Sunday, June 12, 2016


I have a connection to the place having spent pretty much all my childhood vacations there. Most peaceful beautiful place on earth. Disheartening to say the least that anything of that magnitude could take place there.

Turns out to be an ISIS thing again. similar to the last shooting.

What a weird shit this whole terrorist thing has been. It's sad that's what it is.

I'm a dude who's like this. Just wanna get some ass. It's all I'm concerned with to be honest.

Can't understand the need to go shooting anybody. I got people I want to shoot dead. I never thought after that high school bullshit, you'd basically be dealing with the same kinda dudes at work, but surprise surprise. Work is high school 2.0 you just never got told that. Sure I wanna very much kill folks that push me around at work. Who's going to care when they're gone? That's the thing. These guys start shit with people but they don't mean squat. Nobody will give a damn if they die tomorrow. Where do some guys at work get that attitude from that they mean a damn in this world?

It's just stupidity running amok.

I'm rich now. I have 2 jobs. One paying 16 an hour and another 10.10 an hour. I have A LOT of money coming my way.

Despite the weird turn my life has taken over the years, here I stand, WEALTHY. I can afford a condo. I will buy all kinds of things and smile as I enjoy my jobs.

And you bet your ass, all that white girl pussy I see in manhattan, my dick is going in there!!!

sO i WIN!!!

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