Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Saw Harriet too

Last day it's going to be cheap at the theater so I said, do or die, and went to it. Once again trying to in some way watch something that isn't the same old same old stuff, though I'm not a big fan of slavery films. Saw f'n Cloud Atlas not having a clue it was a damn slavery film, got hoodwinked.

What do I think about the whole race mess all that stuff. I mean it's so beneathe my sensibilities. I grew up with all of the colors. I don't really have the mental immaturity built in to think of racism as a serious subject, even less so now that I'm more invited into the white world and see who white people are prettymuch all the time now.

So no, I don't even like to dwell on the subject. It's dumb, it's like thinking about whether the earth could really be flat or not.

There is still to this day race stuff going on and it's so sad. I do feel bad thinking about it, how yeah people segregate themselves and fear each other and power trip over each other, it's saddening. It's a bunch of political cluster fuck, that whole subject. I don't want anything to do with it and try to enjoy my life since like it's like going to be f'n done one day as is evident by my own father's decline in health and such.

Life is done before you know it if you're not smart about it...

Star Wars was always my concept of race if you ever wanted to know my mentality. It'd be a fine day when we as a society just did stuff like star wars.

Anyway, fine film. Very strong, doesn't sugar coat slavery, makes clear it was barbaric shit that went down back then. What I found most interesting and is always fascinating about movies like this is the relationships between the slaves and slave owners. Haven't seen Jango yet but I will come around to it. So it sets up that there might be some genuine feelings between Tubman and her master's son who both grew up together. I'm sure that there are real stories of that where slave owners kids grew to be friends with the slave kids, need a movie about that stuff. So you do start to understand the slave owner's son's story and fears and sympathize with his dilemas. It does make me wonder what the civil war was about, keeping slavery a thing, or keeping the plantations from going bankrupt and rich slave owners not wanting to lose their status in society. All that is lightly touched upon but not delved into. Ultimately the slave owner's son is pure devil in the end, no chance at redemption. But yeah no one is perfect in this film which is what I liked. It shows there were blacks who were uncle toms looking for a buck, probably the most true and utterly ridiculous thing to ever happen in history but neverless still going on today. The Uncle Tom blacks who apparently don't give a giant shit about having freedom and rights and just want to be a pet to their overseers. I've worked with those guys, I mean you see it in politics, it's real.

Takes balls of steel to fight for black people, so I guess I can understand why some don't bother and instead chuck and jive. I just wish it wasn't that way...

It's also true that hollywood is making slavery films to put blacks in their place in hollywood and give white actors an escuse to use the N-word and make blacks feel slavery's their greatest most important identifying factor... so I mean, the film's got some baggage to it in the end, and it's why I'm not into slavery films. I just don't think more can be said. It sucked, black people didn't like it. Can we move on?

Makes ya think, the way this world's being run, makes ya goddamn think... will be finishing shenmue 1 and 2, then get going on 3...

Been waiting and it's time to finish what my little boy self started.

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