Wednesday, August 24, 2016

What's it like to be me?

I'll only say I hope it turns out for the best. 

I worked for TSA for a whole bunch of months. It's like not even a job. I just sat on my ass all day getting money thrown at me. The only hard part is the immature retards you have to work with at times. I never thought I'd be dealing with that at work as an adult, grown 5 year olds. But that's the reality. I learned a valuable lesson. Take the shit... It sucks, but just take it. Yeah this guy in his 50s is being a weird psychopath and trying to start trouble, but the paycheck talks, brother. Let him act a fool, I'm here for the money. 

I realize something. It's all bullshit. The whole thing. The whole school system is bullshit on toast... Yep. 

It doesn't matter a fuck if you work hard in school. You'll get nothing and no where and still be scrambling around like a dog after a bone in this society. I was clueless about the other side of the high school tracks, I must say. I went through and ran around like a lost puppy doing all that home work and playing into the game like a complete moron. Next thing you know I'm working for 10 bucks an hour lifting bags and shit. OOoops surprise surprise, I'm this fucking slave boy of wealthy white people. 

I don't know. I'm too fucking smart to do baggage handling. I felt insulted every day going to work there. I got into university. I was and could have hacked away long enough to get a fucking degree. Could have been one of those cats with his college degree and making that bread, but you want to know why I bailed on college? 

Simple. Not getting any pussy...

Now I stand here looking at the world the way it is and I'm glad I'm not playing the game and trying to run around after a degree like a fucking retard. Now that I know you can make too much money sitting on your but playing chess on your phone, WHY would I run around trying to get a degree? 

Shrugs? I don't have to work already... don't see the point of getting a degree so I can work less,.. or some shit...

Anyway, it's a good thing to have gotten back in to the TSA. I mean, it's where I should be, what I've earned for my struggles in school. At least that worked out. I worked hard and got rewarded, if you can call it that... I mean the work is stupid easy but you're still working and often getting stressed out. It just seems so odd that having a HS diploma is so useless and doesn't truly grant you a decent lifestyle. I dare say the system is beyond messy and corrupted. I hope it changes. If you have a HS diploma, you'll get good money. If you have a degree you'll get beast mode money... If you want chaos, you'll get chaos. Go ahead create a system where working hard in school gets you shit on your plate at the end of the day, and see how long people tolerate that.

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