Monday, December 16, 2013

To be a dreamer

It's not a bad thing. to be an artist. To dream. To create cool things and nothing more.
Yeah. Not bad at all...

Like for real. I love to dance, to sing, to watch a good piece of art whether its film or whatever. Too bad about politics getting in the way sometimes. Good Art is Good Art, is it not?

Everyone's asking the question what  IS art?

I believe art is a quiet moment of introspection.

When you sit and you look at life and believe in something GREATER about life than what is immediately available.

I may be sounding a little arrogant, but I AM without question an artist. Been one my WHOLE life.

It's good to dream. It's good for kids to believe in life being about dreaming of great things. It's good to be bathed in art as a child imo.

Then when you get out into the world you still hold on to that life you had where life seemed blissfull and great.

 So I hold on to that. My mind is like always struggling to cling to the days of waking up on Saturday Morning and Seeing Winnie the Pooh. Say what you WANT about that show, but it is the MOST blissfull little experience I've EVER had in my life to wake up to the Winnie the  Pooh Cartoon.... It was like experiencing HEAVEN on earth....

So I'm at odds with myself. One side of me is corrupted, loves to just be a bad seed, watch titties, the other side wants to create deep meaninful works of art. like the pooh show.

So it's a teeter totter of a life for me.

I want to make great stuff for kids to watch because somebody out there made great stuff for me. And wow, you can't beat those guys. They're saints on earth.

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