Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Real education

So fucked up what's going on in phillipenes. I wish I could go over there and provide services. THAT'S what life's all about, not YOU, not ME, but going over to a country that's devastated and HELPING those in need.

But noooooooooooooo you won't find that attitude in this country, life here is PORN, AND WOE IS ME... MY LIFE IS SO HARD.

Anyway, I've got to hopefully give someone in this world some education on healthy living.

That's what I want to give to the throngs of whoever the fuck is online. I KNOW there's some heat on my ass. I DON'T CARE. What I do care about is helping YOU improve yourself.

You dumbasses are FAT and apparently don't know how to slim down.

I'm going to MAKE YOU slim down.

Go to rite aid, get some fat burner pills.

Go to the supermarket, get plenty of protein.

If you don't have a george forman grill, GET ONE.

Now Abandon Mcdonalds. Don't EVER fucking go there again.

Remove all sugar from your diet.

Eat ONLY protein all day. And drink plenty of water. take the fat burning pills too. They work.

In about a week, you'll drop 10 pounds. And it'll just keep dropping until you're slim as your body was meant to be.

THIS is education. Not whatever shit they teach at college. I have NOTHING against college. I know that there are people born into this world who are geniuses and have minds above and beyond anything normal people can fathom and thusly they've designed a system to promote smart people to higher levels of living in this world. Very good. But I can't begin to make sense of why you go to college like I do and yet not learn 1 fucking thing about shedding pounds and have to consult google for the truth. so FUCK college.

This is all I ever wanted in life. To slim down. Get muscular. I don't care if people don't think I'm mr. Smarty pants. That doesn't even BEGIN to bother me. The thing that I've personally been struggling with is losing weight, and I'm not alone.

Your body is supposed to stay lean and muscular well into your goddamn 50s, yet people go their entire lives completely fat and flabby like morons simply because they're not educated about health in this society.

So sad, because when I figured it out, it was like, BOOM that's all? Just eat LESS or eliminate certain things? Oh shit. But there ya go. It's so fucking simple. You don't even need the gym at all.

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