Monday, September 5, 2016

will facebook last forever?

I don't know, myspace was where it was at, son. I never got into it, but that's what young people were doing back in the day, myspace.

Facebook's the current iteration of that.

All well and good, but I'm not betting on it becoming more than what it is. Google is in fact working on their own facebook so that facebook doesn't monopolize the online social media scene.

Hell, the internet always has been a social media or basically a "forum" all these years. It's just that now you can see celebs using it and being associated with it rather than my own experiences all these years of just posting to message boards and not showing my true face. Do you really want to see some frumpy looking 14 year old at a message board for star wars?

I like the new internet age we're in though. It's different but then again, no it isn't. We just had things harder. If you wanted to broadcast a show on tech, you had to go through tech tv, get a degree in journalism, get cast as a host, work on a show.

Amazing that I'm here and still watching Chris Pirillo to this day. Never wanted to get into his awkward as hell head, but here I stand, getting to know the guy way too damn much.

People mad as fuck serious about the internet these days sad to say. I posted to tons of forums back in high school. No one took it serious as hell. But sadly people are living their whole life online now. You piss off the wrong group of people, they'll wish you death through the internet. I laugh it off to myself because I don't give a shit about what someone says about me online, but it's getting to the point where someone's fitting to call the cops on you and indeed the cops have showed up at people's houses for what they've been doing or saying online... I can understand if you post a live video of you beating a kid or some murder online, the cops will show up. But damn, I mean, I've done a lot of weird stupid stuff online back in high school, downloaded tons of porn, watched tons of illegal cartoons, movies etc. No cops got involved.

You even tweet something off balance, it'll be on CNN the next day. That's a trip for me I gotta say. I mean, I just said whatever I wanted all day online back in the good ol days of the star wars prequels. You never saw anything anybody posted on the internet show up on CNN. It's the internet, not the real world. No one cares. You can see a girl getting slammed in her ass on here, see a lot of weird things. None of that makes it to CNN. But yeah, some stupid asshole celeb tweets some stupid asshole thing suddenly it's on CNN the next day. That's just stupid as fuck . CNN's lost its credibility with these tweet news stories. That's bottom of the barrel. War, death, starving children, massacres, not as important as Kim Kardashian new shoes!!!

Only good that's come of this stuff is that I can kinda have my selfish desire to keep abreast of Sessler and Webb through twitter. They're my family. I think they know they've beloved by a lot of losers in this world. Never want them to stop being a part of my life. Pirillo too. Hell Laporte as well.

Just even got back with Victoria Recano from the old ZDTV days, man. It's like I'm home now, don't feel so lost anymore. You get older right, then you feel like something's missing, something's wrong with life... I figured it out, Tech TV's been gone too damn long. I missed that shit more than I thought I would.

Surprisingly, but not really surprisingly, they're all still hanging out on twitter basically. All the Tech TV guys. Too bad they don't have shows anymore. That's really the pits. I mean it would be better to watch them and have them on tv than all this garbage we have now. All I got to say...

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