Saturday, May 27, 2017

Back to work

Some guy tries to friend me on facebook. Creepy as hell nigerian guy from god knows where... this is the second time in like a few days that I've personally had to fend off against weirdo black guys... It throws me off since I grew up with black kids and they're just regular if awkward ass people so there ya go, but when you go through life and you see people are bat shit insane on the daily basis in the black race, it tarnishes your view of them to some extent. What's up with that bullshit. Some lonely ass weird fuck wanting to friend you on facebook since they apparently have nothing or no one else to be dragged into their awkward weirdo life. And if you're black, don't, just don't freakin post pics of yourself on facebook looking very very retarded, just stop that... then go wondering why people don't want to stay friends and chat, awkward son of a...

Going to attempt to get some shots for the static shock project today...

Starting to lose weight thanks to finally understanding trans fats were doing so much damage.

I feel a lot more confident that this project will be done within the time span I have set for it.

Struggling to get the hoverboard back to the future shots yesturday got me back into the film making groove. I can't believe I lost it. You can't shoot movies until you shoot movies. I mean the preconception stuff of just thinking about how you want to shoot it is nothing compared to the actual daily grind of getting it done. And yes, I've been through much in my efforts to make the test shots, but working on the final ones has been a chore.

The final battle will be the toughest to shoot. I've got to take the time to plan it meticulously so as to not just shoot it on the fly. That simply won't work. Going to demand the most drone work if I ever learn to fly this drone.

I do feel like giving up and shoving this thing... it's been 4 years since I legit started. And it's just now starting to become reality, but I'm also 4 years older...

I question if I can do this... Sure enough if I had money flowing in, a job, a gym membership, ability to afford camera rigs and set ups that would aid me, this would be a breeze. So the reality of my current situation is a factor in how slow this thing is materializing.

Oh well, I'm gonna do it cuz I look out at the barren waste land of black super heros on youtube and just think it ain't right... that's all that's really motivating me.

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