

I love jobs like that. Show up, pretend to give a fuck about the job, then watch the money rain. Beautiful, just beautiful...

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Force awakens

All I can say is bravo jj. Looks glorious... Looks like a dream come true for us the star wars retards of the world.

It's all so overwhelming right now. I did NOT think new star wars would be on the way, did NOT.

Looks very nice, like they definitely spared no expense at all. I think I'm gonna have a blast with this movie, might just run through the prequels and OT all over again before seeing it so I have the full star wars experience. Problem is the prequels really are a load of ass so that's gonna make it hard to have to stomach them before seeing the classics.

I'm gonna be smart this time, went through the whole Prequel run without saving one ticket stub, genius. So this time I'm gonna collect all the stubs from each of these movies and put them away and have my collection forever, not gonna be an idiot here.

So what the hell did I just watch in that trailer?

Well I definitely think it's a star wars movie, that's the great thing about it. I know star wars, I know how it's supposed to feel and they captured that star wars spirit in just that trailer alone, just the way poe taps finn on the shoulder, pure star wars, the awkward robot just hanging out in the shot for no reason, pure star wars, the rey character is very much a star wars looking character whatever that means, but she'd fit right at home in any of the OT so I bought it. Finn I still don't know much about and that's weird, we really need to understand him and his story if this movie's focused on him primarily and we follow his journey from the start to the end while he encounters luke, han, and leia on the way, and apparently boba fett will show up. That is going to kick ass if boba fucking redeems himself in this movie.

This is a huge undertaking for JJ and I DO NOT Envy his position. If he even just kinda faulters in this film, he's going to lose us as a fanbase, that's the pressure he's under. But he's already made 2 star wars movies called Star trek and Star Trek into Darkness. When you look at it that way, there's nothing to worry about really...

Oh shit, I got to tell Mark Hamill the trailer blew me away and congrats.... Forgot the dude's hanging out on twitter all the time...

For the love of JESUS, thank you Disney, you did good.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

First day of work.

Goddamn is one of the girls in my class ridiculously fucking hot as hell. Why do bitches like that just hang out around regular guys like us, what's up with that. Go become a model or something...

Just earned some money finally so I got money coming in now. And soon enough going to get the CCA position at the post office and then work my way into full time regular mail carrier. I hope, fucking looks like a heaven on a bun, that job.

I think about playing Lando all day prettymuch. It's like this. I KNOW lucasfilm is aware of my intentions. I'll tell them only this... IF you want people to go see the movie and get the sense that they're really watching a young billy dee playing Lando again, you HAVE TO cast me. I'm his twin, there's no getting around it. If you cast ding dong doodle from kentucky for it, and people go see the movie and are basically watching lando-lite, then you failed, and it's not my problem.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Daniel Logan to play Boba in Han Solo Spinoff film?

Been on Daniel's Facebook page.

What can I say, sadly I dedicated many stupid years to the prequels and so I know way too much about those movies. I wonder how he feels about them now as an adult. I mean it's gotta be great to become a part of the star wars phenomenon no matter what but he f'n played THE boba fett, it's a bigger deal than just playing jedi baby or something.

So he's been getting fan interest in returning for the part for some continued Boba action in the new star wars movies.

I'm thinking, yeah they could call him up for him to do it out of a fanboy type of thing. Or better yet have him play young boba in Han Solo anthology film... I mean it'd make sense, but then again this whole new star wars deal is kinda seeming to want to divorce itself from the prequels as much as possible.

And honestly Boba IS supposed to look like Temura, not an older Daniel Logan.

Me personally, give a dude a second chance at playing Boba, this time in a quality movie. And most likely he'll never have his helmet off anyway. It'd just be a little trivia thing, oh the kid who played boba later played him again in the spin-off movie.

I'm down with that and he's already got lucasfilm's number on speed dial and he's still playing boba in the cartoon, so yeah, not saying I want the new star wars movies to be beholden to the PT much, but he's one of the few good things about them in the end. I mean I enjoyed him as a kid. I enjoyed his Boba, nothing wrong with it. Would have gone a different direction with the PT overall, but Boba's character was hardly one of the issues with it.

If they ask him to come join us making the han solo movie, that'd be cool.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

fixing battlefront

I think I'm done with the beta. It's like a sorry tragic thing to play as the rebels in the Hoth game, they stand such a weak chance of winning. They can win but the guys playing as the empire have to really suck for that to happen basically.

If they don't, they'll be smart, constantly abuse their ridiculous advantage and use the At-ST whenver possible. Jump in and pilot the AT-AT and just lay down a billion orbital strikes, on and on, they have it made in the shade in that level.

And yeah it's movie accurate that the rebels and empire use red laser fire, yeah, but it'd be so convenient for the player if they could figure out who's shooting at them like in BF2. You knew who's fire was who's in that game because the lasers were different looking colors, it couldn't hurt. Time and again it's a tough call to figure out who's fire is going past my ass.

I will pre-order and enjoy this thing when it finally gets put out though, just waiting to get started at a new job right now...

So in a nutshell what do they need to do to improve this game:

Make the Hero REALLY f'n powerful. Like it takes a long time to bring one down. I don't like how they're copying the same hero failure as BF2. In BF1 which this game is actually a remake of, the hero was nearly invincible. It took like 5 mines to get rid of that mother fucker. When they called in the hero, you shit yourself. I want that feeling back, damit. And the hero should go to the most Leet player, none of this random shit. I liked having to earn that shit, not have some complete scrub just randomly get it like it is now... gotta be joking.

Flight controls need to go. I don't like them and it's just not feeling like I"m flying, I'm just controlling the direction this thing is able to move in... no good.

Lightsaber health bar. I mean this just shocks me. I become the hero and it's a bland google looking health bar as my health bar? Oh hell no... If you listen to nothing else us fanboys are crying about, this is it.

I don't know, people say the prone position slows down the game flow, couldn't hurt to me, most shooters have it, even Call of Duty which is far more an arcade shooter than this one, yet this one doesn't?

If indeed this is a very arcady battlefront they're making, give us a slight aim assist option to compensate for the latency of the controller movement. It's like your not bad at aiming, but the controller moves too slow and can't keep up with your thumbs, so a little aim assist, not beast mode but just enough to nudge the reticule to the target batter would be ideal.

Hero movements needs to be updated At least in Bf2 you could leap accross the map and do flips and stuff. WHY the hell did they change that? Where's the flips? Where's Vader's Hover power. Where's the Force JUMP. Where Jedi can jump even higher after jumping? These are real jedi powers, they're not just videgame stuff. In episode 1, Obiwan and Quigon do a super fast jedi sprint. why'd you take that out? In Empire Luke does a super fast Jedi jump. Why'd you take it out? The jedi can flip all over the place with their powers. Why'd you take it out? It's legit, just keep it in there.

What else, yeah some people say the empire and rebels should not be using the same weapons, very true, they don't get their guns from Blaster-R-Us...

EA you have the BEST star wars game ever made on the horizon, you really fucking do. You're so close, it's driving me nuts that there's little things that still have to be worked on, but when you do, congratulations, baby, you've done it, you've made the best star wars game, ever...