Monday, June 12, 2017

Found it

Think about it..  how can you lose a wallet in a highly trafficed area and still get it back. Some honest muther funkers at this spot.  Got lucky. I lost it once before at lunch at LGA when I worked TSA there. The cops had it. This time I just didn't follow my instincts and decided not to put it in my bag while I did my shit... I went through stages of some psychological shit you need a degree to understand and came to terms with the loss. Got it back sure but feel dumb for giving up on finding it so fast.

Getting blazed by the sun now so with my blackness comes complications. I will get blacker now making the static film complicated to keep in sync if indeed my bright white self suddenly looks like he's had a day at the beach next shot. Will have to figure out that stuff but maybe I can fix it in post 

Gotta move faster on the project.  That's all I know.  Hard to stay motivated. Do I care about making this for black people... Not really. Sure as fuck know whites won't give a shit about it  but I think it's a universal truth if you can do something good. Do so. 

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