Thursday, February 13, 2014

intellectual appreciation

I wonder a lot what kind of society this is.

Does it matter really if black people go forth and contribute to the high level intellectual fields in this world?

Or are very smart whites, asians, and hispanics figuring out ways to manipulate blacks into doing shit for them and that's all it is really...

I mean ultimately if you can have a black or a gay drive your bus all day or fly your plane while you sit back and have some pie, why not?

I mean that's what I think. The truth about life as an adult is that you want to fuck non-stop all day. If you as a black guy are hanging out with a white girl for any number of time eventually you'll end up fucking, there's no amount of racial bullshit going to stop that freight train.

I can see it, man. The weakness in women. Dick is TOO fucking good. they can't overcome their need for it... shame really... I thought they were stronger than that.

 Not something I'll ever know about, not that I have a problem with that. I don't really see much value in this world anymore. My optimism has been depleted substantially, let's just say...

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