Sunday, December 22, 2013

My thoughts on quitting porn and masturbation

heh, I'll be honest. Even though nobody online cares about me at all.

I used to have wet dreams. And My semen flew out my dick like a cannon. It was blissful. I mean it was like better than any sensation I ever felt. It was soothing, relaxing, like a drug.

Now. I jack off and my shit comes out like a little spoot of shit.

It's not intense. It's not seriously strong as it used to be...

I have issues with that. I don't know how people live their lives in this world. Ultimately I'm guessing people are all hopped up on hot naked sex. And after a orgasm they feel so good and relaxed and content with the world.

Shame we decide to live a life of violence and cruelty when we can all just relax and fuck and enjoy our lives. But this world is ASS. Major ASS. People going to a fucking movie can't get a break. Someone shoots them dead. I mean that could have been me. I never think at a movie someone will shoot me.

But at the end of the day we all go back to fucking and getting that orgasm.

Yunno. I agree with that assessment. You may think I'm thinking No, people should all not fuck at all. But NO. I'll be the first one to fuck a hot ass girl if I have a chance. No fucking hesitation.

But I think it's beatable. I really do. I remember when I was off the computer for like a week. I came back home and looked at some naked girl and didn't think about it in a sexual way at all. I just said, oh whatever, don't care about those titties and that oiled up naked body of hers.

This gives me hope anyway that I can quit. I don't understand life anymore. It's like I go to work and there's a good fucking looking chick there and I'm thinking she's hot in the pants and wants some fuckin... but NO apparently she don't need no sexual healing...

So I HAVE TO QUIT. I really do. If I don't quit, I can't sustain a job. Because I'll be too fucking horny as fuck to work. You want to work, you want to be a good employee, but you're just fucking always feeling shitty because you're not getting laid really...

I don't like that i have this addiction to fucking. I really just want to chill and live and eat and watch movies and shit.

but I HAVE TO jack off. All the time. And it's debilitating to say the least. I wonder if it will change with Age. I certainly hope they do.

But anyway here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to just stop. No porn. No nothin. Just going to watch cartoons and tv shows. And not think about ass and titties.

Because it's just too much to bear. All the bullshit of sexuality and girls and things like that.

Very smart men in this world. But it's caused an imbalance. Someone with extraordinary mind is scooped up and put the work by the government or corporate, but there's really no fucking like actual education of sexuality in this world. In fact, the reason is simply because of politics. We would all be given sex ed if there were no laws against it.

Look at what it's done. We have so much fucking porn on line because these are all a generation of kids from the 80s and 90s who were not taught SHIT about sex. So they've lost their goddamn minds.

Is there something at work in this world that's trying to destroy all of us I wonder? Who in their right mind is trying to make all of us sexually ignorant?

I really can't stand the way society demand vehemently that we study the deepest levels of shit in university with regards to all kinds of complex subjects, but then we get SHIT regarding sex. And that makes me not care about servicing these big corporations. I don't know what's going on. Why did you bring me in to this world, give me food, shelter, and one day give me NOTHING. Just expect me to go to work and die working....

It's going to come flying back in your face, you bet your ass. It's the Art of War. You treat your troops like SHIT, they'll eventually return the favor.

 Alas, just see about quitting porn. I feel like Jesus about to get crucified. Taking major amounts of pain is something I CAN DO. I've always trained my mind and body to handle intense pain. In fact, I know how to take pain. I really do. I suppose it's the "manliness" part of me. If a Father sees his kids in trouble, NOTHING will stop him, no amount of pain will stop him from taking out the enemy. THAT'S FUCKING MILITARY RIGHT THERE NIGGA.

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