Wednesday, September 30, 2015

wow postal workers get paid

Did an interview for postal work. They make a crap load of money... If I get the job, I'll be alright, man. I dunno what to do with that kind of money, but I'll figure something out. Sure enough if I had the money I'd start my own webcast show. I think I'll actually re-create tech tv on my own and start an underground version as retarded as that sounds. I'll basically provide helpful tech tips that I've learned throughout my days as a computer geek.

I'll discuss astronomy as well and all the stuff regarding the new star wars era we're embarking on. Things are looking up for me despite all the drama my life has been burdened with...

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The origin of Tony Hawk

Watching the live video of the ign guys playing Tony Hawk. They talk about what tony hawk is comparable to. I'm shaking my head at the guy saying it's like a puzzle or fighting game.

IT'S UNIRACERS big shot.

Goddamn ever played SNES. And these guys are on staff at a major gaming website? Dear jesus.

As much as I truly enjoyed Tony Hawk when I first played it, I already played a similar game at my cousin's house years prior and thought it was badass. When I played Tony Hawk, I was like, damn uniracers is back....

Yep, go look it up and get educated.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Will Creed Succeed

I have my doubts about the new Rocky movie. I call it a rocky movie. I don't give a fuck about Michael B. Jordan, never heard of the guy. But because Rocky is in it doing something or whatever, it's of interest to me most definitely. Rocky when I saw the big ass rocky marathon they showed on WB11 as a kid, my life was changed forever. I instantly got into fitness from that moment forward. Went nuts with the exercise and wanted to get ripped.

Now you're telling me I got to watch rocky get old, grey, and apparently he will die in the film.


Is anybody THINKING while making this movie? It better be a great fucking movie cuz that's the last thing I want to see as a rocky fan, Rocky in a nursing home, or as a 90 year old man drooling and in a hospital.

YEAH I KNOW. THAT'S LIFE. You get old as HELL and everything falls apart, got it. But that's not what I want to see.

It's like putting war videos on tv or whatever. If that's your thing and you like extreme vids, go check those out but most people are content not having a front and center view of the reality we live in. Movies aren't documentaries, they're fantasies. And in fantasies, heros don't typically grow old or die.

I mean just the trailer and the way it shows rocky a man we see running and punching and in such great form for like 6 movies, is laying in a hospital bead, old, and defeated. GOOD GOD.

What a way to end the character. I dunno. I'd have much preferred they make this movie about the LEGEND of rocky going forward and influencing creed's son or "daughter even" and we continue the series without Rocky being an old man hanging around in it unable to fight. And it's like, it's not like Stallone is OOOoooold old. in the movie. He's trying to ACT old and shit, but all that steroids he's pumping and the fact that he's in great shape makes it a tough sell... I just don't want to see Rocky all old and shit, he's an icon.

Bullshit movie this is going to be I swear.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Let's talk about potential for a Mighty Morphin Revival.

I'm like, on facebook like a retard. One thing I'm doing to my own delight and I guess obsession is constantly looking up what the old power rangers cast is doing. They're crazy about being at the cons. I never thought ASJ was involved much with it anymore but no, he's serious about it, like still very much a part of the con scene. And like to me, I understand. These guys lived and breathed those characters for years, so there's no such thought of letting that stuff go, at all really. Especially David Yost. When you think about it, he was the last straw for the power rangers in the end. Once he left, it ceased being power rangers.

I don't know. I want to write a letter to Saban saying, once the new movie gets released PLEASE make a Tribute Videogame to Mighty Morphin and have the old cast reprise their roles.

I played the old SNES power rangers game as a little stupid kid and it was horrible.

In fact I don't even think there has EVER been a good power ranger video game. It's now the best time to do it. I mean, they're all still here. And they're all relatively young. Around 40s now, so their voices are very much still the same as they were in their 20s, so they could TOTALLY pull off a videogame.

And the sales would be nuts. I mean you play the game as a regular person, then you morph and you become a power ranger and you get stronger and do more LEET shit, then when shit goes down, you call the zords and you have zord battles. I'm thinking this game will be STUPID AWESOME. So Just an idea. Power rangers will be coming to theaters again. And it will feature at least JDF, lord knows I'd die if they all made cameos. Look at this ghostbusters movie at the end of the day. They're mostly all going to be in it, despite it not being their movie. But whatever it will be nice to see them in something regarding ghost busters.

And that's all I wanted to say, it'd be awesome to see the OG rangers return and then pass their powers to the new recruits. I don't know. I can imagine Saban wants to sell the new rangers and not rely on the old ones. Maybe like, JDF will just be some guy who's like the bus driver in the movie and hates teenagers or something. I can imagine his daughter would work in the movie. She's almost ready to take the mantle of the pink ranger, almost.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Recasting Wolverine and thoughts on Lando Prep

I sit here and think about how my life will potentially go forward and culminate into whatever happens in the future. Is it God's plan that I play Lando and that's where I was destined to be. I went to the star wars prequels each and every single one of them one by one as I waited 3 years in between and dived deeply into the internet world for news and tidbits on the films. I stood outside of the New Roc theater waiting for the bus, hoping that someone from Lucasfilm was going to drive by and notice a young lando standing right there in front of them. It never happened...

NOW of all times, the door is WIDE OPEN for someone from some corner of the world to play Lando in a star wars film. And I still live still breathe, still inhabit this world. I guess I was never supposed to play him the prequels...

Well, I'll do my best, I'll fight for it. I believe everybody should. If you want something badly enough, put everything into it that you have in your soul, then you'll have at least given it your best in the end. That's why I can't look totally down on this ghostbusters remake, nobody involved is giving up on it. They're going after what they want too, aren't they, same as me, no matter how impossible it may seem. Maybe they've made a bloody masterpiece, I don't know... I'll let the trailer decide if I give a shit about it or not in the end.

As far as Wolverine recasting goes. Hugh's made it clear he's done playing Wolverine after the 3rd film in his stand alone series. He wants Tom Hardy to take over and play him now.

I don't know. It's like having someone else play Luke Skywalker or Marty Mcfly. It's a tough call there to just have anybody replace those characters on screen. He's that perfect, absolute lightning in a bottle when he got cast. I don't see them finding anyone near as good as him in my mind.

Is that what Tom Hardy does, take over iconic screen character roles? He's already played Mad Max, don't ya think Wolverine is pushing it?

It's like we're not talking about Evan's captain america here. I certainly can see far better actors for the part than him and hope we do get a superior cap movie down the line. He's not fully embodying the pure good spirit and old school comic hero vibe that he's supposed to be oozing on screen.. Like Henry Cavil as superman. He's perfectly cast in a movie that's no where near his level of greatness as the character sadly.

Everbody wondering if Rick Moranis is in the new GB movie now

Just ask him. He's on Twitter all the time... And he's very friendly. I'll actually ask him now that I think about it... Most likely no, he's not going to want people to think he's out of retirement...

Does Anthony Ingruber still have a chance to play Han?

IF and it's a BIIIIG If I get the role of Lando, I'll be having to shut off the internet while I'm gone to play him in the movie, so you won't hear from me at that point... If I get an email from Lucasfilm saying come on to audition, I'm OUT, I'm going to fully dedicate myself to the project and shut down all access to the web so there's no chance to spoil the movie at all... but who knows if it'll happen. It's like this, Disney don't play and ultimately I'm not like Hamill. If hamill isn't playing Luke,  they'll shut down the films production, and toss the script in the trash yunno. He's irreplaceable, I'm not even though I'm the exact duplicate of Billy Dee Williams.

But anyway. The thing I was thinking about currently was does Anthony even still have a chance? I'm thinking he might have shot himself in the foot by playing a younger Ford in Adeline...

I don't know, it's up to Phil and Chris. If they want to have him jump on the Han role, more power to them. I think he's perfect for it. The thing is that it'll look waaay too convenient in the end. Oh so any time they need to make a Harrison Ford movie here forward, they'll just  use his clone for it kinda thing...

That's not always the case in hollywood. Several times, when they want to do younger versions of actors they cast different people because casting the same guy from one film to the next is never done. It's never been done now that I think about it. I've never seen an actor's flashback actor play him again in a totally different movie... so yeah as much as Anthony has said he will lobby hard for the role of Han in the spinoff, I don't think he's going to get it. Sadly because he's already played  a young Ford he's removed himself from consideration. It'll look waaay too on the nose that they're ripping off Adeline.

Now I don't give a fuck, whatever to me...

And me personally I'd feel safer working with him than JTT, at least Anthony isn't a huge mega super star like JTT when you get down to it.

Would JTT work as Han, I think so. And it'd be like a career revival, problem is that is he still interested in acting anymore? Will he want to work with a noob like me at all even? I'll be a complete farting total noobie to acting and he'll be a seasoned vet, will he want to work with me? Fuck if I know... Fuck. I mean damn, I just want to get this done before I'm an Old ass man. I mean it's ripe and ready to get made by both of us if Lucasfilm wants. I swear to GOD, I will laugh my ass off at the theater if they choose actors that look nothing like Ford or Williams in the movie.... I swear to GOD.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Can GB be remade successfully

This question's been on my mind as now Paul Fieg's taken his stance against an angry fanbase and says "well deal with it" basically.

Should we deal with it? Should we not give a damn about preserving Ghostbuster's reputation as a great movie franchise that deserves to be treated as such?

It's to me like remaking Home Alone. It's not impossible to remake that movie, but it's gonna be TOUGH AS HELL to do better than what they accomplished in that one. In fact Home Alone 2 is practically a remake of Home Alone 1 and it SUUUUUUCKED. So there you go as far as potentially remaking a pretty darn good first movie.

What kind of movie does he have and is it all that and we just don't know it... Should I even care? It's like the Transformers thing to me. No they're not remakes, but Bay said the same thing, DEAL WITH IT when it came to his complete massacre of the Transformers name.

I certainly hope I'm wrong. And this movie's not just big budget studio bullshit on toast. I mean there's some good to be had from a succesfful relaunch of ghost busters. YEAH we may have a shitty all girl movie for starters, but if it blows up, we'll get TONS of retro ghostbusters stuff coming down the pipe to capitalize on the new movie. So there will be stuff dedicated to the old films coming along to scoop up money alongside whatever they make regarding the new crew. It's like how Bay-formers ignited a HUGE re-surgance of G1 transformers stuff because now was the time to definitely bring that stuff back.

So if nothing else good comes of this, it could lead to a lot of cool Original GB stuff, all things taken into consideration...

wow some words on the Paul Fieg Twitter Blow up

BAAAAAD move. I think it's that bad. You DO NOT let internet virgins get under your skin in the public eye. Especially before the movie comes out. This will REALLY come back to bite him. We GB fans were ALREADY thinking about not seeing the movie, now you take a giant shit on fanboys who are worried about the movie being worthy of the GB title in the public? That's going to kill the movie, man.

You got to be smart about this internet business. Yeah you worked hard on your movie, you feel passionate about what you made, and you want to defend it, but if nobody goes to the movie, then what???

I mean I'm sure a lot of directors take offense to what the press says but we don't live in that world anymore where you can privately say anything and nobody will care tomorrow, EVERYTHING LASTS FOREVER and yeah it will cause some shit.

I personally will say I'm done with this movie now. I was actually thinking about giving it a shot, but now with how there's actual "FUCK OFF" if you don't like it attitude from the production team, then yeah I'm out, see ya....

COULD potentially be getting a good job now

I mean if I actually get my ass into the post office, I think that's it for me. Yeah it's not a top level job and shit but I never thought I'd do anything significant with my life I'll be honest. I sat in my living room watching the power rangers movie all day and eventually independence day and ultimately anything that was good shit animation and comicbook or star wars wise.

I'm hoping I can finally CONTRIBUTE to the world of movies and stuff that I've enjoyed all my life and actually play Lando for Kasdan and the Lego guys as they're not many people who look like Billy Dee hanging out out there, but who knows if GOD is willing to give a damn about my hopes and dreams...

I mean it's just I look at life now at my age and feel so f'n lost it's retarded. I don't know where to go now. I always just kinda suffered through the day and found Toonami to make the day better kinda thing. Now that life is behind me. What now? I don't know... Never had this point in my life planned for shit...

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Kenan and Kel reunion on Tonight Show

Well SHIT SHIT SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT, goddamn. I'm gonna die. Kel's putting all this stuff on his facebook about the tonight show appearance and amazingly Kenan will come on with him. I don't know what to think about it. They're my boys, I mean I grew up with them... So glad to see them together again after all these years. Why they split, I don't know. Don't know what happened between them. I was a kid, watching stuff, and suddenly the two split and Kenan's been great on SNL Kel went off to do voices and little roles here and there, and it was over, that whole train had fell off the tracks.

Goddamn, I hope this leads to a Good Burger 2. If there's ever been a movie that makes you remember how goddamn brilliant Nick was in its hey day, it's that one. I'm trying to tell these kids today's nick ain't shit compared to the past, but they don't care...

Going to be building a new game inside of GTA V

It's what I do. Been gaming for years, so I've already designed a few levels in GTA. The thing though is that I wish they dedicated more resoures to this feature as it's definiteley going to take over gaming. Look at Mario Maker. The genius of that game. Soon we'll potentially have all of our old SNES games be fully online customizable things. Imagine a massive custom Legend of Zelda to play or street fighter with a build a fighter feature, custom moves, animations, all that stuff. The thing I'm hoping they get around to doing personally is allowing us to put our face in the game. I'm playing as  a blonde white guy, that's how much this thing is in neeed of a face capture feature...

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Review of Minority Report series

Interesting concept. It's just we're so far divorced from the film, it's like kinda a late show to make. That movie came out fucking decade ago or so did it now. Why make a series now? I'd be down for a matrix show, hardly losing my shit to see more from minority report. I enjoyed it, nothing terribly wrong with it. People jumping on this show and putting it down immediately, but I've seen worse shows in my time. Whatever.

And if it continues to have Megan Good's big ass titties on display week after week, how's that a bad thing? Explain that?

A+ for the titties. I don't even remember the story.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Didn't know they already had a young han solo pegged

What's his name from Adaline already is the favorite to play young Han in the Han Solo movie, I can see that working.

Anthony Ingruber is the fan favorite for Young Han in the movie.

I'm NOBODY'S favorite, but I do indeed prettymuch embody a young billy Dee. Most likely my role of Lando won't be a big one anyway. Just let me do the part and get it done for you guys, no big deal. The movie's about Han, so getting an established Actor for it makes all the sense in the universe.

I say go for it, it'll be a fun little popcorn flick to sort of play around in the star wars universe and stuff like they do with the cartoons.

Will I get the role of Lando, I don't know. The Lego Movie guys won't just take requests, they make you go through the process by the book in the end. So I'll have to audition and play along...

Sunday, September 20, 2015

My favorite facebook accounts and thoughts on the new internet age

I'm 29, honestly don't want to be 29 nothing good about it. But I'm making the most out of it. I'm going to try to lose my fat ass, cuz I got big due to not knowing shit about weight loss, now after years of studying it, I know how to drop pounds.

Well I'm very happy to report facebook is the coolest thing ever in the world. Why this didn't exist in the 90s when I was a little boy, I'll never know. Today's kids must be having a hell of a fun experience with this. Being able to instantly chat with their buddies and then join up in any online game through their facebook account, that's amazing. I mean, damn my life as a kid is like the stone age compared to that.

I mean, it's nuts. I watched these people on TV and now on the daily they're posting about what they're doing and eating and all that stuff, it's a trip but I guess, that's inevitable. Nobody really died after their shows were over. These celebs get up and hang out in their mansions and do whatever just like the rest of us.

I'm loving Jerry Seinfeld's facebook. It's LITERALLY just exactly like the seinfeld show. It's a facebook page about nothing. What's Jerry eating today, there's the page.

Jaleel's page I mentioned before. He always posts jokes and funny vids. That's nice. I mean I don't understand the stuff a lot of these celebs post, like mad underground grungy disgusting vids or something as if I want to see that shit, keep that to yourself.

Chris Pirillo is the best facebooker though. He will actively help you with tech questions. He's always on besides when he sleeps and of course he's showing off his new daughter all the time. Got to hand it to the man, his journey is one that is truly amazing how he's changed and become the man he is today and if there ever was a re-vival of tech tv, I'd stand behind him being the front runner of the new network. Lord knows if that's going to happen. But the thing that's striking is that honestly he IS tech tv. Nothing about him has changed. He's still that same goofy guy from Screen Savers and Call for Help and he's so ridiculously professional, I can't stand it, be human for once. The only time he broke down and showed emotion was the day his daughter was born. You got to see that video. I did NOT think while watching screen savers, I'd be watching Chris's wife go through labor pains and see her go through child birth. Color me as surprised, ladies and gentlemen... GOD bless both of them. I want them to have the world, I really do.

I'm checking out everybody's page. David Yost is a great face booker. I mean, I hope and pray personally that Saban gives the guy a call to play Billy one last time. He's still a super dedicated Power Ranger to this day and he doesn't have to be really. It's just something he does because he knows a lot of us love Billy and if he didn't show up to the Cons and stayed out of it, it'd really be disappointing as hell. Him and Austin, the fact that they're both still going to Cons and signing power rangers stuff is nuts. I'm an old dude now, all of us 90s kids are, no kids today even remember the old power rangers, so when you think about it, they're doing these cons for us 90s gen so we can get a chance to meet them in person.

JDF will be in NY soon, so when he does, I'll hunt him down and get a pic with him and post it here, that's my current mission. I want pics with all the original power rangers, that's what I want.

I'm going to try to track down Mark Hamill too, not to be all creepy and weird and like I'm going to stalk any of these guys, but the reality is that Hamill will be attending a ton of Cons to promote these new star wars movies and he's the best when it comes to being down to earth and giving fanboys what they want, so if I can get a picture with him and get my light saber autographed, I think I'll die right there on the spot and love every minute of it...

Melissa Joan Heart's always on facebook. Meagan good, and Megan fox are on there too. It's like, I don't know if they care about me in the least to be honest. But I've watched Melissa since Clarisa Explains it all so I feel kinda as if it's like we're old old friends to some degree. I mean that's the reality of these long term relationships with celebs. Jaleel was such a huuuuuuuge blatant ridiculous part of my childhood. I feel like I can talk to him like an old friend, I was THERE when he was doing all that urkel shit, saw all of it with my own eyes upon FIRST airing. So yeah, we went through that journey side by side...

Who else. I'm looking up the whole seinfeld cast. They're still around of course. I mean it's all there, everybody from the old days is still knocking around.

Tony Hawk is currently pimping THPS5 on there. I'll get that shit and give it a spin, whatever. If it's good I'll let you know...

I don't know, but this thing is amazing. If you've never fucked around with facebook you're missing out.

Twitter's another ball of wax. Can't believe I found Rick Moranis' Twitter and he's hanging out on it all the time. WHY THE BLUE HELL is he not making movies anymore? His tweets are amazing to read!!!!

I'll never know. But this new age of instant access to everybody's dick is just amazing. Just blows me away to no end...

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Video Game

I was going to post this super EMO woe is my life post, then I caught myself and realized that's not who I am, not what I'm about. It's just life gets ya down all the time, it really does, it's not right but it's the way it is.

Anyway, got thinking today since it's like JDF mentioned he's going to be involved with the new power rangers movie, it's inevitable that a videogame will come on to coincide with the film. All of the original rangers are still alive except for the yellow ranger. But I was thinking it'd be the bomb to get the original rangers back to voice their characters in a top of the line modern age videogame about the original power rangers.

I mean this is long overdue. We should have gotten a badass Power Rangers videogame years ago, but all this power rangers hype going on is specifically because they're going to be shooting the power rangers movie soon and most likely most of the original rangers will have cameos in the movie doing some shit. Lord knows Austin St John should finally get his due and be given the respect he deserves for playing the Red ranger for so many years and be front in center in all of our faces as the red ranger in the new movie before they introduce the new cast. I mean, the man looks fit. I see him on his facebook and he's slimmed down a ton, it'd be perfect if he's introduced in the movie as like this vet ranger or something who passes his powers to a new red ranger or something, come on let's do it.

But a videogame, goddamn. I just had this idea. I mean JDF, Yost, Walter, ASJ, and Amy Jo returning to voice the rangers would be monumental as a little treat to go along with the new movie.

And it'd boost sales through the roof. If Saban glances this post, by all means let's do this...

Friday, September 18, 2015

Losing my fatness

I'm going to go all out, and I mean it. I have to. I know now how to lose weight and if there's a any time to do it, it's now as I could possibly be cast as Lando for the Han Solo film. I mean FUCK is it frustrating to sit here and even contemplate them making that movie without my involvement. I'm straight up pissed about it, really. If they don't call me, email me, whatever and say, let's do this shit, I'll be just totally knocked out by it. I'm like I don't know what to think about it, I've looked like Lando all my life, it's never been a choice to me, I casually acted like Lando all through my childhood just for fun, and NOW the time has come for them to cast him in a prequel film and I sit here looking in the mirror at Billy Dee Williams. IF they dare cast someone else, I'll have something to say about it...

I will be draining every last ounce of my body fat in a hard core ketosis diet from here forward. Gone, it's gonna be gone. And I'll definitely resemble Billy Dee SPOT ON for Kasdan, Phil, and Chris.

What will kids and people think about a guy they've never heard of Richard Simms playing Lando in the Han Solo film. I honestly don't give a damn.

Say what you want. This is about doing Star Wars the justice it deserves. Every moment of childhood bliss from this film series needs to be honored and cared for with utmost devotion, the deepest commitment, and the most serious mind.

It's tough to grow up and be an adult, it really is. You have people ready to pop your head off just for looking at them wrong. Sex is always a point of contention. It's a worldwind of bullshit living amongst other adults in this hell of a world. But there's one thing, one thing that makes life feel like it's goddamn worth all the trouble, and it's definitely a good movie... Solid good movie.

That's what I want to give to the public. A movie they can fucking have a good ass time at... Nothing does that better than Star Wars, I'll take you to court on that, son. I'll beat you on that point, no matter how hard you try to argue about it.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

anyone else miss mad tv?

If there's anything that's off about my life today vs the years as I grew up here in the bronx it's the lack of Mad TV. Yeah I know about the cartoon network show, but no way is that the same. I certainly miss it. It's like, I"m feeling nostalgic to no end because of Game Shakers and its return of Nick to some kind of actual "nickelodeonish quality"

I grew up basking in Nick's awesomeness in the old days. I never thought it'd become this spondgebob network that it is today. NEVER thought. They were so clever, had a million good shows on, left and right, couldn't miss an ep of angry beavers, hey arnold, rocko, ren and stimpy, whatever the hell else was good shit.

Now I'm annoyed, I really am and I don't mean to take shots at little cute kids, but they have no idea whatsoever what Nick used to be or what kind of shit Kel and Kenan and the All that cast were up to back in the 90s. It's to me annoying to see the little kids acting like they own nick now or something when they've never tasted slime like the older nick veterans. When those girls go through some slime time, then they can talk. She's just so clean and pretty, that's the annoying thing. Nick girls were always more manly than the males on Nick, that was the joke. Now Nick embraces girly females? I would have never thought...

Maybe this is what it's like to be an old man hating on youth, I don't know. I always had kids around me as a kid and as a teen, why feel any different about them now? What's the big deal...

I'm a clown, I grew up on Jim Carrey, I'm basically the black version of him. I'm EVERYTHING that happened in the 90s in my fucking soul. I love seeing Kel back on TV cuz that's what I always saw, that motherfucker all day on tv, so yeah it's good to be back, I don't care what year it is...

Just so sad, I mean I always had it like this. Watch SNICK, Watch a little bit of SNL to see if it was good or not, then Rock out to Mad TV and lose my shit laughing at real comedy on display.

Just sayin. When Mad TV ended, I knew why. They ran out of gas. The original cast had all prettymuch left. I don't even remember who stuck around for the last season. I know Will Sasso came back to make a cameo but that was it. Everybody had moved on and said fuck you to Mad.

So with just a bunch of shitty comedians running the ship, it was destined to die really. What's Sasso, the real reason Mad was good doing now? Apparently going to play Curly again in Stooges 2. Hopefully not as shitty a film as the first. I'm not going to be nice about it. If you're going to make a stooges movie do it right, goddamit, don't just make a big limp dick shit stain and call it a day. Ace Ventura better than a stooges movie? FOr realll? fuck me in the booty.

I expected the stooges movie to kinda be a biopic, not a long drawn out comedy bit. But I was wrong... And the way they tried to keep the stooges somehow stuck in the old days made no sense. If they grew up  in modern society, they should be well accostomed to it. Little Rascals kept the old stuff as a tongue in cheek gag, but didn't make the kids retarded and ignorant to the modern era at all.

Stooges should have done the same, but whatever. Good, we're getting another and that's  all that matters.

I mean the movie was so backwards, man. I mean the damn thing didn't know what it wanted to be and that's a shame. Is it dumb and dumber 3? Is it a really shitty 90s comedy? What the hell is it?

They got to figure themselves out with the next one. Come on...

I can die happy now

Mark Hamill acknowledged I existed.

I just figured I'd tweet a joke to him and he must have found it amusing and favorited it. I'm done... that does it. I'm out with a smile on my face when my life is done. NOTHING beats that. Nothing. I've gone my whole life wanting to talk to Mark Hamill a man who is more than a GOD to me and it has happened.

Life OVER... Not yet, but prettymuch....

So JDF all but confirms he's going to cameo in the new movie

Not surprising, he's been pimping up Power Rangers for months now. I could only assume it's because he's going to actually be in the movie coming up.

Very cool.

I sent a message to David Yost and tried to tell him that if Saban asks, he should not deny a return in the movie, but who knows if he'll give a hoot about returning as Billy, but we WILL see Tommy Oliver make a cameo appearance in the Power Rangers movie. JDF said he's scheduled for the movie shoot on his facebook, so we'll most likely see him pop up in it in some capacity, don't know what.

I'm looking into the whole cast returning for one last, FUCK YEAH celebration of the Power Rangers. Do each of the actors have personal beefs with each other and actually not particularly like each other, yeah of course. There's tons of animosity, but this is BIGGER THAN THAT SHIT GUYS. Put that aside and give the fans the best movie experience EVER.



Wednesday, September 16, 2015

wow this floors me

So the whole James blake thing. Cop is overly aggressive and takes down the wrong guy. He very well could have been shot dead by the cops if he resisted and wasn't smart enough to let them act like idiots.

There's a lesson for you, don't resist no matter how much of an idiot a cop is being, just don't.

Now because of actual video evidence the police can't sweep this incident under the rug. The guy is the luckiest fuck on the planet, I swear, Because someone had a phone and taped the whole thing from start to finish, when and if this goes to court, nobody can bullshit about the actual event. Thank GOD for camera phones. Nobody can get away with shit anymore.

GOOD. I don't have a problem with cops, who does. It's like having a problem with a doctor, they're doing what nobody wants to do, and if they're good docs or cops they're definitely deserving of respect.

But not even a doctor is above reproach or retribution. Not even them. If you don't like a doctor's diagnosis, you have the right to get a second opinion. ETC.

Apparently this isn't how the cops think. Their actions are unquestionable and should be followed like we're all mindless idiots living under a dictatorship.

Hardly... If James Blake was white, imagine how many people would be rallying behind his cause and trying to start a big fight with the police department over police brutality. But ah ha, of course he's a minority so his concerns go nowhere and will end up being nothing more than a puff of smoke.

That's what I'm talking about when I say there's no beating being white. People CARE about your problems.

SO how far is this thing going to go, I wonder. Will it actually get this cop penalized? Or will this whole thing wash over and nothing will happen despite this being clear blatant evidence that cops aren't all angels out there and stuff like this takes place every now and then.

The key is the video. And the fact that he's a father and this cop could have made this situation a fatal one and therefore tear his family apart. To break some kind of bread with the public I think this cop's head is going to roll, absolutely. What he did, is wrong, there's no justifying it. If you don't have PROOF that the guy you're after is the guy you're after, don't just randomly tackle a person minding his own business on the street. You got to be joking with this...

Yeah the cops are saying that you have to be aware of how tough their jobs are, THEN QUIT AND WORK AS A SECURITY GUARD, you asked for it. DON'T COMPLAIN.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Ugh, so bored right now...

Reading facebook like a maniac. I mean I never thought I'd get to be so involved in the lives of the people I saw on TV on a daily basis, ya never think that. And maybe we shouldn't. I mean there's probably an entire psychology to this whole social media thing you can study in some course. It's beyond cool though. I always wondered what Jaleel's life was like with his daughter, and I can have that through his facebook page. He's all about his kid, not hiding her from the world or being secretive about it. That's beautiful. You never see celeb dads showing off their kids, they're always trying to hide them from us all. Why? They're just kids, wtf. And she's adorable. I wonder what she'll make of herself one day.

It's definitely a whole new world now. How's a show like Game Shakers going to survive in the new internet world is the a good question. We don't live in that old world where tv was the primary place to see entertainment and news. It's right here in the internet every day.

I mean the show is about the new internet era in the end isn't it. It's about kids using the web to make games and release them which is happening all the time. They're those child prodigies like Geohot who break major companies software and shit...

There's so much stuff to explore regarding that subject.

what am I doing is the question. I'm trying to get ready to play Lando for Kasdan and the Lego movie guys. I'll say it a thousand times if I have to, I'm the only guy you will ever need for that role. I'm even reading f'n vector prime right now to get my head back into the star wars universe which I haven't really done since the prequel days. How do I feel about the prequels? They're misguided though earnest attempts at doing star wars movies. Obviously Lucas bit off way more than he could possibly chew and nobody on set told him his ideas were bad. So we got what we got. Now we'll get more balanced star wars, I hope. No one making the new movies has unlimited power like Lucas had, so there will be a more democratic method to these films.

Going to continue working on my Static Shock live action project. Got the tripod in the mail. Finalized the costume design for the final shot in the trailer where you see Static in full gear.

It's something I want to do because all the other static shock fan films are garbage basically. I want to do it properly.

Lastly I'll be on GTA and Battlefield for the next 3 days back and forth really. Having a blast with the freemode events. They're pretty damn good.

Prepping for Battlefront. I don't know nor care if the game is good. That's not the point. What's going to be cool is to have big massive online matches with other star wars nerds and talking shit to them after the battle. That's what's going to make the game worth it.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Review of Game Shakers first episode...

Who cares what I think, right. WELL YA SHOULD. I lived and breathed Nickelodeon in its prime. I'm 29 now and yep, I was there after school hitting up Nick to watch it when it didn't suck like shit. Hell I saw everything kid-oriented on every network and gravitated towards the intelligent shows as that's what I enjoyed most.

What can I say about the show. I had fun with it. It's A LOT like the older nick shows and TGIF shows but not quite as good as those particularly because those shows attempted to present some kind of realism. This show's very much like a budget disney shows they put on saturday mornings like that's so raven and that other shit I can't remember, A LOT like Kenan and Kel now that I think about it. All things considered this is basically Kenan and Kel 2. It's cheap and just stupid, no attempts to create meaningful art or anything. But the saving grace I'd say is that it's got that old school Pete and Pete vibe from the 90s knocking around in there. The show knows what Nick used to be, a network about embracing the weird off beat side of life. And it has that element in there. Lord knows if they'll continue to go down that path or try to do more epic complex stories, who knows.

I find both the girls to be annoying and lame, no where close to Amanda Bynes in her prime on Nick or that other chick on All That, hell any of the all that females, crush these girls. Wow love to see Amanda Cameo in this shit now that I think about it.... The little white kid saves the show at the end of the day. He's the shit to watch, brings down the house constantly. I guarantee he'll go on to bigger things after this show's run.

Enjoyable romp, I mean. Maybe i'm too old for this, but then again, I never felt like All That or even Kenan and Kel were talking down to me. The humor on there was typically very well thought out. I mean the delivery was cartoonish and nickelodeonish yes, but the jokes were smart jokes nonetheless.

B- for the first episode. It's a good start, but if they want this thing to last longer than f'n space cases or whatever, gonna have to step it up and create more interesting plots.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

New Static shock costume image

Finallly got it in the mail. I will design and put together the final costume for static using this shirt.

At the end of the trailer you'll finally see him in full costume whereas throughout the trailer he'll mostly be wearing his beta costume.

I look a hell of a lot like Billy Dee Williams in this pic don't I... WINK WINK, disney.

Review of the Swegway Monorover Io HAWK thingy....

Bought one because I stumbled onto it by pure accident. Made a video about the bttf hoverboard and strangely it brought up a video about this new tech called a hoverboard by many yet it doesn't hover at all, so people are calling it that out of idiocy or some shit, anyway it's amazing. Much like others in the videos, it's totally changed my perception of how we'll transport ourselves around in the future.

It's exactly what I've been searching for for a long time now, and I will get the 10 inch version next since I'm just so impressed by the little dinky original model. But yeah, walking is dead now. It's so f'n dead you got to be kidding me. If you still get up and walk anywhere now, you're in the stone age.

This thing is light weight, portable, and once you get the hang of it, it's just a breeze to jump on and scoot to your nearest destination or store or whatever.

It does have some caveats. You have to learn it. It is like a skateboard or a bike or rollerblades. I was going to make a video review of it like the other guys but then my camera exploded from that so I think it's wise to never use my phone again to make video reviews since it sucks at it, but yeah, man. I'm in love with this thing. I thought the guys in the videos were just hyping it up like dumbasses, but I was wrong.

It's the future. Once they perfect the design, maybe even include a mini pop out handle bar for better stabilization, it's a wrap, no more walking for anybody. Get this thing.


In addition. I recommend using a walking stick or hiking stick to help balance yourself in times when things get bumpy or you feel like you're going to fall off it.

Oh and this is going to become a sport one day I swear. We're going to have the hoverboard games like hokey or something down the line..

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Good stuff coming up

Can't wait for GTA freemode events. Looks fun as fuck...

I got paid, going to get more money now that I have 2 jobs on the horizon. Going to be swimming in the cash so I'm content with that. I do like me some money, man. I love the freedom it gives you. You just feel like the world is yours when you have it...

Thinking about playing Lando. I'm kinda crazy about it to be honest. I'm like obsessed with preparing myself for a movie I have nothing to do with, but I'm sitting here and feel it'd be against all that's right in this world to cast anyone besides me for Lando and I'll go after Disney HARD on that. I WANT to play Lando Calrissian, end of story. I don't care what they think.

What's the idea behind Lando in the movie and what's his role in han's life going to mean in the end. A LOT. I think it'd be great to get to know Lando a lot better and of course see how he impacts han. All we know about Lando is that he's this super loyal freind of han's, that's all. What made him this way. How did he lose the falcon to Han. And most of all I want to explore what makes Han decide to turn back and help luke in ANH. Was Lando a part of han's charitable spirit at all?

I hope so... I don't know. I just think we can have a lot of fun coming up with ways Lando can be "felt" in ANH despite not being in the movie...

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Head Shot Comparisons...

All I got is my phone Cam. I'm going to be doing professional head shots when I get the money, then mail them directly to Disney for the Casting Call before the audition process begins. 

I know half of you out there are thinking I'm crazy, never going to get this role, but I think it's goddamn destiny myself. Why the hell did I develop this deep passion for star wars as a kid, and just happen to look spot on like Billy Dee Williams? Seriously explain that shit, guys...

Monday, September 7, 2015

Game Shakers

Holy shit, you go along in life and get rewarded. Kel Mitchel is back on Nickelodeon. I swear to you he will single handedly make Nick watchable again. I was watching him on his clip he posted on facebook, the man hasn't lost a step and he's back in FULL old school Nick mode. I mean it was like I was 11 all over again. GOOD GOD thank you for returning. Not going to miss an ep. I can live without the limp dick new kids on the show. They got nothing on Kel in his prime on old nick. It's to me I mean like watching a bunch of rookies tackle a seasoned athlete, no contest. The kids don't have squat on the old Nick Veteran in terms of power and force. It's just he came from much tougher times much harder life back in the 90s, no facebook, none of this stuff we have today. So it shows.

WTF is this show even about, I can't make sense of it. I guess it's just as stupid as Kenan and Kel was, so whatever...

Good to have ya back Kel. I mean the man deserves it in my opinion. If not for him All That would have fell to shit. And he's half the reason Kenan got where he is. Why his career suddenly fell off the earth like that doesn't make any sense. He's too talented for that...

Well more thoughts on Lando Casting...

I'm trying to lose weight and appear a lot more as if I'm Lando. It's like this. I'm a mulatto since I was a kid. I was actually born white. I noticed during kindergarten that I was frackin white ok, I could clearly see what I looked like. Then this damn thing called the sun started turning me black and there was nothing I could do about it. It's at my age now an up or down thing. I'm 29 about to be the big 30 and if I stay out of the sun, I prettymuch turn white. If I get sun every day I turn into a hispanic person or some shit.

Whatever to me. I'm more concerned with getting some booty to be honest. I hate how much drama people want to start on the internet and claim oh let's declare war with each other. I'm hardly on that level where I'm ready to fight for my life. I'm thinking about finally getting laid all day.

I just want to shed these pounds because I look a lot better thin, I think we all do to be honset. Who doesn't look better thinner but for fucks sake with no job and nothing to do all day but eat and play GTA the pounds have been piling on and there's no real weight being lost right now.

But yeah I think to myself what the hell is Kasdan looking for. Oh I wish he made this movie when I was 15 or 16, back then I was a lot better looking and thinner than I am today. If I get cast will I be having to fake playing a teenage Lando? Will Lando be around 25 in the movie which is perfect for me since I can totally pull off looking around that age...

Then there's the Legacy factor. It's a daunting beyond measure thing to play an iconic screen character. This isn't like getting the role of some nobody in galaxy quest. This is a BIG monumental role that will be solidified for good or bad in all history. Play a role in Star Wars, you're going to be a part of human history as long as it lasts. Who am I to take that pressure? Sure enough I'm just me, the kid who played with his Luke Skywalker toy all day when I was 12.

I drew the Millenium Falcon all day in class, I perfected the art of drawing lightsabers in the outside edges of my text books. I spent countless hours on star wars message boards discussing the films.

That's who they should goddamn cast, someone who watched the films and devoted himself to the series afterwards.

I can literally honestly live in the star wars universe all day. I'm thinking about reading everything, every novel, every tidbit of behind the scenes info, every trivia book, every art book, ever produced about the series. I always just casually browsed them in the book stores, but now with the potential to fly out to Disney studios and audition for Lando, I think it's DO OR DIE, get educated in every aspect of the star wars story to fully prep for this casting.

I mean there's not even going to be a choice in Kasdan and Co. when I walk in the room. They're going to think tin their head "whoa is that guy billy Dee's kid?" well we found our guy...

On top of that, I'll be rich. I mean the money doesn't even matter to me that's the thing about it. I'll do it for nothing, but if I do get paid, I'll be stinking filthy rich. Which is definitely not a bad thing at all. I wouldn't minnd having to not struggle lifting bags all day. It's I think a gift from God to finally get to take a vacation from killing myself at work all day. But we'll see. I've never had any idea that I'd ever be a wealthy person. Sufficiently enough financed, yes, wealthy, no way.

What would I buy if I had a butt load of money to do it with, oh GOD. I'd finally get a Delorean from Back to the Future. I'd buy the ghostbusters proton pack which I've been trying to get for years...

I'd buy a Yacht which has been a life long dream. Don't know what else honestly... I think I'd definitely have enough money to get that college shit out of the way then become a pilot. I mean one thing will just snowball into the other if I get cast as Lando and earn a substantial ammount of money. Nothing would go to waste ultimately...

Saturday, September 5, 2015

My Acting Skilllllllllllllllz

If you're gonna play Lando, feel no SHAME my friends.

Here's my first audition video for the role. I did my best. I never acted before for real and didn't know how hard it was, it really is tough to balance yourself and not mess it up. I gotta practice this shit if indeed I want to star as Lando...

Here's my Lando movie trailer. Couldn't really find good JTT footage so I didn't cut him into it.

Goddamn I love facebook.

I mean I can have direct communication with all of my childhood heros. It does indeed make you feel like a kid again. I seriously hate getting older. I don't want to ever grow old, EVER.

I mean I'm on David freakin Yost's Facebook page and he's there talking about what he's eating today, jesus christ, for fuck's sake wow, I'm blown away by that.

I watched this man as a kid and now i know what he's up to right now. How does that happen?

Will smith, Jaleel White, some of the most open facebookers you'll find. They literally post every thing they're doing every day. Raven Symone too.

It's so awesome. I mean who the hell am I? Nobody, but to sit and actually watch what my favorite celebs are doing is a true treasure.

I'm looking for everybody from the old tech tv era as well. I mean it sucks really. And it's kinda a loser thing to do to constantly hold on to tech tv's fame and glory. That time was great but it's truly over, time to move on from that stuff, but it's really to me anyway a hell of a lot of fun to revisit the old gang and see what they're doing these days.

What the hell am I doing is the question... Don't really know.If I get the Gig as Lando in the Star Wars Anthology movie, you're going to see me doing some incredible things business and hollywood wise. If it leads to a career as an actor, that'd be very cool. I'd love to direct films honestly. I'm a director in my soul and I know that. I'm always looking at how something can be done better artistically... It's an OCD thing, I do indeed have OCD sadly and pathetically. I hope it's not severe, but I can't feel good if things aren't in proper order for some reason. And it's stupid and I know it's stupid but I believe I've had this condition all my life just never knew it.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Is it against the lawl of GOD to keep Rebooting Spiderman?

Yes and No. As a film goer it's terribly repetitive and bore some absolutely to keep seeing them reboot the shit out of Spidey and to me I don't get why they're even rebooting. They did it much better with the new series of films and I was thinking things would be all good. I can't figure out what's the point of rebooting to a new actor and all that when apparently this new take won't be spot on perfectly accurate to the source either... Apparently Iron Man will be responsible for Spiderman's web shooters. Which makes no sense when you think about it. Parker's a genius, the whole point of him being a super genius in the comics was that he was the only person who could possibly be innovative enough to come up with the web shooters to augment his spider powers. Now his super genius is being downlplayed even more. Thanks for that?

But yeah I was hoping that Tobey Macguire would cameo in the Andrew Garfield Spiderman at some point in a parallel dimension movie or something where the two spiderman universe meet. One thing you'll find in the spiderman comics is that it's true, there are several dimensions in the spiderman universe and multiple versions of spiderman and how he got his powers. The movie verse respecting that aspect of the comics wouldn't be off the mark at all.

I think even Marvel is working on that where at some point in the movie universe all 3 versions of spiderman will meet up as their dimensions collide or something. It'd be really cool to see that happen and make all the versions of spiderman have some connection to each other instead of just being really fucking lame attempts at making spiderman.

I do like that the new spidey will be an acrobat. That's a good sign. I've dreamed of seeing spidey actually NOT turn into CGI to jump around and fight and wall crawl. One of the most fun things to me to watch on youtube is the spidey parkour videos. If they got those guys, payed them to parkour all over NY and film that shit and put it in the movie, How Great would that be?

I have to say the ending scenes of BOTH spidey franchises misses the point of spderman completely. He's NOT superman. He doesn't have epic mad awesome cgi flying sequences across the city like superman. He's very gritty realistic superhero who bounces between buildings and shit. Instead he has the EPIC over the top swinging sequence at the end of his films all the time. I dare say just show spidey in reality doing beast mode parkour to get through the city streets and that's it, not some sweeping lord of the rings superman shit, fucccckkk.

Further thoughts on Jonathan playing Han.

Surprisingly my post on JTT playing Han got a good amount of views. I'm hoping one of them may have been some secretary at Disney, I don't know. It's a small fucking world now with the internet. We each have instant access to each other's ass 24/7 now. It's the worst thing ever. I mean I watched full house as a kid, didn't text the olsen twins after the show. None of those people on those shows knew me or cared about me at all. But the internet has blown that whole life out of the water. I mean, I could if I wanted to email Ben Savage and tell him how much Girl meets world sucks dick, I don't know, something... I wish I could have told him how much Boy meets world sucked when I watched it as a kid. I don't think anyone in that cast knows how much that show blew back in the day... But it was ass.

But anyway, it's poetic, I watched Home improvement and kept a tab on JTT's career for a loooong time as I watched him grow up on tv and in movies. He's a friggin Harvard Grad for christ sake, it's going to be tough for Disney to get his interest in returning to the company no doubt... But he should. I don't know. I did some research and he legitimately has lost interest in acting. On top of that he's not truly well known anymore thanks to his decision to leave acting behind for his college pursuits. Only thing he's been up to is making guest spots as a favor to Tim Allen... If Disney calls him and asks if he'll play Han will he feel the need? I hope so... I'm even going to publicly Beg the guy to play Han Solo. He has no idea I think how much he looks like Harrison Ford. If he hits the gym he'll be even more a match, that's for sure...

One thing I'm actually thinking about is WHAT IF by some strike of Luck I get an email from Disney detailing audition locations for Lando and somehow I get the part and that day comes when I'm hanging out in my Hotel contemplating meeting JTT and the directors of the movie and we start the process of making the movie. What's going to go through my dumbass skull about the whole thing...

It's the big leagues major big budget studio filming. No doubt about it... It's like, Lucas didn't bank on casting dudes off the street for star wars prequels. He cast actors and JJ's done the same. Everyone of the new cast is an actor with experience. I'm an internet ding dong fucker who just happens to be Billy Dee Williams' twin that's about it...

I have 0.00 acting experience. I'm like I guess Edward Furlong before he got the role in T2. Cameron took a risk and hired him because he aced the audition but T2 was furlong's first acting gig EVER.

If Disney seeks me out for this role WHICH THEY GODDAMN SHOULD it will be my first ever acting job and I'd have to be trained from the ground up to act on camera.

I don't know what to think about it. All I do know is that I'm who I am. A star wars retard. And on top of that I look freakin exactly like Billy Dee Williams. Casting me is a Win all around for Disney if they want to have someone who is a fan for life particapting in the movie. It's like, that's the whole reason they hired JJ for TFA. He's obviously a Star Wars retard. I'm still thinking I'll do the movie for free too. Not a cent in my pocket, just walk on set say my lines have a blast and call it a day. I played Lando. My destiny fullfilled...

As for Money, I will be getting some f'n money now that I got a new job. So that's one good thing. I'll be doing ramp at JFK now. Gonna have to get a motorcycle. Can't take the subway for the rest of my life.

I never pegged myself as a racist since I'm black and have been black all my life, but you definitely start to seriously hate black people A LOT more than typical once you take the subway on a routine basis... I can live without sitting there having the 1000th homeless black guy jumping around acting retarded in front of everyone...

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Gonna get another job

Hopefully gonna be working for 10.50 so it's a 40 cent increase in pay and they say they have overtime over at this company all the time so it might be a smart move. It's just that JFK is no joke. LGA is a baby airport, it's so safe and small and no frills barely anything big going on there. JFK is a war zone.  Like being in the middle of iraq for real with bombs going off around you. I don't know how I made it through my long years over in that hell hole but I did.

I don't really want it honestly. It's up to the company if they hire me, I go buy a motorcycle and drive to JFK every day for work etc. But if they don't I'll go sign up for unemployment and get money for doing shit all day while I apply for jobs and look for work. I really want to get my CDL license and start driving trucks and possibly become a truck driver I really do. That would kick so much ass. I'd love to drive across the country and just relax in my big ass truck looking down on the little ants beneath my feet I tell ya...

Actually that's my goal from here on out. Fuck it, I"m just going to work the job until I have enough money to afford CDL classes and get my license and then become a truck driver. Fuck working Ramp Ops... FUck that shit...

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Jonathan Taylor Thomas to play Han Solo?

I hope Disney or whoever is reading my blog, very unlikely yes, but boy did I have an epiphany today or what.

I was just thinking about who the hell should play Han and yeah I mean it's not impossible to find a white guy who matches harrison ford's look, it's much tougher to find a guy who looks like Lando because he's mixed. Fords your typical big butch tough white guy, you can find him a lot of places. Hamill's look is truly hard to find in the end, not ford.

But then it hit me. That home improvement kid looks a fucking shit load like Harrison Ford in his youth. Holy shit, it'd be brilliant if they cast Thomas for Solo and me for Lando. I'd be intimidated by working with a real actor but then again I grew up watching this guy, what's to be afraid of I know EXACTLY who he was as a kid and I thought he was a badass kid, what's to be afraid of.

I'm down with that. I know they're looking to cast Han in his late teens early 20s and Thomas is now 33 but you couldn't tell. He has a youthful face and he's not that big, it'd totally work and he's a well known actor who just happens to look spot on like Harrison Ford and if indeed he works out as Han Solo, he could take the mantle of Indiana Jones one day too... Much more preferably than Shia as was intended with Crystal Skull. They were going to spinoff the movie into the adventures of Mutt, what a joke...

I dare say in a perfect world it'd be Jonathan Taylor Thomas as Han Solo and Richard Mark Simms as Lando Calrissian in the Han Solo Anthology film.

Disney you reading this? You ready to knock this bitch out of the park and get it done right? Us two 90s kids are ready to do this you hear....

Man the news is horrible these days and future of porn

I mean I was around when 9/11 happened. I've lived a horrible childhood at various schools where the kids were animals, I'm well aware of how much of a jungle this world is and even worse now I go to work and it's always a constant stressful situation with constant antagonism from the other employees for reasons I can't figure out. We got a simple straight as an arrow job to do, it's not the end of the world, it's not life or death, it's not super elite level stuff, it's kindergarten all day, and you want to start a soap opera about it... Makes no sense.

But damn is there a lot of shootings and crazy ass shit going on out there. I mean, fuck what a dismal world this is, isn't it.

I can't understand why everybody's killing every body nowadays. We got new star wars to see, we got new cool movies coming out, wtf you shooting each other for? Shit's about to get good up in this bitch... weird....

I just discovered facebook too. I knew it was popular and the guy who created it became a billionare but now I understand why, it's truly a huge nexus of EVERYBODY to talk to each other and get to know each other... it's the ultimate forum if I've ever seen one. There's no hiding who you are, you just be yourself and get to know good dudes all over the world. Not bad...

I love Jaleel White's page. It's like I'm back as a kid watching Family Matters every Friday. He should go to Disney and request they make a sequel series starring his daughter once she gets old enough. I swear it'd kick Girl meets world's ass. Really Jaleel take it into consideration...

I love Jaleel White. I love him. I wish we could fucking meet in person. I mean I literally modeled myself after Urkel as a kid. All my nerdiness is his fault really. But I suppose it's a good thing. I mean it's a tough world to be a black person in but because of urkel people became much more open minded about black people and that ripples down to this day.

I look back on the 90s and fuck what the fuck were we smoking during that time that life was so hopeful and fun and amazing? I feel sorry for today's kids, they just DON'T know what they missed. They just don't....

Also in relation to my point about being black. It's like this to me, blacks at large have 3 options. Get good at sports, join the military, or become a porn star. Otherwise, forget it... And I'm not even joking. I honestly think now that I see this world and how black people are like really the last goddamn link on the food chain out there, hell yeah that's all there is for them.

It's not a bad move really. Porn has become so boring as fuck. Only porn that's any fun is interracial porn to me. Seeing two masses of pink flesh smacking away at each other just not as fun in the end.

A big dirty black fucker ripping a white girl in half, goddamn masterpiece....

Hey it's a business and people demand it, make the money and run I say.

But I'm hoping porn does indeed become more sophisticated in the future. Right now they just are all basically the same. Some chick walks in the room bends over and five dicks go flying at her ass. Then it's over.

I mean it's got to get more interesting than that in the end. I mean have a story or some shit. Doesn't have to be casablanca but at least be captivating so that when
we do get to the porn it's like, a well earned reward.

I remember how hard it was to wait through hours of movies for a nude scene to come along but when it did, it was so much more satisfying. You see this chick hanging out in the movie for hours fully clothed then boom some how her shirt gets ripped off and you get a nice full glimpse of those titties that have been hidden for so long, nothing better than that.