Saturday, December 8, 2012

Future of personal transport devices

I'm currently in the process of building a second electric bike, this time with more power, 2000w motor, and a diagnostic computer to allow me to see exactly how much power is left in the battery, a supposedly top of the line new type called linmc.

With that in mind, I've also been thinking about the future of small electronic vehicles. We're developing better solar panels that can store more energy. Why not create a solar electric bike or scooter?

The problem with solar cars is that there's no way to capture enough energy with the solar panels to fully refuel the battery to power a car of such a size. But with a bike, there's no problem since size and weight is far less of an issue.

Check out other people's shit:

Here you see the potential benefits of solar powered transport. One day I think this can revolutionize the world of personal and affordable transportation.

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