Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Thawtz on the state of Star Wars

Kinda am feeling it's gone down the shitter of late. Disney, Lucasfilm, all involved will not admit to this in public.

I think it's kinda funny how the internet reacted to the Lord and Miller ousting. It was just a kinda, sure whatever. No one truly felt crestfallen by it at all. Like to this day Philip Lord hasn't posted at all on twitter. Only chris has gotten back into it. I can imagine it hit him more than it did chris, sure they both are in the shits right now...

Probably NEVER going to watch the Ron Howard version, ever...

I warned their asses, they didn't listen, so I personally have no sympathy for them at all... And I'm guessing no one really does. They all kinda knew this was shaping up to be a bowl of crap and the reaction to it is fitting.

Thing is, that if the trend is to kinda kick aside inadequate directors, why the blue hell is Collin Treverorw making the final star wars film of all time?

He's garbage.

You REALLY won't get a good movie from him.

That scares people more than Lord and Miller's insane film making methods.

I'm kinda thinking SHUT THEM ALL DOWN. Take a couple months and rethink the franchise. Don't rush this shit for a buck.

I have no desire to watch Rogue One again... And I've watched the prequels a billion times. They still kinda fascinate me. But Rogue one is so a battle star galactica episode it's not funny. They could have done a billion times better with that movie. Too many cooks in the kitchen and all we got was a very expensive fan film. WRONG approach.

Relish the star wars universe. Let us live in it for a few hours. Don't just spout out a quickie episode of battle star galactica and call it a day.

What's the future for star wars, my beloved franchise. Not very bright if the signs and bad vibes behind the scenes are an indication. Maybe Ron Howard's love for it will save it. I can't say the same for Collin. He's shit at directing yet is given such a huge responisiblity as the last star wars film.

Cameron, Spielberg, HELL NO. Let's get that douche who made Jurassic World, way better. Good LORD....

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