Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Ugh, so bored right now...

Reading facebook like a maniac. I mean I never thought I'd get to be so involved in the lives of the people I saw on TV on a daily basis, ya never think that. And maybe we shouldn't. I mean there's probably an entire psychology to this whole social media thing you can study in some course. It's beyond cool though. I always wondered what Jaleel's life was like with his daughter, and I can have that through his facebook page. He's all about his kid, not hiding her from the world or being secretive about it. That's beautiful. You never see celeb dads showing off their kids, they're always trying to hide them from us all. Why? They're just kids, wtf. And she's adorable. I wonder what she'll make of herself one day.

It's definitely a whole new world now. How's a show like Game Shakers going to survive in the new internet world is the a good question. We don't live in that old world where tv was the primary place to see entertainment and news. It's right here in the internet every day.

I mean the show is about the new internet era in the end isn't it. It's about kids using the web to make games and release them which is happening all the time. They're those child prodigies like Geohot who break major companies software and shit...

There's so much stuff to explore regarding that subject.

what am I doing is the question. I'm trying to get ready to play Lando for Kasdan and the Lego movie guys. I'll say it a thousand times if I have to, I'm the only guy you will ever need for that role. I'm even reading f'n vector prime right now to get my head back into the star wars universe which I haven't really done since the prequel days. How do I feel about the prequels? They're misguided though earnest attempts at doing star wars movies. Obviously Lucas bit off way more than he could possibly chew and nobody on set told him his ideas were bad. So we got what we got. Now we'll get more balanced star wars, I hope. No one making the new movies has unlimited power like Lucas had, so there will be a more democratic method to these films.

Going to continue working on my Static Shock live action project. Got the tripod in the mail. Finalized the costume design for the final shot in the trailer where you see Static in full gear.

It's something I want to do because all the other static shock fan films are garbage basically. I want to do it properly.

Lastly I'll be on GTA and Battlefield for the next 3 days back and forth really. Having a blast with the freemode events. They're pretty damn good.

Prepping for Battlefront. I don't know nor care if the game is good. That's not the point. What's going to be cool is to have big massive online matches with other star wars nerds and talking shit to them after the battle. That's what's going to make the game worth it.

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