Friday, November 29, 2019

seems to be fine

Did some extensive testing to find out if the touchpad would stay stable, no seems to be good...

Going to keep an eye on it if it decides to go bonkers in the future. Reading about this bios update seems like as per usual big bad HP has actually broken things in its new bios so be cautious if you're on the newer models. I don't know if they did any underhanded changes to mine that might be throttling the cpu too much as others have made apparent in theirs.

Yikes, hate when the updates aren't tested by companies, they got to get their crap together, do better.

What's the plan from here forward for me. I don't know, but I want to get my voice in on the Last Dragon thing they're making. I might make my own Last Dragon video... Get that going... Got ideas for it anyway. Lots of tight close ups... I think that's a lost art. Today's movies are about showing off expensive sets, cgi, just putting on a big circus rather than the older more intimate way films were once done, especially 80s films. Like me personally it does aggravate to watch films and it's like 90% talking heads and no attempt at artistry.

Some stuff brewing for us Last Dragon fans... lots of good stuff that I hope to see go through and when I look out at the world today, it's like, there's nothing really like super upbeat and positive to kinda unite people these days. Nothing. Life is dead as a bag of dirt.

Am I going to get anywhere with my physical training and crap that i do these days. I mean I am having trouble to be honest. Nice to lose weight hard to stay motivated to lose it, hard to get off the ass and go stretch and get the blood flowing since I do indeed want to sit here and it's friggin freezing so it's not like it's good conditions!

But I try. It's like, yeah, got that drive in me to get in best shape possible before you lose it that kinda shit... I always dreamed of being big and jacked, I just never had the time to pursue it full on...

Might just get huge, should be interesting to finally fullfill that...

What else, yeah shenmue how's that going for people. I don't know... want to really trial the game before buying it. They really should let us fans f around in it for a while before purchasing it... see if we like it.

It's as I said it was. It's done like an old 90s game and todays' generation can't stomach having to deal with a non-compromising tough unforgiving DO or DIE kind of game that we got like water back in those days...

Am I right?

I kinda am interested in the challenge see if I can take the pounding that game has in store, but some thigns are putting me off. Some claiming stuff is too boring to do, which if you play shenmue, that's the series so what the hell did you think it'd be? Like right now I am exausted beyond wanting to go and screw around more in shenmue 2, it's a massive game so much to go through, i need to literally re-energize before tackling it again... though I'm happy that I got the hardest move scrolls in the game to get through sheer will power. I just some how never gave up though finding it tedious and stupid to keep doing it. I kept at it, some how I don't know, I'm going to wildly guess that's how you really get the scroll, eventually after the fucking thousandth try the game gives it to you for free just for showing such fortitude? Cuz it was like that, failure failure failure, but I just kept going, then the miracle happened.

Good or bad game design? Some would argue overly challenging games are bad game design, but it's how you truly learn what kind of gamer you are in my opinion. A casual or a serious one. I'm mostly casual, but the amount of pure struggle I've gone through to win levels, yeah I feel confident saying I'm qualified to be considered serious. It's a test of that to me, and if it were easy like today's bullshit games, it'd simply be an interacive movie. Goddamnit, i mean that win, getting that win, it simply means more when it's against a real challenge, come on, jesus christ... simple logic.

Debating what to spend money on as well... it's tough to make sense of this black friday thing. I do want to finally play games in HD maybe even UHD but that money is tight right now, boy. I mean I did throw 700 dollars at this very computer and it has been, well at least now, a great purchase. I'm playing shenmue on it, running ps2 and gamecube games on it, on top of that, did all those last dragon drawings on it plust potentially could go further and really get going on some more ideas I've come up with... but I mostly use it to game and practice piano... forgot to dabble on some music tonight, just not in the mood...

But yeah the thing I want is to get a tv box put it on the 1080p tv we already got and just stream my game to that tv over wifi or lan whatever, problem solved. We have several tvs but I haven't figured out how to get anything casted over to them for gaming. So been messing around with the steam thing allows remote play. Seems ok problem is network play will cause slow down obviously since it's having to deal with all the back and forth traffic from online and local. Tough to say if it'd merit the purchase if I can only play star wars battlefront in 720p to accomodate the bandwidth limitations... But I might just go with a cable hook up to the router itself and then it should be blazing fast, no problems. I think I'll explore this further later, so see you then...

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Fixed this comp

I can't post my results to the whole reddit thing. I honestly don't get what reddit is exactly, it's like very popular but for reasons I can't understand. It's just another of a billion websites that do the same thing provide a space for discussion and votes on postings. Why's that make it this big deal? Shrugs... Don't geddit...

well if anyone else is an owner of a hp spectre x360 convertable laptop. Let's call these things what they are instead of the many stupid names people have given them. Tabtop or Laplet. One f'n word not the confusing and tough to type ones... geez. So hard to do search for one since not only does the company make a hundred dif versions of it, but there's no standard title for this design. You just have to take a shot in the dark and hope the search tags work out... well I think I solved the issue with mine, a I believe 2017 13inch little clunker of a machine.

It has a flaw one that has lead to many many many discussions and tutorials. Any time it's plugged in the cpu goes turbo and forces the fans to run constantly to cool it down. It's not game breaking but yeah, def not how a comp should do things. So I generally don't plug it in if I don't have to since I couldn't stand the over heating. Little sucker just goes nuclear with no provocation if you get me, just straight to highest fan speed and heat, some considering it a combo of high voltage from the charging and so on, but I didn't buy that. I've been messing with electronics a long time. Batteries don't get that hot that fast, don't think so.

So I did a lot of things to try to fix it and I'm talking early this year. Nothing worked, still a sad wacky malfunctioning expensive junk. but then I decided to try again despite having nothing work. Oh to my shock HP has updated my laptop's bios just a few months ago. Long after I originally looked for a solution... so I say, whatever decided to update...

now the thing's acting normal. literally right now as it's plugged in and I'm doing something like typing like this, it'd be going berserk and over heating. Not anymore....

So there it is, I guess some companies try to fix older abandoned machines sometimes. Or enough owners complained that they finally addressed it? I don't know, they seemed to have not cared and honestly that's what these companies do. They make a product sell it full of design flaws, and typically concentrate their energies and focus on the next version rather than work out the kinks in the ones people actually bought already.

Well anyway just wanted to let people know it's a good machine once it's fully updated. If you come across one and think it's a bad purchase because of certain issues it has been documented to have, it has been fixed and will be ok. Mine works now, have not tested the glitch with the touch pad going off permanently after a long stay in tablet mode so still need to test that... yep, still more problems with this thing but the game breaker for me was the over heating, so that's nice that I don't have to worry bout that shit.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

entering the dragon

Am progressing through shenmue a game I've beaten twice, why bother going through it again... Yanno, it's tough to say why I do anything that i do in life, just following my heart I guess. I feel it's right to drudge through both games again this time attempting to find all the secrets.

Interesting to read and watch reviews of the new game comparing it to the many shenmue inspired clones that have come and gone and some considering those to be better in some aspects. Maybe... I don't know, haven't attempted any of them. Is shenmue 3 too retro, should they have made it more modern with all the excessive overdone stuff we have in today's hand holding pussy ass games we get nonstop these days.

I don't know what's frustrating these reviewers who want the game to be made like today's nonsense. But just playing shenmue 1 again I forgot how ball busting some stages are in that game, but that was typical of 90s games. They gave no fucks, if you couldn't find a miracle to win them, no dice.

Today I mean yeah there are still tough games but it more or less comes down to tedium having to deal with hordes of enemies or poor game design not deliberately crafted difficulty which was the MO of classic old games, even mario was going to destroy you back in the old old mario days, even that shit crushed your spirits and made you want to toss your nintendo out the windo.

I mean I wanted to give up at points in shenmue 1, but I kept fighting, kept walking into the pit of hell and just kept losing again and again... Haven't had a game do that to me in a very long time. Then it happened. I figured out the right patterns to give myself a chance and I struggled and beat the dude. Now of course I know he's not the worst I've fought and beat. That still awaits me in shenmue 2 but it taught me to push on through anyway. Corny as it sounds. It's simply  because I didn't let "give up" take over in my mind that I proved I could do it... That's great gaming. And yeah the stage is poorly designed and tough for reasons you yourself have to adapt to and learn to deal with, but I mean, that's 90s gaming. Half of the games back then had shit in them you had to adapt to and adjust to and use your brain to calculate how to solve all the wonky design problems and bugs. Super Star Wars, hell I can name a billion star wars games where you just had to figure out how to hack the game using the game itself to some extent in order to survive it. Mario Kart can be unfair as hell if you don't know how to manipulate the track itself and learn proper sliding to gain an advantage, etc. it was up to you in the end is all I'm saying. They pumped out so many games so fast with so many bugs, what an insane test of will power those were...

I remember playing like a jedi on some levels. Not even thinking, just going through the motions letting go of all conciousness and letting just the reflexes do all the work. They don't make those games anymore.

Or maybe that's what shenmue 3 demands. You play like you did on old systems. I don't know yet. Will be cointinuing to look into people's thoughts, I don't think people have beat it yet, must be a big ass game...

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Saw Harriet too

Last day it's going to be cheap at the theater so I said, do or die, and went to it. Once again trying to in some way watch something that isn't the same old same old stuff, though I'm not a big fan of slavery films. Saw f'n Cloud Atlas not having a clue it was a damn slavery film, got hoodwinked.

What do I think about the whole race mess all that stuff. I mean it's so beneathe my sensibilities. I grew up with all of the colors. I don't really have the mental immaturity built in to think of racism as a serious subject, even less so now that I'm more invited into the white world and see who white people are prettymuch all the time now.

So no, I don't even like to dwell on the subject. It's dumb, it's like thinking about whether the earth could really be flat or not.

There is still to this day race stuff going on and it's so sad. I do feel bad thinking about it, how yeah people segregate themselves and fear each other and power trip over each other, it's saddening. It's a bunch of political cluster fuck, that whole subject. I don't want anything to do with it and try to enjoy my life since like it's like going to be f'n done one day as is evident by my own father's decline in health and such.

Life is done before you know it if you're not smart about it...

Star Wars was always my concept of race if you ever wanted to know my mentality. It'd be a fine day when we as a society just did stuff like star wars.

Anyway, fine film. Very strong, doesn't sugar coat slavery, makes clear it was barbaric shit that went down back then. What I found most interesting and is always fascinating about movies like this is the relationships between the slaves and slave owners. Haven't seen Jango yet but I will come around to it. So it sets up that there might be some genuine feelings between Tubman and her master's son who both grew up together. I'm sure that there are real stories of that where slave owners kids grew to be friends with the slave kids, need a movie about that stuff. So you do start to understand the slave owner's son's story and fears and sympathize with his dilemas. It does make me wonder what the civil war was about, keeping slavery a thing, or keeping the plantations from going bankrupt and rich slave owners not wanting to lose their status in society. All that is lightly touched upon but not delved into. Ultimately the slave owner's son is pure devil in the end, no chance at redemption. But yeah no one is perfect in this film which is what I liked. It shows there were blacks who were uncle toms looking for a buck, probably the most true and utterly ridiculous thing to ever happen in history but neverless still going on today. The Uncle Tom blacks who apparently don't give a giant shit about having freedom and rights and just want to be a pet to their overseers. I've worked with those guys, I mean you see it in politics, it's real.

Takes balls of steel to fight for black people, so I guess I can understand why some don't bother and instead chuck and jive. I just wish it wasn't that way...

It's also true that hollywood is making slavery films to put blacks in their place in hollywood and give white actors an escuse to use the N-word and make blacks feel slavery's their greatest most important identifying factor... so I mean, the film's got some baggage to it in the end, and it's why I'm not into slavery films. I just don't think more can be said. It sucked, black people didn't like it. Can we move on?

Makes ya think, the way this world's being run, makes ya goddamn think... will be finishing shenmue 1 and 2, then get going on 3...

Been waiting and it's time to finish what my little boy self started.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

thoughts on black and blue

Wow, underrated good little movie. Felt a lot like new jack city with its social commentary. in fact that's probably exactly what the film maker was going for a spike lee or new jack city type of film.

Interesting look at the black perspective on police antagonism towards blacks and the brutal reality that wrong place wrong time, your black ass is dead when it comes to cops.

Where's the lie?

Read a bunch of reviews before seeing the film trying to gauge what the thoughts were before throwing money at it. I can see the negatives they point out, yeah that stuff is there, but they obviously ignored the positives for the most part. Tyrese is phenominal in it. Pure understated realistic performance. He's got more to him than the michael bay clown show he had to do. Great stuff.

But yeah I recommend it. Why did I go see it? I can't even say why... movies like this come and go all the time, I don't get off my ass and go look, but I guess I'm getting tired of it, seeing some movie about some damn same old stuff about some white people doing things, wanted to watch a black centric story... it was surprisingly a very strong film. Obviously saw a few re-writes and stuff during production and was to me like the reviews have said a little too shallow, but go back and watch new jack city. Have any mainstream reviewers actually watched old black movies, like, ever? This quick get to the point style is what they did.

Well I got the messages within it and liked how it was done, it's trying to point the lense at the way things are, not provide a solution.

I also met sorta the actress in it at the Action expo. Shiiit, my bad, I didn't know she was like that, making big money movies as well as tv shows. I would have probably not acted so oblvious to who she was. Oops...

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Shenmue time

Will be kinda focusing on the monumental release of shenmue coming in a mere 6 days time. I will play through both games, find all hidden stuff I missed in my initial play through and such and what not then purchase and play shenmue 3 deluxe edition.

As for who I am in relation to shenmue. I was there when it came out, I still have the dream cast that I played it on. Yes, I know I'm an old ass man 33 years old and 1999 was a million years ago. I get it...

But yeah I can give you a history lesson on that year, how we all felt playing shenmue, having no clue of the absolute bomb that was going to drop in the wake of shenmue's proof that games like that could be made.

It's a full article you could write about the first few steps in gaming towards the open map go anywhere, total immersion idea. Shenmue was truly the first to try it.

To get the sequel at all was a dream us fans had and it's finally here, the story, the legend continues. I can only hope they will do a lot of things with shenmue now that there's a door opening up again to getting it back on track to becoming a true franchise that it deserved to be.

So what was going on in my head when shenmue dropped and I rented it at blockbuster for my dreamcast since gamestop and Adam Sessler and Kate Botello made a big deal about it so I said ok I better take a look at this thing...

Well I remember playing sonic on my dream cast and then I tried a few others specifically crazy taxi and I believe I might have had tony hawk 2, but the game that I was into most was Spawn and the demon's hand, to play a spawn game that good was just bliss. I was all about that game. Still am, still want to finish it.

The thing you have to understand is that shenmue is really at its root a multitude of games simply put into an open map you can wander around in. We've had rpgs, fighting games, driving games, asian cinema inspired games. Shenmue finally was the time when all of these were combined. And it came out at a time when asian cinema was starting to really get popular. I grew up watching asian stuff here and there if it ever happened to air on tv, I looked forward to laundry day as a kid since they seemed to always show asian kung fu flicks on sunday afternoon so that was when I got to see those jet li movies etc. and did my laundry while watching that.

Ah ha, but you couldn't play it. The only kung fu ninja game was tenchu stealth assassins, other than that, which was a revolutionary game in itself, not much besides fighting games like mortal kombat.
So when shenmue dropped it really was all by itself. There was no yakuza series, sleeping dogs, none of the copy cats that came after.

It's basically what I think we all wanted as fighting game fans, a game where you'd play street fighter as ryu and fight then go train for a while then go walk around etc. Not just fight fight fight, but other stuff... and it catered to that. And it was at the right time when kung fu cinema was popular. The game did well, but unfortunately it was released on a sinking ship. Sega spent too much money and just didn't in my opinion dedicate time to online play like they should have. I mean I think the true demise of the dreamcast came when the Ps2 prettymuch future proofed itself with an ethernet port built in. Other than that, the dreamcast wasn't some punk system, it should have lasted way longer and we should have gotten a dreamcast 2 but sega spent too much on things and had no choice but to bow out...

So about the open map idea. Rpgs kinda have been doing that for a while. I never thought of that as particularly revolutionary. Play some old ass rpg and there it is, a game where you can go anywhere, the idea isn't new. And I did glance some kinda text based choose your adventure games on commodore 64 when me and my sister used to try those games out. So again not new the concept of diverging storylines based on your choices. But none of this was ever done in a full 3d environment despite us having the tech to do it for some time. Only one I can sort of think of is Mario 64. In some ways Mario 64 is the precursor to what shenmue would eventually get right. Yes indeed the time when I could finally just walk around and do nothing in a mario game, have freedom, that was pretty huge leap in gaming too.

Shenmue took it to a new level. Total immersion type of thing and I do understand some don't like the game, consider it too slow, too boring, and repetitive especially the jobs and races etc. I can only tell those who think that way, do you actually have a job? Shenmue was just being realistic about are boring and repetitive. Yes that's what the developer wanted to do, make you feel like you had to go do a boring job, make you feel what Ryo was feeling... Susuki is no idiot.

I do agree that the QTE is silly though and sadly lead to a lot of dumbing down of the button combo system in many games after. Since shenmue did it, other games thought stupidly that they needed QTE too, but that's not gaming, that's guitar hero or some stupidness like that. I'd like to have to develop some skill rather than quick repetitive reflexes instead. Other than that I can't agree with any complaints towards the series. It's tough, it's brutal, old school no punks, man up and get good gaming like I had as a kid before we all got these soft wimpy bitch games today.

Gaming's gone to hell, that's why we are excited a real game maker from the gritty tough old days is coming back. You'll see, people will flock to a game that doesn't treat you like you're a 5 year old and of course we've all been waiting for the next chapter in the story. It's an old story though so I don't know how it's going to hold up this many years later. That's the only thing that concerns me, we've gotten so many new things since shenmue did its thing, games that allow us to have full online open world adventures, more modern stories about today's world and tech like that one about hacking phones or something to solve crimes. All I'm saying is that gaming has changed, I mean essentially we have swimming and stuff in games vs the days of shenmue when you couldn't hope to do that, destructable environments, drivable cars, aircraft, millions of options now. Will people want to sit and play a more old school traditional dreamcast style play by yourself single player game. I know I can, but today's punks out there, I don't know... They're missing out if they don't that's fo sho.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Went to the Last Dragon Anniversary

Decided to sleep on it rather than just brain fart out my thoughts directly after the predictably chaotic awkward experience that is these kinds of cons. I'm used to it by now, that feeling of wtf am I doing standing around with these people I don't know. Let's go beyond that...

Enlightning as hell day. Yeah, surprised me that Jai was there for hours. He's legit very busy right now, got no time to be hanging with fans who want to exploit his fame, but the man honored his word and was there for the fans for waaaay longer than the spawn anniversary which was a blip. If I had missed him there, I'd have caught his autograph and photo op this time for sure but my real intention was to celebrate spawn with him and I did that, so I wasn't persuing him at all, he just showed up and gave great advice and stories during panels.

Honestly I have to say I don't think they know what power these community gathering events have on black youth. That's a point I want to make. We don't have heros is the theme that's constantly present and is why they started doing this. And it's true. It might be a long day and burdensome, but giving people like me hope that I can see myself as a hero in cinema, and ultimately HOPE that I can have a decent existence in this world, is just severely needed. I don't think they know the magnitute of what it means to go and see powerful strong black heros in a good honest way both in life and on screen. It's no small thing.

About Last Dragon.

I want to make this about that film, and it's what got me into going to these expos so of course I'm going to discuss it majorly. It's just still amazing to me to be wowed by seeing a character like Bruce Leroy. It shouldn't. I mean, think about it. I can go see a lot of movies today and be seeing some typical hollywood hero teen or whatever tackling some adversary. Spidey or Kickass or supey or like all of them, just all mainstream hollywood...

The movie's great on its own regardless of race, but that black soul it has is so strong and exotic that it knocks you out with how different and unconventional it is to see a black lead for a change. Maybe it's an illusion of greatness since it's just not the norm and goes against the grain of what we're typically fed, but yeah we all are attracted to it simply because it is oil in the water of the film world we know.

I'm attracted personally because I am Bruce Leroy. I'm just watching myself when I watch that movie. I've been a weirdo black kid martial arts and fitness nut forever. Finding that film was like finding myself.

It's still important and may forever be important as that one awkward hair going against the flow of the other hairs in the world of films...

And that's it. I did a lot of stuff all in one day. Congrats to Jai the new black dragon. Taimak, thank you for being so open about the film this time, incredible Q and A at the end, learned so many details on the inner workings of the classic and how it came together. Certainly was to me special to sit amongst fellow fans and just talk like people, no pomp and celebity bullshit. That's what was going on all day to be honest, all that hollywood mask shit was gone. Nobody bullshitted. Just spoke like people, no body gave a shit about putting the happy chuck jiving negro mask on and who knows why but part of me was delighted by that 'realness'

Well... Looking forward to the sequel series as it's long overdue and deserved it far more than a lot of other movies that got sequels nobody asked for. That's it, got work today try to bite into all the money I spent, then who knows what the future holds.... I don't have a definitive plan.

Oh and that's kinda goes to my point about going to these cons and such. Yeah gotta have a game plan. Just the whole "show up" idea doesn't fly. I did that like that this time since I wasn't really thinking I needed to be thinking that far ahead, but my advice going forward. Never jump into these things without a clear goal or plan. I didn't know what to do with my self half the day and because of that missed out on doing things asking questions and seeing films and just was spinning around aimless... I look back on that and realize it was a mistake to not have a set clear idea of what I wanted to do.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Gonna do one last pass

Should be interesting. Kinda strange nobody gave a hoot about my stuff. Maybe I didnt hash tag it right. That messes ya up a bit yeah putting effort into something good and pure then crickets afterwards. Thats not right but I can take it. Ha maybe switch over to the black dynamite vip event. Oh too late now.

Nevermind... Nevermind. Gonna do what I think is right... Ive met both my idols already so thats done. Gonna be other celebs there tomorrow to bother. Should be worth it.


All of the finished stuff, now I'm truly done, enjoy do whatever with them, don't really give a toss. I'll see ya at the theater tomorrow and be there all damn day.

one last experiment, ok now I'm done...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

End time

Can't think of much else to do with these. I've adjusted and played with the last image I wanted to expermiment on and since that's all done, well gonna do the final fixes on all deez shits and then it's time to pop em off into the wide web or whatever.

Learned quite alot about tablet art at substantial mental cost, law of equivilent exchange or something. It is a giving process, making art, you must give your own soul to it and it's a burden to live with that effort. It's never just boom boom boom done, you're playing god afterall, creating, it's a lot of drainage on the brain's batteries. Which is why I don't do this often, but hey, the time is right here. 

Busted as hell, so much work, so much time crunching to mold something decent out of all this... Anyway, will be posting them on my twitter thing, the wonderful living hell that that thing is, and facebook, and I mean, my stuff ain't professional but Last dragon tribute might appreciate what I did. It's labor of love. 

I'll be at the UAE this sat, see what the heck is going on... Jai going to be there for max 3 minutes then go back to shooting outlaw, but I'm gonna hang out with taimak, paid money so he better have some good ass stories about the daily shoot and not be so reticent about it this time. I watched all the vids of the last anniversary, I know they had a big celebration, sad I missed it... damn, nobody said anything about it, would have gone for sure... but that's life right...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

show off time

did this despite breaking a nib on this bamboo ink thing, amazing how you drop a digital stylus the only one you have that works and it falls exactly in such a way that the nib breaks off. How extraordinary a chance that can happen... luckily they provided spares in the box or I'd be screwed and have no choice but to post pone or cancel all my current stuff...

but the show still goes on.

It's meh ok, i guess... not all that but whatever. Sick of playing with it, it's my feet wet kinda thing. Just wanted to acclimate myself to shading with this program. Not fun to do from this novice standpoint but once you warm up and get grooving you just know where to go and what to start smoothing out.... not liking the lettering, will be fixing those...add more clouds too... but the airbrushing is so great and seems to just bring it to life and work so well. great stuff. yeah not a bad finish. I dread working on the big harder one but so be it, gotta grind that out. here we gooooooo

Oooh we having fun now...

Just spent a few hours doing a lot of coloring and experimentation, I think I'll leave the basic format of this alone. I want to go wild and do some cowboy bebop pop art stuff on it but, if I do that I'll change the game totally and it'll need a lot of adjustment to work...

Word to the wise, don't ever try to do the big league collages, it's murder... :/

I want to be optimistic and say today is the day this will be done and I'll do a massive twitter release of everything and submit them to last dragon tribute and all as planned. So yeah I'm hopeful. I've gotten better than average with sketchbook pro as far as layered coloring goes. It's something I've discovered needs planning. big spaces color first, tiny spaces leave for later, it's a lot to put into it. 


Busted my ass on this one, hope didn't screw it up too bad... That's the lion's share of it I think, now it's just adjust and fix and stuff from here on out. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaah, done with the long boring part, at last...


Ok well I think I'm very close to finishing these things. Just wanted to show the way I'm approaching the text on the big tough as balls collage piece that murdered my ass today. Looks like some 80s thing that's what I remember seeing a lot back then, they had a thing for trailing text stuff... I'm specifically refrencing masters of the universe which tried to rip off superman the movie's text and failed, but yeah I'm an 80s baby if you haven't noticed... 

then there's this. Not hard to adjust and put in the glow stuff. Had a fun idea of throwing text in there on the boxes and junk.

Gotta give myself credit. I wanted to procrastinate but I knew it'd be a waste of time so I just brute forced my way through a lot of it today and toughed it out. Now it's just simple little things to do and we're finished with this mess... it's been a f'n beast but I guess if somebody likes it I did my job...

Friday, November 1, 2019

polish time

hate coloring, at least with sketchbook, true though coloring is tough in layers trying to keep track of what you're doing...

Oh well good luck dark fate.... I am neither all in or all out with this new T3, it's just a what if comic book they decided to spend millions on and relase world wide, ha ha, good luck with that...

Got work tomorrow so once that crap is done, come back here and polish and play with these things till they're done enough... I want to experiment with all kinds of ways to get it done, some with details and colors and others with kinda a dream-like no color style. We'll see how it all goes.

Terminator Super Nintendo

Saw it. Its a fan film. They can't think this is anything more than that, it's fanboy movie making youtube vid stuff. But anyway it's going to be divisive for sure. Such a late and truly exaustive entry in the series. People will hate it out of spite for merely existing as the last nail in the franchises coffin after several attempts to reawaken the corpse. I enjoyed it because its fine if you're like me and have the ability to imagine different diverging paths for the story... But i definitely feel its yet another pointless sequel to add to the pile and it will be viewed as such. Nothing else was possible with the story. No, you know what this movie is comparable to, Robocop 2. People calling it force awakens. So small minded. It's a lot like f'n Superman 4, robocop 2, like a damn disney sequel or something... I want to say Superman Returns but that's got none of the original cast in it so it doesn't count. But yeah imagine it as one of those flicks you might catch that maybe bring back one of the original characters from the first movie and the rest of the movie is about a dif character and new people... it's like those, uh dtv movies trying to capitalize on the name. If you want to get with it. Basically a mediocre sequel, take your pick there's a billion of them. It's not outright terrible but it it's not on the first movie's level and in this flick's case, it's like an aimless meaningless mediocre next chapter of a franchise we've seen before.

So this movie essentially Indy 4 asking us to view it on the same league as T1 and T2. Ha ha ha, no, no soup for you....

On its own, yeah it's ok. I don't hate Indy 4 on its own. It's got some merits but next to the classic 3, get out of here with that mess.

This ain't going to stand next to the first two. That aside. Hamilton is brilliant. Would have been fun to see her in a proper T3 and that hurts to know we'll never see that. So that's it, this is what happens after T2 if you want to take it as truth. I mean I guess yeah, some kind of ai eventually just popped up like out of somebody's ass somewhere. Oh and the thing with John, just get out of here with that shit, no. I'd prefer he met his fate in a way different way. That decision to create that drama there was not needed. Sarah hating terminators has been well established, probably one of the most hackneyed ways they've ever brought back arnold. the film would have been more interesting if he actually was just a man named carl who looks like arnold and helps them, the whole terminator that just wanders around aimlessly with no programing is a perfect metaphor for the frachise at this point and they simply seem to be oblivious to it?

It's a fan film. On par with T3. I feel like and truly have wasted oh... 16 years of my life dedicated to terminator sequels.

It's been a blast!