Sunday, November 3, 2019

show off time

did this despite breaking a nib on this bamboo ink thing, amazing how you drop a digital stylus the only one you have that works and it falls exactly in such a way that the nib breaks off. How extraordinary a chance that can happen... luckily they provided spares in the box or I'd be screwed and have no choice but to post pone or cancel all my current stuff...

but the show still goes on.

It's meh ok, i guess... not all that but whatever. Sick of playing with it, it's my feet wet kinda thing. Just wanted to acclimate myself to shading with this program. Not fun to do from this novice standpoint but once you warm up and get grooving you just know where to go and what to start smoothing out.... not liking the lettering, will be fixing those...add more clouds too... but the airbrushing is so great and seems to just bring it to life and work so well. great stuff. yeah not a bad finish. I dread working on the big harder one but so be it, gotta grind that out. here we gooooooo

Oooh we having fun now...

Just spent a few hours doing a lot of coloring and experimentation, I think I'll leave the basic format of this alone. I want to go wild and do some cowboy bebop pop art stuff on it but, if I do that I'll change the game totally and it'll need a lot of adjustment to work...

Word to the wise, don't ever try to do the big league collages, it's murder... :/

I want to be optimistic and say today is the day this will be done and I'll do a massive twitter release of everything and submit them to last dragon tribute and all as planned. So yeah I'm hopeful. I've gotten better than average with sketchbook pro as far as layered coloring goes. It's something I've discovered needs planning. big spaces color first, tiny spaces leave for later, it's a lot to put into it. 


Busted my ass on this one, hope didn't screw it up too bad... That's the lion's share of it I think, now it's just adjust and fix and stuff from here on out. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaah, done with the long boring part, at last...


Ok well I think I'm very close to finishing these things. Just wanted to show the way I'm approaching the text on the big tough as balls collage piece that murdered my ass today. Looks like some 80s thing that's what I remember seeing a lot back then, they had a thing for trailing text stuff... I'm specifically refrencing masters of the universe which tried to rip off superman the movie's text and failed, but yeah I'm an 80s baby if you haven't noticed... 

then there's this. Not hard to adjust and put in the glow stuff. Had a fun idea of throwing text in there on the boxes and junk.

Gotta give myself credit. I wanted to procrastinate but I knew it'd be a waste of time so I just brute forced my way through a lot of it today and toughed it out. Now it's just simple little things to do and we're finished with this mess... it's been a f'n beast but I guess if somebody likes it I did my job...

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