Monday, October 12, 2009

No place like home


How best to describe BMT. GAYEST TIME OF MY LIFE. Showering with a bunch of guys for weeks. Think about it. I've never wanted to fuck a girl more than I do now. Looking back i can't believe I wasted years talking about superman's bullshit movie instead of chasing skirts like a real man does. And on top of that women WANT to be chased after and ultimately screwed in their vagina parts. No one told me this.

My mind is all frigged up from bmt.

I plan to go into another branch of service some time in the future because I can, but forget about it if you're still a virgin. You'll stick out like hard dick amongst limp ones. I was wrong about trying to manage bmt while still being so immature and shit.

Like Luke in star wars jumped in without taking time to think about the consequences. I actually watched empire strikes back today just to go through my childhood favs and as a 23 year old around luke's age in the movie now the film reallly works on a different level. I see real life lessons in its I guess subtext. The stuff in ESB really is ahead of its time I feel. It's a MAN'S movie for one thing. There's a hard labor and meticulousness to the way the film is crafted and as I watch from the perspective of someone who knows what I'm seeing is fake bullshit, I'm more interested in not how well the movie's made though it's made nerly perfectly, but what's being said by the overall story, which strikingly IS of biblical proportions... something lucas fucked up in the new movies. ESB has something I love about cinema A HEART. When luke's hand is cut off I knew it was fake but every moment leading up to it was so powerful I was just as captivated now as I was when i was a stupid fucker of a kid. I instantaneously got pulled back to my childhood when I seriously believed all this fake movie bullshit I was seeing was real, and if a movie can do that after all these years, there's definitely something special about it. It inspires me to this day to keep going back out and fighting evil.

Oh and what's also interesting is that the whole movie is about tempting luke to join the dark side. All that bullshit from revenge of the sith was done better and cleaner in the fucking 80s with more subtlety than omg padme's about to die I guess, gots to get more powas from the guy who's been trying to kill her for 3 movies. Movies today have gone to cgi shit. Years from now people will look back on the original 3 star wars as complex shakespearian type shit when in truth they were light kiddie crap compared to the more mature stuff of its time. We're just becoming a more cheap and weak generation that wants everything done fast and easy. Shit.

Well I'm glad we still have the film to look back on. I hope those who want to make more like it get a chance in the future since so many of the dumb masses just don't know what true art is.

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