Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tool of the government

I am a tool of the government. Everything i do and everything I say is constantly being monitored by them. That's why my father's the way he is. He's STILL in the military. He never goddamn left. My entire life was part of a planned out system, but for whatever reason something went wrong. And so now I'm like a damaged piece of equipment. It cost tax payers 500,000 dollars to train me... FOR NOTHING. I'm still just hanging around here doing shit squat. I feel like I owe them something, I really do. My job is to be guardian to the children in America, period. And I understand that and am willing to do it, but my seargant was right, I can't do my job well without being happy.

Heh insanity, doing the same thing expecting a different result. No shit.

I don't know why I do anything. i'm like the joker I guess. Just doing whatever the fuck feels like fun for the time being.

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