Monday, February 24, 2014

Definitely not getting Ghostbusters 3 now...

Good. Should have done the same with Indy.

Going to make owning my copy of GB Videogame seem that much more special now that I truly have the LAST performance of Egon, Harold Ramis has ever done.

Just to clarify, I'm the biggest GB fan on earth. I literally lived the cartoon and movies as a kid in the 80s. And now aspire to be like a ghostbuster in life. I love what the movie is about, which is very elite level smart men tackling things with their brain power. That really spoke volumes to me as a kid and it makes sense and of course its the reality we live in. Here in New York there is a melting pot of very super smart people and very super dumb people coming together and doing business.

All that shit in the movie is the way reality in New york is. You will have a lot of sexual innuendo and very smart people doing crazy smart things, yet you get that vibe that the city is still teetering on the edge of oblvion.

It's a strange town, New York. But I honestly wouldn't have it any other way, makes things interesting, this gaggle of humanity all bustling about and not know which way is up at times...

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