Sunday, August 28, 2016

Gonna get some art supplies

I'm rusty as fuck, but once an artist always an artist.

Gonna do some character sketches of ME in character as Lando as well as some Han Solo art and multitude of other characters for the movie.

I love facebook's like just unbelievable artist pool. You can get inside scoops on the daily art works of industry giants. It's amazing stuff.

Makes my art that I do look like shit.

It's always been shit, better than average shit, but still shit.

Still makes me feel insulted when people try to make me seem like a brainless dumbass black dude. I can draw you something that's almost considered professional level in a snap. Just something I know how to do and have been doing since I was 5. It just clicked. When I wanted to create an image, I saw it in my head, and it was nothing to get it on paper afterwards. So what's with people trying to label me a dumb guy when I could probably get into the comic industry if I created a portfolio of my work and skills. Just the way this world is, people love to bring others down.

People like when I draw though. I mean, soon as I post a few drawings on facebook, they get views and interest.

I guess people still innately enjoy art in any capacity it's available. I'll get to work once I feel up to it...

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